1. 走向共和_百度百科
2003年4月12日. 导演. 张黎. 编剧. 盛和煜、张建伟. 主演. 王冰、吕中、孙淳、马少骅、李光洁、杨猛. 中文名. 走向共和. 外文名. For the Sake of the Republic of China( ...
2. Towards the Republic (2003) - MyDramaList
Towards the Republic (Chinese Drama); 走向共和; For the Sake of the Republic, Zou Xiang Gong He; The series is based on events that occurred in China ...
The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty...
3. For the Sake of the Republic (2003) - The Movie Database
Series Cast. Lü Zhong as 慈禧太后 Empress Cixi · Lü Zhong. 慈禧太后 Empress ... Facts. Original Name 走向共和. Status Ended. Network. See more TV shows from ...
Towards the Republic, also known as For the Sake of the Republic and Zou Xiang Gong He, is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV in China from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
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4. 走向共和 - 豆瓣电影
走向共和第53集 · 走向共和第25集 · 走向共和第9集 · 走向共和第22集
5. 走向共和(2003年张黎执导电视连续剧) - 百科
慈禧太后要修颐和园风光地过她六十岁生日, 李鸿章担心日本扩充海军渐成威胁,想加强北洋水师实力,设"海防捐",又找洋人借钱,结果竹篮打水一场空,只得搞了一次令人心酸的演习 ...
6. 走向共和(2003年张黎执导的电视剧) - 百科
《走向共和》是由张黎执导,王冰、吕中、马少骅、孙淳、李光洁等主演,盛和煜、张建伟担任编剧,中央电视台、北京同道影视节目制作有限公司等联合出品的中国近代史题材电视剧, ...
7. 走向共和(2003)
剧集演员 ; Lü Zhong as 慈禧太后Empress Cixi · Lü Zhong. 慈禧太后Empress Cixi. 68 集 ; Wang Bing as 李鸿章Li Hongzhang. Wang Bing. 李鸿章Li Hongzhang. 68 集 ; 孫淳 ...
8. 电视剧:《走向共和》(2003)
精彩度评分:10.0分,非常好看(共5人打分) · 真实度评分:8.4分,基本真实(共5人打分) · 别名:For the sake of the Republic of China · 导演:张黎 · 演员:马少骅,石佳丽,孙淳,王冰 ...
9. Towards The Republic (Series) - TV Tropes
The focus of the series is on the key political actors of the period, namely Dowager Empress Cixi, the Guangxu Emperor, Li Hongzhang, Yuan Shikai, Kang Youwei, ...
Towards The Republic a.k.a. For The Sake Of The Republic (original title èµ°åå ±å) is a historical Chinese TV series that first played on CCTV-1 in 2003. It is a somewhat …
10. 走向共和- 抖音百科
扮演慈禧的是著名演员吕中,她当时已经年过六旬,为了好好准备,吕中苦读剧本,结果足足病了一个月,制片方一直等吕中康复以后才开机。 扮演袁世凯的是演员孙淳。据史料记载, ...