Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge from MRDs - [PDF Document] (2024)


Automatic Acquisition ofLexical Knowledge from MRDs

Tesi doctoral presentada alDepartament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics

de la Universitat Politècnica de catalunya

per optar al grau deDoctor en Informàtica


German Rigau ClaramuntDepartament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics

Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaJordi Girona Salgado, 1-3 08034 Barcelona. Catalonia


sota la direcció del doctorHoracio Rodríguez Hontoria

Barcelona, Maig 1998

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This thesis wouldn’t have been possible without the aid and collaboration of many peoplewhom I wish to thank.

The hardest and longest task has been carried out by Horacio Rodríguez. His devotion andpatience has gone far beyond what one expects from an advisor, a colleague or a friend.

A very special mention is reserved to Eneko Agirre for his contributions to this research.Working with him has been always productive and fun.

Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to the (current and past) members of theNatural Language Research Group. I would like specially mention the persons who introduceme in the Artificial Inteligence Section: Núria Castell and Felisa Verdejo. And the linguisticteam: Toni Martí, Irene Castellón, Mariona Taulé and Salvador Climent. And the softwareteam: Alicia Ageno, Francesc Ribas, Lluís Padró, Lluís Marquez, Jordi Atserias, Jordi Turmo,Toni Tuells, Xavier Farreres, Gerard Escudero and Laura Benítez.

I also want to thank the Software Department at the UPC for facilitating my research.And the Computer Research Laboratory at NMSU where I performed a stay of three monthsduring 1994. I would like specially mention: David Farwell, Jim Cowie and Louise Guthrie.

This research couldn’t be possible without the lexical resources used. The monolingual andbilingual dictionaries provided by Biblograf and WordNet provided by the University ofPrinceton.

I am also in gratitude with our colleagues of the European projects. Specially with TedBriscoe, Ann Copestake, John Carroll and Piek Vossen.

Above all, my deepest gratitude and love go to my fathers and brothers. And Montse, no onehas sacrified more and complained less.

The author has been also supported by a grant awarded by the Ministry of Education andScience, 92-BOE-16392 and the work has also been partially funded by the following projectsand initialives:

Acquilex-I (Esprit BRA 3030) UE projectAcquilex-II (Esprit BRA 7315) UE projectEuroWordNet (LE4003) UE projectITEM (TIC96-1243-C03-03) Spanish Department of Research project.CIRIT. Grup de Recerca de Qualitat 1995SGR-00566

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1. Introduction and Motivation 13

1.1 Setting 131.2 On lexical acquisition 14

1.2.1 Information needed by the lexicon 141.2.2 Sources of lexical information 141.2.3 Methods of lexical acquisition 15

1.3 Lexical acquisition from MRDs 151.4 Brief overview of the thesis 191.5 Outline of the thesis 23

2. Words and Works 27

2.1 Introduction 272.2 What information is necessary in the lexicon? 27

2.2.1 Granularity of the information 282.2.2 Representation of the information 282.2.3 Scope of the information 292.2.4 Way of accessing the information 29

2.3 Where is the information needed for the lexicon? 292.4 How to extract that information? 312.5 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from MRDs 322.6 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from Corpora 362.7 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition Combining Resources 382.8 Main International Projects on Lexical Acquisition 40

3. The Methodology and SEISD 43

3.1 Introduction 433.2 Methodology 43

3.2.1 Lexical knowledge sources used 433.2.2 Lexical knowledge to be extracted 453.2.3 Lexical knowledge representation 463.2.4 General methodology 46

3.3 The main objectives of SEISD 493.4 SEISD architecture 503.5 Common subsystems used in SEISD 52

3.5.1 LDB 523.5.2 LKB 523.5.3 PRE 52

3.6 SEISD as a support of the extraction methodology 533.6.1 Semantic knowledge acquisition 53 Analysers used in TaxBuild and SemBuild 543.6.1.2 Selecting the correct genus term 553.6.1.3 Genus sense identification 55

vi i i The analysis of the differentiae 563.6.2. Mapping the semantic knowledge onto the LKB 57 The Conversion Rule System 573.6.2.2 Using the CRS to map lexical knowledge 57

3.6.3 Multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition 583.6.3.1 Tlinks 583.6.3.2 TGE: Tlinks Generation Environment 603.6.3.3 Using the TGE to generate tlinks 60

3.6.4 Semantic knowledge validation and exploitation 603.7 Conclusions 61

4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process 63

4.1 Introduction 634.2 Definition of the main semantic subsets 63

4.2.1 Predefined semantic primitives 634.2.2 Semantic coverage 67

4.3 Genus disambiguation 684.3.1 Genus Term Selection vs. Genus Sense Disambiguation 684.3.2 Word Sense Disambiguation 694.3.3 Genus Sense Disambiguation 744.3.4 Measures of semantic relatedness 76

4.4 Semantic knowledge acquisition from the differentia 794.4.1 Parsing dictionary definitions 794.4.2 Placing the semantic knowledge in the LKB 80

4.5 Multilingual mapping of lexical units 814.6 Validation of the Lexical Knowledge Base 82

4.6.1 Querying the Lexical Knowledge Base 824.6.2 The LDB 824.6.3 The LKB 834.6.4 LDB/LKB integration 84

4.7 Conclusions 85

5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition 87

5.1 Introduction 875.2 Main semantic subsets in DGILE 87

5.2.1 Predefined semantic primitives in DGILE 875.2.2 Attaching DGILE dictionary senses to semantic primitives 89 Attach WordNet synsets to DGILE headwords 895.2.2.2 Collect the salient words for every semanticprimitive 925.2.2.3 Enrich DGILE definitions with WordNet semantic primitives 93

5.2.3 Selecting the main top beginners for a semantic primitive 955.2.4 Conclusions 98

5.3 Semantic knowledge acquisition from the genus terms in DGILE 985.3.1 (Semi)automatic construction of taxonomies 985.3.2 Automatic construction of taxonomies 99 Test sampling 995.3.2.2 Measures for testing 995.3.2.3 Derived lexical resources used by the heuristics 100 Cooccurrence data 1005. Multilingual data 100 Heuristicsfor Genus Sense Disambiguation 101

ix Heuristic 1: Monosemous genus term 1025. Heuristic 2: Entry sense ordering 1025. Heuristic 4: Explicit semantic domain 1025. Heuristic 3: Word matching 1025. Heuristic 5: Simple concordance 1025. Heuristic 6: Cooccurrence vectors 1025. Heuristic 7: Semantic vectors 1035. Heuristic 8: Conceptual distance 1035. Combining Results 104 Building automatically large scale taxonomiesfrom DGILE 105

5.4 Semantic knowledge acquisition from the differentia in DGILE 1075.4.1 Analysing definitions 1075.4.2 Placing the knowledge into the LKB 108

5.5 Conclusions 110

6. Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition 111

6.1 Introduction 1116.2 Multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition 111

6.2.1 Introduction 1116.2.2 Translation Tlinks 1126.2.3 Multilingual Lexical Resources 1136.2.4 Linking lexical entries across Languages 113

6.3 Linking DGILE to LDOCE 1166.4 Linking DGILE to WordNet 1186.5 Linking Bilingual Dictionaries to WordNet 120

6.5.1 Methods 1216.5.1.1 Class Methods 1226.5.1.2 Conceptual Distance Methods 123

6.5.2 Combining Methods 1256.6 Conclusions 126

7. Conclusions and Further Work 127

7.1 Introduction 1277.2 Main contributions 1277.3 Main results 1317.4 Further work 133

Dictionaries 135

References 137

Appendix 153


Summary of Contents

1. Introduction and Motivation

This chapter is devoted to motivate the work done on acquiring lexical knowledge fromMachine-Readable Dictionaries (MRDs). It also introduces the methodology followed in thisthesis for the automatic construction of a large and highly structured multilingual lexicalknowledge base (MLKB) directly from monolingual and bilingual MRDs. After the firstsection, which presents the framework of this thesis, Section 2 is devoted to explaining themain facets related to the construction of massive lexicons that are useful for NaturalLanguage Processing (NLP). Section 3 focuses on the construction of such lexicons using MRDs.Section 4 introduces, with a brief example, the methodology used by the Sistema d’Extracciód’Informació Semàntica de Diccionaris (SEISD, System for Extraction of Semantic Informationfrom Dictionaries) and the subsystems it contains. Finally, Section 5 overviews the remainingchapters.

2. Words and Works

This chapter summarizes and discusses the main problems we have to face during lexicalacquisition tasks. Different approaches related with such problems are described and themain results are presented. This takes the form of an in-depth study of the different lexicalacquisition approaches, methodologies and experiments appearing in the literature, i.e.: a)what information/knowledge is needed in the lexicon? (Section 2), b) where is thisinformation/knowledge located? (Section 3) and c) what procedures can be applied to extractthis information/knowledge from its sources? (Section 4). In Section 5, we perform an in-depthstudy of lexical knowledge acquisition from MRDs. Section 6 studies the work on lexicalknowledge acquisition from corpora and Section 7 on mixing structured and not structuredresources. Finally, Section 8 accounts for the main international projects currently existing inthe field of lexical acquisition.

3. The Methodology and SEISD

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the general methodology for creating aMultilingual Lexical Knowledge Base (MLKB) from monolingual and bilingual MRDs and topresent SEISD, the software system that supports this methodology. After introducing, inSection 2, the main methodological considerations, in Section 3 the main objectives of theSEISD are explained. The components of the environment are briefly described in Section 4and Section 5. Section 6 is presents the whole acquisition process using SEISD. This Section isdivided also in four subsections. Subsection 6.1 is devoted to the semantic knowledgeacquisition process and Subsection 6.2 to the mapping process of the acquired knowledge ontothe Lexical Knowledge Base (LKB). In Subsection 6.3 the multilingual knowledge acquisitiontask is presented and finally, Subsection 6.4 describes the exploitation and validation processof the acquired lexical knowledge.


4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process

The basic aim of this chapter is to describe briefly the main problems faced by SEISD inorder to perform the acquisition of lexical knowledge from MRDs. Thus, it provides an indepth study of those subtasks SEISD is deal with. Section 2 explains differentmethodological approaches for classifying the concepts described within an MRD. Section 3 isdevoted to several approaches for the construction of taxonomies from a monolingual MRD.Section 4 deals with the extraction of the main semantic relations from the dictionarydefinitions and their mapping onto a Lexical Knowledge Base (LKB). Section 5 focuses on theconstruction of multilingual Lexical Knowledge Bases and finally, Section 6 is devoted to themain mechanisms used for the validation and exploitation of the multilingual LKB.

5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

This chapter covers the main experiments and results concerning the acquisition of lexicalknowledge by using SEISD on the monolingual dictionary Diccionario General Ilustrado de laLengua Española (DGILE). After a short introduction, Section 2 deals with the automaticselection of the main semantic primitives present in DGILE. Section 3 is devoted to theautomatic acquisition of taxonomies from DGILE, and Section 4 describes the work done on theautomatic acquisition of knowledge from the definitions contained in DGILE.

6. Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

The purpose of this chapter is to present the work carried out for the automaticconstruction of the multilingual facet of the LKB. While Section 2 presents the completeframework and resources used by SEISD for linking lexical entries across languages, Section 3shows the main techniques and results, applying this process by attaching Spanish lexicalunits to English ones.

7. Conclusions and Further Work

This chapter summarizes the work presented in this thesis, and also the results obtained.Thus, in Section 2 the main goals achieved during this work are shown. Section 3 lists themain lexical resources acquired from the MRDs during the work presented here and, at theend, Section 4 describe the further work we are planning to do.





Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


Chapter 1

Introduction and Motivation

1.1 Setting

The automatic acquisition of knowledge, a central issue in artificial intelligence, is themain field of the research work presented here. In particular, the thesis deals with theacquisition of lexical and conceptual knowledge, a topic of increasing importance withinComputational Linguistics (CL), Computational Lexicography (CLX) and Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP).

In recent years many NLP systems have reach the level of industrial products such asMachine Translation (MT), Text Comprehension, Text Summarization, Information Retrieval(IR) or Natural Language Interfaces, leading to a significant rise in the need for linguisticresources. Knowledge of and about words plays a central role in all these applications. Thus,the lexicon1, which represent lexical information reliably and precisely enough forautomated use, has become the focus of a great deal of research in CL theory, CLX and NLP.There are both theoretical and practical reasons for this trend.

On the theoretical side, most current linguistic theories (perhaps starting with [Chomsky70]) grant the lexicon a much larger role than before (e.g., Word Grammar [Hudson 84],Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) [Gazdar et al. 85] and Head-driven PhraseStructure Grammar (HPSG) [Pollard & Sag 94]). Much of the knowledge that in the classicaltheory resided in grammar rules now had to be based on the lexicon. Thus, the lexicaldimension of the recent linguistic theories has grown.

On the practical side, as NLP systems become more sophisticated and potentially able tomake the transition from laboratories to industry, the need for large lexicons becomes morepressing. The lexicon is recognized as one of the majors problems in NLP applications bothbecause of the need for substantial vocabulary in habitable NLP systems and because of theincreasing complexity. The term "lexical bottleneck" [Briscoe 91] describes the problem thelack of lexical resources causes in existing NLP technologies, and the problems of getting suchresources into NLP systems. The task of constructing realistic lexicons for natural languages isformidable because of the enormous amount of words and knowledge to be dealt with. Thereare many words and many distinct types of information about words potentially relevant todifferent kinds of NLP tasks. Furthermore, the total amount of useful lexical resources forNLP is not the same for different languages. While for English several large-scale lexiconsare available (e.g., WordNet [Miller 90], Alvey Lexicon [Grover et al. 93], Comlex [Grishmanet al. 94], etc.) there are few Spanish wide-range lexicons available for NLP. The workpresented here attempts to lay out some solutions to overcome or alleviate these problems.

The setting of the thesis thus having been determined, the next section deals with theaspects we need to take into account for the lexical acquisition. Section 1.3 focuses the lexicalacquisition problem on Machine-Readable Dictionaries (MRDs), possibly one of the most

1As in [Wilks et al. 96] by “lexicon” we mean a set of formalized entries to be used inconjunction with computer programs, and by “dictionary” the physical printed text givinglexical information, including meaning descriptions.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


useful on-line lexical resource available. Section 1.4 gives a brief overview of themethodology we have applied in this thesis and, finally, Section 1.5 outlines the thesis.

1.2 On lexical acquisition

In order to deal with the problem of lexical acquisition three central questions must beanswered: a) what lexical information/knowledge is needed for a concrete NLP system? b)where is this information/knowledge located? and c) which procedure can be applied toextract/handle this information/knowledge from its sources? These three main questions,namely the information needed by the lexicon, the possible sources of lexical knowledge andthe possible automatic methodologies (i.e., using a computer) that can be applied, frame thework presented in this thesis.

1.2.1 Information needed by the lexicon

The linguistic and conceptual information associated with each lexical entry placed in thelexicon depends on the NLP system. For each different NLP task, different informationattached to each lexical entry is requested. Usually, the lexicon is used:

• to obtain the morphological inflexion, composition or derivation patterns.• to assign morphologic, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic properties.• to assign the (simple or complex) syntactic category.• to obtain the possible translations.• to obtain statistical properties (e.g., frequency, cooccurrence patterns, etc.).

At least six broad types of information which are potentially relevant to NLP systemsmight be placed in the lexicon:

• phonology: phonemes, stress, etc.• morphology: parts of speech, cooncordance patterns, etc.• syntax: syntactic category, subcategorization, predicate/argument structure, valences,

cooccurrence patterns, etc.• semantics: semantic class, properties of the class, selectional restrictions, etc.• pragmatics: usage, registers, topic domains, etc.• Translation Links: the architecture of the Machine Translation system determines the

transfer level. A lexical driving transfer mechanism needs a complete different source andtarget lexicon than a more conceptual (close to the interlingua) Machine Translation system.

Obviously, a specific lexicon for a specific NLP system does not need all this information.The lexical information needed for a spell-checker system may be completely different from,for instance, a Natural Language Interface system. And, of course, most of the informationthat could be attached to a lexical entry depends on the part(s) of speech of that entry. Forexample, selectional restrictions are usually attached to verbs, while number can be attachedto nouns, pronouns or verbs, etc. The duality between the lexical/conceptual information thatmost NLP systems need is an important issue to be borne in mind.

1.2.2 Sources of lexical information

Three main sources of information for building wide-coverage lexicons for NLP systems canbe considered:

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


• Introspection, i.e., constructing the lexicon using the knowledge about the language andthe world that the human builder of the NLP system owns (e.g., Linguistic String Project[Sager 81], CYC [Lenat & Guha 90], EDR [Uchida 90] and WordNet [Miller 1990]1) .

• Structured lexical resources such as conventional monolingual and bilingual dictionariesform an excellent starting point for building substantial lexicons because they constitute ahighly structured and relevant source of information about words and meanings (e.g., [Amsler81], [Boguraev & Briscoe 89a], [Dolan et al. 93], [Wilks et al. 96], [Richardson 97]). Thesauri(e.g., [Yarowsky 92] or [Grefenstette 93]), encyclopaedias (e.g., [Gomez et al. 94]) or otherlexical resources for human use could also be considered.

• Unstructured lexical resources such as corpora provide an additional though lessorganized source, relating to issues of usage, such as the relative frequency of word senses orthe range and frequency of different patterns of syntactic realization (e.g., [Church & Hanks90] and [Zernik 91]).

As could be expected, it is not realistic to obtain all the information needed for a lexiconfrom only one source. Consequently, these sources are often used in combination (e.g., [Carroll &Grover 89], [Grishman et al. 94], [Knight & Luk 94], [Ribas 94] or [Klavans & Tzoukermann96]).

1.2.3 Methods of lexical acquisition

The literature shows two main alternative approaches to the lexical acquisition process:the prescriptive approach and the descriptive approach. In the prescriptive approach, a setof primitives is defined, or prescribed, prior to or in the course of designing and developing thewhole system. The descriptive approach, on the other hand, allows a natural set ofprimitives derived from a natural source of data without any preexisting frame.

From the point of view of human intervention, the information attached to each lexicalentry can be obtained by manual, automatic or semi-automatic approaches depending on themethods applied, sources used and the information needed for a particular application.

Three major approaches to lexical acquisition have been developed: machine-aidedmanual construction, (semi)automatic extraction from preexisting lexical resources and thecombination of both.

1.3 Lexical acquisition from MRDs

One reason why the lexical capabilities of NLP systems has remained weak is because ofthe labour intensive nature of encoding lexical entries for the lexicon. It has been estimatedthat the average time needed to construct a lexical entry for a NLP system by hand is about 30minutes [Neff et al. 93]. If we assume that the task of developing an adequate "core" lexicon isequivalent to that of developing a conventional advanced learners dictionary (containingtypically between 40,000 and 50,000 entries), then the labour runs into tens of persons/year.

An interesting approach might be to take advantage of preexisting lexical resources.Dictionaries are texts whose subject matter is vocabulary and meaning. Machine-ReadableDictionaries (MRDs), the conventional dictionaries for human use on a computer support,usually "contains spelling, pronunciation, hyphenation, capitalization, usage notes forsemantic domains, geographic regions, and propriety; etymological, syntactic and semanticinformation about the most basic units of the language" [Amsler 81]. In addition, the words aredescribed in terms of senses (lexical concepts), and the concepts are described in terms of words.

This thesis will focus on the massive acquisition of lexical knowledge from MRDs usingautomatic methodologies. That is, considering the three factors mentioned in Section 1.2., wewill show a) the different kinds of information that can be extracted from b) structured

1See an overview of CYC, WordNet and EDR, with comments from the authors, in [ACM 95].

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


lexical resources such as monolingual and bilingual MRDs by applying c) automaticprocedures.

It is clear that different dictionaries do not contain the same explicit information. Despitethis, we will prove in the course of this thesis that any conventional dictionary contains agreat amount of implicit lexical knowledge that is useful for NLP tasks and can be extractedusing automatic approaches. Compare, for instance, the following Diccionario General de laLengua Española VOX (DGILE1) and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE2)“lispified” entries corresponding to “paella”:

((paella )(ETIM cat., sartén; V. padilla )(Sense 1)(CA f.)(DEF Plato de arroz seco, con carne, legumbres, etc., muy usado en la región valenciana.)(Sense 2)(CA f.)(DEF Sartén donde se hace dicho plato.))

((paella )(HN 0)(SN 0)(PS n)(GC U)(PC FO--)(SC 5)(DF rice cooked with pieces of meat, fish, and vegetables in, esp. in Spain))

These lexical entries are in Lexical Data Base form. That is, each piece of informationcontained in a lexical entry have been split into different labelled fields. For the DGILElexical entry, ETIM stands for etymology, CA for part of speech and DEF for definition. TheSpanish lexical entry contains morphological information (the two senses of ”paella” havethe code “female noun” as part of speech), no syntactic information coded and no explicitsemantic information is provided. In addition, some other explicit information can be found indifferent DGILE lexical entries, such as flection, compounds, semantic relations (e.g.,synonymy, antonymy, etc.), domain codes (e.g., music, military, etc.), geographical codes,usage codes, etc.

For the LDOCE lexical entry, HN stands for hom*onym number, SN for sense number, PS forpart of speech (noun), GC for grammatical code (collective), PC for pragmatic code (primarycode FOOD), SC for semantic code (organic materials) and DF for definition (using apredefined defining vocabulary of 2,000 words). Verbal entries in LDOCE contains other kindsof information such as subject preference, typical object, indirect object preference, etc.

It soon becomes clear that the amount of coded information per entry in LDOCE is greaterthan in DGILE3. This explicit information in LDOCE makes it easy to extract other implicitinformation (i.e., taxonomies [Bruce et al. 92]). Does this mean that only highly structureddictionaries such as LDOCE are suitable to be exploited to provide lexical resources for NLPsystems? This thesis seeks to show we can extract, by means of automatic procedures, usefulexplicit and implicit information for NLP systems from any conventional dictionary (that is,with no explicit semantic codification).

1 A study of the information content of the DGILE dictionary can be found in [Castellón et al.91].2 A detailed study of LDOCE dictionary information can be seen in [Boguraev & Briscoe 89] or[Wilks et al. 96].3 For instance, 44% of LDOCE senses contain pragmatic codes.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


Obviously, explicit information can be directly used to construct ad-hoc lexicons. Forinstance, inflection or part of speech in MRDs can be used straightforwardly as a lexicalcomponent of simple morphological analysers1. LDOCE grammar codes have been extensivelyused as lexical information for parsing systems (i.e., [Boguraev & Briscoe 89b], [Carroll &Grover 89], [Sanfillippo 94]). LDOCE semantic and pragmatic codes have been used to assist inthe automatic extraction of implicit semantic information (i.e., [Copestake 90], [Bruce et al.92]).

Many researchers believe that for effective NLP it is necessary to build a LexicalKnowledge Base which includes taxonomic information. This Lexical Knowledge Base shouldcontain facts such as specializations (class/subclass relations) or instantiation (class/instancerelations) and mechanisms for the inheritance of properties and other inferences. It is clearthat monolingual MRDs contain knowledge about the language and knowledge about theworld that is essential for NLP systems (e.g., [Byrd 89], [Vossen et al. 89], [Wilks et al. 93],[Dolan et al. 93], [Kilgarriff 93], [Wilks et al. 96], [Guthrie et al. 96], [Richardson 97]).

However, as is soon realized, an MRD does not offers an immediately usable resource as acomputational lexicon. Dictionaries are usually built for human use, and not for machine use.Some researchers have concluded that dictionaries are inadequate as a source of semanticinformation to serve as the Lexical Knowledge Base for sophisticated semantic processing(i.e., [Walker & Amsler 86] and [Atkins et al. 86]). Definitions frequently fail to express evenbasic facts about word meanings. Consider, for instance, the lexical entry flor_1_1 2 (flower)in DGILE:

flor_1_1 Órgano complejo de la reproducción sexual en las plantas fanerógamas,procedente de la evolución de las hojas de un brote, ... (literally, complex organfor sexual reproduction in phanerogamic plants, originating from the evolutionof the leaves in a bud, ...)

This definition lacks any detailed description of the physical structure of flowers,information about instances of flowers, and so on.

Given a dictionary in book form, i.e., for human use, the only way to find information abouta given word is to look it up, then explore the semantic content of any words mentioned in itsentry, and so on. This strategy could be called the forward-chaining model of dictionaryconsultation. Another possible strategy is be the backward-chaining model, that is, whenlooking up a word, consulting not only its own definition but also the definitions of any wordwhich mentions it. The important point here is that much of the information about a givenword's meaning is typically located not in the entry for that word itself, but rather in theentries for other words.

This possibility was noted, but not implemented, by [Amsler 81] and exploited for the firsttime by [Chodorow et al. 85], who found semantic links between the different lexicalcomponents of the Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary (W7N). These semanticlinks between words produce a huge and highly interconnected network of concepts linked byarcs labelled with semantic relations such as case relations (agent, patient, recipient, time,location, goal, cause, purpose, etc.), class/membership relations (hypernymy and hyponymy),part/whole relations (part-of, member-of, substance-of, etc.), which can be used as a LexicalKnowledge Base (LKB) of use for NLP systems (e.g., [Jensen & Binot 87], [Fox et al. 88], [Byrd89], [Vanderwende 95]).

Let us consider this approach in more detail. Searching DGILE for entries which mention"flor" in their definitions allows us to construct a highly detailed picture of what a flower is:where we can usually find flowers, which are the parts of the physical structure of flowers,the fact that bees collect nectar from them, the places where they are sold, the people whosell flowers, a list of different instances of flowers, etc.

1 SegWord (see Section 3.5.1) and MACO [Acebo et al. 94] use a lexicon derived from SpanishMRDs.2i.e., the first sense of the first hom*onym of the headword "flor" in the DGILE dictionary.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


Places where flowers are found:

jardín_1_1 Terreno donde se cultivan plantas y flores ornamentales. (garden:extension of land where plants and ornamental flowers are grown).

florero_1_4 Maceta con flores. (vase: pot with flowers).ramo_1_3 Conjunto natural o artificial de flores, ramas o hierbas. (bouquet:

natural or artificial set of flowers, branches or herbaceous plants).

Parts of flowers:

pétalo_1_1 Hoja que forma la corola de la flor. (petal: leaf that forms the corollaof the flower) .

tálamo_1_3 Receptáculo de la flor. (thalamus: receptacle of the flower).néctar_1_3 Líquido azucarado que contienen ciertas flores. (nectar: sweet liquid

contained in some flowers).polen_1_1 Polvillo fecundante contenido en la antera de los estambres de las

flores. (pollen: fecundated dust contained in theanthers on the flower’sstamens).

Products of flowers:

miel_1_1 Substancia viscosa y muy dulce que elaboran las abejas, en unadistensión del esófa*go, con el jugo de las flores y luego depositan en lasceldillas de sus panales. (honey: viscous, very sweet substance producedby bees, in a distension of the oesophagus, with the juice of flowers andthen deposited in the cells of their honeycombs) .

Place where flowers are sold and people who sell flowers:

florería_1_1 Floristería; tienda o puesto donde se venden flores. (florist's shop:florist’s; shop or stall where flowers are sold) .

florista_1_1 Persona que tiene por oficio hacer o vender flores. (florist: person whosejob is to make or sell flowers).

floricultor_1_1 Persona que tiene por oficio cultivar las flores. (floriculturist: personwhose job is to grow flowers).

Kinds of flowers:

camelia_1_1 Arbusto cameliáceo de jardín, originario de Oriente, de hojas perennes ylustrosas, y flores grandes, blancas, rojas o rosadas (Camellia japonica).(camellia: camelliaceous garden shrub, native to Asia, havingperennial glossy leaves and large white, red or pink flowers).

camelia_1_2 Flor de este arbusto. (camellia: flower of this shrub).rosa_1_1 Flor del rosal. (rose: flower of the rosebush).orquídea_1_2 Flor de una planta orquidácea. (orchid: flower of an orchidaceous

plant) .

Consider furthermore the following verb definitions:

abrir_1_22 Salir en las flores [los pétalos del capullo] (open: to come out in theflowers [the petals from the bud])

cerrar_1_19 Juntar las flores sus pétalos (close: to join the petals of the flowers)florecer_1_1 Echar flor. (bloom: to flower)florar_1_1 Dar flor una planta, florecer. (bloom: to flower a plant)nacer_1_3 aparecer las hojas, flores, frutos o brotes en la planta. (born: to appear

the leaves, flowers or sprouts of the plant)

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


pecorear_1_2 Salir las abejas a recoger el néctar de las flores. (collect: to go out thebees to collect the nectar from the flowers)

romper_1_16 Abrirse las flores. (start: to open the flowers)

were the typical actions related to flowers are described (ways the flowers grow, etc.).

Consider moreover the following verb definitions not related to flowers:

barrer_1_1 limpiar (el suelo) con la escoba (sweep: to clean (a floor) with a broom).freír_1_1 cocer (un manjar) en aceite o grasa hirviendo. (fry: to cook (a food) in

boiling oil or lard).comprar_1_1 adquirir (una cosa) a cambio de cierta cantidad de dinero. (buy: to purchase

(a thing) in exchange for a certain amount of money).cazar_1_1 buscar o perseguir (a las aves, fieras, etc.) para cogerlas o matarlas. (hunt:

to search for or pursue (birds, wild animals, etc.) in order to catch or killthem.)

where the typical objects (floor, dish, thing and animals), typical instruments (broom, oiland money) and a purpose (to take or kill) of some verbs are provided.

But all this great amount of knowledge collected for the use of human readers cannot beused directly for NLP tasks. First, it is necessary to extract the implicit information containedin the MRD non-systematically and represent this information formally and explicitly forfuture use in NLP systems.

Bilingual MRDs may contain phonetic, morphologic, syntactic and semantic knowledge,equivalent lexical translations, examples of usage, etc. Consider, for instance, the followingtwo entries from the Spanish/English and English/Spanish bilingual dictionaries.

flor f flower. 2 (piropo) compliment: • a ~ de piel, skin-deep; fig en la ~ de la vida, in theprime of life; fig la ~ y nata, the cream (of society).

flower ['flaw@r] n flor f. - 2 i florecer • ~ bed, parterre m.

Thus, the main goal of this thesis is not to demonstrate that an NLP lexicon can be built bycollecting implicit and explicit lexical knowledge from monolingual and bilingual MRDs(many examples have proved this statement) but to show that this process can be done, evenfor less structured and coded MRDs, with comparable results. In order to achieve this goal, acomplete methodology is proposed, and an integral system which supports the methodologyis provided (SEISD, Sistema d’Extraccció d’Informació Semàntica de Diccionaris). Althoughthe system implements automatic procedures for extracting lexical knowledge from anyconventional MRD, we perform the whole process using DGILE.

1.4 Brief overview of the thesis

The work for this thesis has been carried out in the framework of the Acquilex-I (BRA3030), Acquilex-II (BRA 7315) Esprit and EuroWordNet (LE 4003) projects. The major goalundertaken by these projects has been the construction of substantial Multilingual LexicalKnowledge Bases (MLKBs) from preexisting texts (MRDs and corpora) for use in NLP systems.The main aim of this thesis is to develop computational methods and techniques to allow theacquisition of lexical and semantic knowledge from MRDs.

In particular, this thesis provides a complete methodology and a whole system forextracting explicit and implicit information from monolingual and bilingual dictionaries toconstruct an MLKB using several preexisting structured lexical knowledge resources. SEISDenvironment (Sistema d'Extracció d'Informació Semàntica de Diccionaris) (see [Ageno et al.91b], [Ageno et al. 92a] and [Ageno et al. 92b]), the system which implements themethodology, has been applied to extract implicit semantic information from the

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


monolingual Spanish dictionary DGILE. This system integrates the two representationalformalisms used within Acquilex, i.e., the LDB and the LKB. The LDB [Carroll 92] is adatabase-like system which provides flexible access to dictionary entries via any of theinformation contained in the MRD, and the LKB [Copestake 92b] is a system developed torepresent lexical entries by means of typed Feature Structures constrained by a Type System.

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the general methodology forcreating an MLKB from MRDs and to present SEISD, the software system we implementedthat supports this methodology. Thus, this thesis has two main objectives:

•Developing a methodology for extracting explicit and implicit knowledge from MRDs inorder to build a MLKB.

• Applying this methodology to a huge, lossely structured, Spanish monolingualdictionary. Thus, another complementary objective has been the design and construction of thesoftware environment for supporting the methodology.

Briefly, the approach applied to build an MLKB is the following. First, the monolingualand bilingual MRDs are loaded into a standardized Lexical Data Base (LDB). Once an MRDis transformed into a Machine-Tractable Dictionary (MTD) [Wilks et al. 96] and placed in aLexical Data Base (LDB) the previously explained dictionary access strategies can beexploited. Secondly, separate semantic taxonomies are derived from these monolingual LDBsto create monolingual LKBs. Using bilingual LDBs, the monolingual LKBs are then linkedtogether in order to create an MLKB. Figure 1.1 depicts the approach for constructing anMLKB from monolingual MRDs.





MLKB... ... ...




Figure 1.1, general approach for building MLKBs from monolingual MRDs.

A computer environment has been developed to support this methodology. The SEISDenvironment is a modular and interactive system for extracting semantic information fromLDBs and providing ways to represent and exploit this information in an MLKB. Theenvironment allows the lexical information to be processed in an incremental, interactive and(semi)automatic way1, supplying lexicographers with complementary information to assist inthe extraction process. Several lexical knowledge resources, some of them external and othersderived from the MRD itself, are used for this purpose.

Four main issues were considered for designing the base methodology: the characteristicsof the lexical resources used, the information to be extracted from them, how to carry out theprocess and how to represent and exploit the information extracted (see Section 3.2).

Although several lexical knowledge resources are involved in this methodology, the mainone is the monolingual Spanish MRD Diccionario General Ilustrado de la Lengua EspañolaVOX (DGILE). Most of the contents of the final methodology presented in this work are due tothe specific features of this dictionary.

The most important semantic relation to be extracted from an MRD is the hypo/hypernymrelation between senses. That is, the subclass-superclass or ISA relation. This implicitrelation arises from the inherent structure of most usual dictionaries that allow us to constructconcept taxonomies from dictionary definitions.

The organization of a lexicon in the form of a hierarchy offers several advantages asregards efficiency of information storage. What is stated for concepts at the highest levels

1A minimal set of grammars, ontologies (the Type System), conversion rules, etc. must beprovided by lexicographers.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


can be inherited by senses at more specific levels. In this way, information stored once isdistributed to a whole class of concepts.

Thus, the hypo/hypernym relation between dictionary senses is not only important becauseit can be used as a backbone of taxonomies, but also because this relation acts as a support forthe main inheritance mechanisms, thus facilitating the acquisition of other relations andsemantic features [Cohen & Loiselle 88], providing formal structure and avoiding redundancyin the lexicon [Briscoe et al. 90]. Most of the effort reported in this work deals with this issue(see Sections 4.3 and 5.3).

From the point of view of sources of lexical information, rather than a single one, ourmethodology takes advantage of many sources of information. Although some parts of ourmethodology require introspection (mainly during the construction of the top ontology, that is,the Type System of the LKB) most of the lexical knowledge is acquired from structured lexicalresources (monolingual or bilingual dictionaries).

Thus, rather than a purely descriptive or prescriptive approach we propose a combinedstrategy. Although some parts of our methodology require human intervention (mainly duringthe construction of the Type System of the LKB) the lexicographer can select the appropriatedegree of interaction with the system, ranging from none (fully automatic but less accurate) tocomplete (manual and computer-aided, with a maximum degree of accuracy).

Consider, as an illustration of the acquisition process performed by SEISD, the lexicalentry fabada_1_1, belonging to the taxonomy alimento (food). The methodology is dividedinto six partial steps.

1) First, the top dictionary senses that cover the semantic classes to be represented in theLKB are selected and assigned to the appropriate semantic type (see Sections 4.2 and 5.2 for adetailed discussion of this issue). At this stage, for the taxonomy derived from caldo_1_1(broth) the dictionary sense root is attached to the c_art_subst (comestible-artifact-substance) type1.

Word sense: caldo_1_1Attached-to: c_art_subst type.Definition: alimento que resulta de cocer en agua la vianda (liquid which results from

cooking food in water).

2) Exploiting the implicit hypo/hypernym relation, the sense disambiguated taxonomiesare generated, collected, validated and attached to the same semantic class represented inthe Type System. This task is performed by the TaxBuild (Taxonomy Builder) module ofSEISD (see Sections,, 4.3 and 5.3). An example of a hyponym dictionary sense ofcaldo_1_1 following the hyponym chain through potaje_1_1 is fabada_1_1:

Word sense: potaje_1_1Hyponym-of: caldo_1_1Definition: caldo de olla u otro guisado (pot broth or other stew).FPar: ((CLASS CALDO))

Word sense: fabada_1_1Hyponym-of: potaje_1_1Definition: potaje de judías con tocino y morcilla, que se usa en asturias (stew made

with beans, lard and black pudding used in Asturias).FPar: ((CLASS POTAJE))

3) For each semantic class, the different conceptual nodes attached to it are processed inorder to obtain deeper knowledge of the case roles relations and content relations appearing inthe differentiae. This process is carried out by the SemBuild (Semantic Builder) of SEISD(see Sections, 4.4 and 5.4). For instance, the definition of fabada_1_1 gives a meaning

1 See Section 3.5.2 for a description of the Type System supporting the LKB.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


of the word fabada as a kind of stew (the genus term) but different from the other stewsbecause it is made with beans, lard and black pudding (the differentiae).

Word sense: caldo_1_1Hyponym-of: bebida_1_1Definition: líquido que resulta de cocer en agua la vianda (liquid which results from

cooking food in water).SinPar: [SN: [n: líquido],

SW: [p0r: que],SV: [v0v: resultar],SP: [r0d: de,

SV: [i0v: cocer]],SP: [r0p: en,

SN: [n: agua]],SN: [n: vianda]].

Word sense: potaje_1_1Hyponym-of: caldo_1_1Definition: caldo de olla u otro guisado (pot broth or other stew).SinPar: [SN: [n: caldo,

SP: [r0d: de,SN: [n: olla,

n: guisado]]]].

Word sense: fabada_1_1Hyponym-of: potaje_1_1Definition: potaje de judías con tocino y morcilla, que se usa en Asturias (stew made

with beans, lard and black pudding in Asturias).SinPar: [SN: [n: potaje,

SP: [r0d: de,SN: [n: judía]]],

SP: [r0p: con,SN: [n: tocino,

n: morcilla]],ORIGIN: [w: asturias]].

4) This enriched taxonomy is then represented in the LKB formalism in order to exploitthe inheritance and other inferential mechanisms that make explicit, for instance, theinherited properties of the hypernym lexical entries. This task is performed mainly by theCRS (Conversion Rule System) of SEISD (see Sections 3.6.2, 4.4.2 and 5.4). In our example,when the analysed fabada_1_1 is placed as a lexical entry into the LKB lexicon all the localand inherited information acquired (or represented in the Type System) is available. That is,the special ingredients of fabada_1_1 cooked in water (from caldo_1_1) are explicitlyrepresented in the qualia structure of fabada_1_1.

fabada x_1_1 < lex-noun-sign rqs > < potaje_X_I_1< lex-noun-sign rqs > < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id dictionary > = ("VOX") < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id word > = (“fabada”) < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id hom*onym-no > = (“1”) < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id sense-no > = (“1”) < rqs : constituency > = (“judía”, “tocino”, “morcilla”). < rqs : origin-area > = (“asturias”)

Steps 3 and 4 has been regarded as being evolutionary (e.g., [Vanderwende 95], [Arranz etal. 95]). That is, in contrast with single shot techniques, our methodology acquires knowledge

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


as a result of stepwise refinement allowing the lexicographer to inspect each step cycle of newknowledge being acquired.

5) Once a semantic class of lexical entries have been generated and placed in the LKB forthe different languages, the acquisition of multilingual lexical information by means of themultilingual connection between lexical entries can be performed. This process is carried out bythe TGE (Tlinks Generation Environment) module of SEISD (see Sections 3.6.3 and 4.5 andChapter 6). For instance, using the knowledge placed in the bilingual dictionaries, thefollowing links can be generated for fabada_x_1_1 and lexical entries of LDOCE (a similarmechanism has also been used, see 6.3.3, for linking lexical entries to WordNet synsets):

fabada_x_1_1 linked to stew_l_1_1 (by means of parent tlink).fabada_x_1_1 linked to broth_l_0_1 (by means of grandparent tlink).fabada_x_1_1 linked to stock_l_1_12 (by means of grandparent tlink).

6) Finally, when the extraction process ends, the lexical knowledge acquired must bevalidated and tested in order to look for incompleteness (for instance, daughter lexical entrieswith no differences between them), in order to perform further acquisition cycles or add newinformation manually. This process is aided by the LDB/LKB system enhancement (seeSections 3.6.4 and 4.6).

1.5 Outline of the thesis

This thesis focuses on the massive acquisition of lexical knowledge from monolingual andbilingual conventional dictionaries (on-line dictionaries or Machine-Readable Dictionaries,MRDs). A complete productive methodology for acquiring useful lexical knowledge fromMRDs has been designed. SEISD, a powerful, complete and flexible software system allowingus to acquire massive lexical knowledge from on-line monolingual and bilingual dictionariesand to represent and validate the lexical knowledge acquired in a Multilingual LexicalKnowledge Base, has been implemented. Finally, we propose, implement and experimentallytest various techniques in different methodological steps, obtaining improvements for severalof them.

Thus, in this thesis we set out to achieve the massive automatic acquisition of lexicalknowledge from conventional dictionaries allowing an easy construction of a large set of richlexicons (from MTDs to MLKBs) suitable for use in a wide range of NLP systems(morphological analysers, syntactic analysers, Information Retrieval systems, MachineTranslation applications, etc.). While for English a huge set of rich lexical resources areavailable (highly coded MRDs such as LDOCE, Lexical Data Bases such as Comlex, LexicalKnowledge Bases such as WordNet, etc.) this is not the case for the majority of languages(even for an widely spoken language such as Spanish). However, a great deal of monolingualand bilingual dictionaries are available for many languages. The possibility of obtaininglarge computational lexicons for NLP tasks from them using automatic techniques (even forless coded and structured dictionaries than LDOCE) is explored in this thesis.

In particular, we designed a complete methodology to build and validate an MLKB from aset of monolingual MRDs using bilingual MRDs to aid the linking process between languages.We applied this methodology to a concrete set of monolingual and bilingual MRDs (withtheir own particular characteristics: size, encoding, information content, etc.) without loosinggenerality. However, our methodology can be applied to any monolingual descriptivedictionary in any language.

As the majority of MRDs are not built for computational purposes, we designed a mixedmethodology. We prescribed a set of semantic primitives using the LKB and we derived anatural classification of the concepts represented implicitly in the MRD definitions.

We covered the whole methodology designning and implementing a complete modularcomputer system named SEISD (Sistema d’Extracció d’Informació Semàntica de Diccionaris)which provides a user-friendly interface with several subsystems and also a way of

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


integrating these subsystems with the management of the multiple sources of heterogeneousdata used by the system. SEISD was designed as a medium for the extraction methodologyand integrates the Acquilex representational formalisms and their supporting software tools.SEISD covers the main functions of the proposed methodology, that is, the extraction ofsemantic information implicitly located in DGILE (performed by the TaxBuild and SemBuildmodules), the mapping process of the information extracted to the LKB (covered by the CRS),the multilingual acquisition process (performed by the TGE ) and the validation andexploitation of the lexical knowledge acquired (carried out by the LDB/LKB System).

A central guideline was to build the whole system so as to perform each process semi-automatically. Once the whole system was finished, each module was tested in order toanalyse its performance (the results are reported in [Castellón 93] and [Taulé 95]). After thisfirst test, some improvements in both methodology and techniques applied were introducedinto some modules for efficacy (to obtain more information) and efficiency (to obtain thisinformation more easily, that is, applying fully automatic techniques). A second test wasperformed to compare the results with the previous ones, obtaining improvements in bothaspects (efficacy and efficiency). Thus, following the methodology presented in this thesisand using SEISD we are able to acquire more knowledge with less effort from conventionaldictionaries.

The rest of the thesis is structured as follows. After this introductory chapter, Chapter 2presents a general overview and discussion of the main alternatives, problems and resultsregarding lexical acquisition. That is, an in-depth study is provided of the different lexicalacquisition approaches, methodologies and experiments appearing in the literature.

Chapter 3 is intended as a general vision of the global methodology and the SEISDenvironment. Thus, firstly, the main methodological aspects of the lexical acquisition processare explained. This includes the characteristics of the lexical resources used, the informationto be extracted from them, how to carry out the process and how to represent and exploit theinformation extracted. Secondly, the main objectives, architecture and subsystems of SEISDare described. This second part makes a description of the different functions covered bySEISD as well as the different systems used to represent and exploit the lexical knowledge,the different analysers used to perform the acquisition and the different modules of SEISDarchitecture.

Although Chapter 2 covers the current state of the art on lexical acquisition, Chapter 4explores in depth the main problems that each of the SEISD modules is required to deal with.That is, Chapter 4 performs a deep study of the different approaches appearing in theliterature to carry out the different functions we designed for SEISD modules. Then, thisChapter focuses on the definition of the main semantic subsets, the construction of taxonomieshaving no explicit semantic information, the deeper semantic acquisition process, themultilingual lexical acquisition and the validation of the lexical knowledge extracted (thislast task, carried out by the LDB/LKB system of SEISD).

In Chapter 5 we explains the main results achieved applying the main methodology usingthe SEISD environment. A detailed study and evaluation of a concrete subset is carried out.The methodology and system have been tested on the task of acquiring as much lexicalsemantic knowledge as possible from a monolingual dictionary for a significant semanticdomain. Section 5.2 describes two new automatic techniques: The first for detecting (and/orselecting) the main semantic subsets underlying MRD definitions and the second fordiscovering the main top dictionary senses representative of a given semantic subset. Section5.3 reports the (semi)automatic and fully automatic taxonomies we obtained using TaxBuild.Section 5.4 reports the results obtained first by the SemBuild module of SEISD analysing indepth the definitions of DGILE and second by placing this knowledge in the LKB by means ofthe CRS.

Chapter 6 deals with the multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition, applying differentstrategies with preexisting LKBs and bilingual dictionaries using the TGE module of SEISD.While Section 6.2 deals with the general multilingual framework of SEISD, Section 6.3 isdevoted to illustrating the main results: a) linking bilingual dictionaries to monolingualEnglish dictionaries and b) linking monolingual Spanish dictionaries to monolingual Englishdictionaries using bilingual dictionaries.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


Finally, Chapter 7 addresses the main contributions, results and conclusions of this thesisand possible directions of further work.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation


Chapter 2. Words and Works.


Chapter 2

Words and Works

2.1 Introduction

This chapter overviews and discusses the main problems we have to face in lexicalacquisition tasks. Different approaches to deal with such problems are described and mainresults are presented here. That is, what follows tries to be a general study of the differentlexical acquisition approaches, methodologies and experiments appearing in the literature.That is, the current state of the art on Lexical Acquisition. As we have shown in section 1.2, inorder to face the lexical acquisition problem three central questions must be answered, a)what information/knowledge is needed? b) where this information/knowledge is located?and c) which procedures can be applied to extract this information/knowledge from thesources?

Then, after this introduction, the first sections of this chapter try to answer thesefundamental questions. As this thesis mainly focuses on the descriptive approach (see section1.2), we perform an in depth study of lexical knowledge acquisition from on-line resources.Thus, section 5 summarises the lexical knowledge acquisition from MRDs, section 6 the workon lexical knowledge acquisition from Corpora and section 7 combining structured andunstructured lexical resources. Section 8, finally, accounts for the main international projects inthe field of lexical acquisition.

2.2 What information is necessary in the Lexicon?

Of course, the first issue to be addressed when dealing with lexical acquisition refers tothe type of information we need to include in the lexicon and must be acquired from theavailable knowledge sources.

We must consider both the domain (how many lexical entries would be present in thelexicon) and the range (the amount of information that should be attached to each entry).Both aspects are strongly dependent on the specific application for which the lexicon isbuilding (which application domain, which tasks, etc). Roughly speaking, an analysis of thetasks to be carried out will determine the range -the content information- of each entry whilethe application domain will determine the domain of the lexicon (when the lexical entriescould be considered word forms or stems or lexemes or when the information could be factorisedthrough hierarchies or other lexical organisation will be addressed later).

We discussed, in section 1.2.1, the kind of NLP tasks where lexicons generally take placeand we derived from it six types of information potentially relevant to NLP systems thatwould be present in the lexicon (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,translation links). We must point out that this information covers all the levels of description(from phonology to pragmatics) usually taken into account in NLP tasks. Several topics mustbe considered as regards the kind of information to be placed in the lexicon.

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


2.2.1 Granularity of the information.

Both the range and the domain of each piece of information present in the lexicon can beaddressed at different level of granularity. Some information, for instance, is attached toword forms, other to lemmas, other to senses.

The distinction between word-entry and sense-entry is specially important dealing withthe semantic content of the lexicon (i.e. word taxonomies [Nakamura & Nagao 88] vs. wordsense taxonomies [Bruce et. al. 92] or between both the coarse grained sense distinctions madein [Gale et al. 93] and [Yarowsky 92], also called hom*ographs in [Guthrie et al. 93], that can becompared to that of the file level in WordNet [Agirre & Rigau 96a]). Determining the numberof senses for a given word at a given level of granularity and attaching to each sense itsspecific information detecting at a time commonalties that can be factored at a entry-level orattached to a collection of senses, are different tasks that must be carried-out duringacquisition. Obviously, this issue is closely related to the WSD (Word Sense Disambiguation)problem that will be addressed later in section 4.3.

The kind of allowable values to assign to each feature presents, too, different levels ofgranularity. In the case of information expressed as symbolic labels (e.g., part-of-speechPOS) the number of allowable labels differs from one approach to another (e.g., in POStagging the cardinality of the tagset can vary from fine-grained ones -more than 200 tags- torather coarse-grained ones -less than 40 tags-. Forms of subcategorizations can be used as well.

2.2.2 Representation of the information.

An important issue to be addressed is the way to represent the lexical information. It isdifficult to select a unique representation formalism for lexical information due to the greatnumber of features to be represented and its heterogeneity. Most of the features we haveconsidered differ on their form: attribute-value pairs, binary or n-ary relations, on theirrealisation: optional vs. obligatory, cardinality, default values, on the degree of the imposedconstraints: exact values, preferences, stochastic assignment, etc.

For most attribute-value features (e.g. POS) a database-like organisation seems to beappropriate. The relational model has been used widely. In this model, the lexical entriesare represented as tuples in one or more relations, each of which includes several attributesranging over the appropriate domains [Ide at al. 91].

When dealing with text-based features the previous model is clearly inadequate and wecan move to the so-called text models. In these models, adequate for representing, for instance,the definition of an entry or examples of use, the information can be seen as a, possiblymarked or tagged, stream of characters [Ide and Véronis 95].

Both previous approaches lack expressivity for dealing with common deductiverequirements, for instance property inheritance, that appear frequently in lexicons. Otherissues not covered by these conventional approaches are the need of procedural (orassertional) capabilities and the treatment of exceptions. Object Orientation is, of course, theobvious answer to these objections. OO systems cover largely both the terminological part(that describes the data) and the assertional part (that describes the procedures andfunctions associated with the data).

For limited deductive capabilities OO database systems or deductive database systemscan be used. If the expressive capacities we need are over the scope of these general-purposesystems a possible solution is to turn over frame-based representation formalisms. Thesesystems provide extended and more powerful capacities than the OO systems at a highercost. Frequently, these extra capacities imply severe operational limitations as the need ofresiding in primary memory instead of a secondary storage.

If deeper inference capacities are requested, like more sophisticated inheritancemechanisms, lexical or morphological rules, reentrancy, disjunctive values, constraints, etc.we must move to non-standard representation formalisms. In this area, most systems can belabelled as “ad-hoc systems”. Anyway, we can see that a great number of such approachesfall into the “unification paradigm”.

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


Lexicons can be represented as MRDs (Machine Readable Dictionaries, i.e. dictionaries forhuman use in electronic support), MTDs (Machine Tractable Dictionaries, i.e. the same aftersome limited processing for allowing easier access to NLP programs), LDBs (lexicalDatabases) owning the same data but organised in a database-like fashion for allowing moreflexible querying and LKBs (Lexical Knowledge Bases) where the content, possibly derivedfrom previous LDBs is organised from a semantic, rather than lexical, point of view.

2.2.3 Scope of the information.

In some cases lexicons owns general knowledge about words and in other cases more specificdomain-dependent information (e.g., terminological information). The way of acquiring theinformation and the way of accessing it can depend on these differences.

An important point to consider is whether the lexicon will be word-based or concept-based,assuming, of course, that both linguistic and concept information must be included [Cavazza &Zweigenbaum 95]. This issue is closely related with the descriptive or prescriptiveapproaches for lexical acquisition as discussed in section 1.2.3 that will be addressed in detaillater.

2.2.4 Way of accessing the information.

The way of accessing the information contained in a lexicon depends, of course, on the formthis lexical information has been represented: structured (lexicons derived from corpora,Thesaurus, MRDs, MTDs, LDBs, LKBs, semantic nets, etc.), or unstructured (raw corpora,processed corpora).

There are, usually, three forms of accessing: a) directly by headword, word, word form,sense, e.g. getting all the available information for a given word, b) by content, e.g. getting allthe entries satisfying a given constraint and c) by relation, e.g. getting all the entries relatedwith a given one to a particular relation. Frequently, lexicon access mechanisms lacks forallowing this last form for accessing in an efficient way.

For instance, SemCor [Miller et al. 93], a part of the Brown Corpus semantically taggedusing WordNet synsets, provides an interface allowing the simultaneous access to the corpusand WordNet at a word form, word or sense level. Nevertheless, complex queries by content orby relation are not provided by the interface. Simultaneous access to both resources by contentor relation only can be done using ad-hoc programs on the source data.

2.3 Where is the information needed for the Lexicon?

Three main sources of information to build wide-coverage lexicons for NLP systems havebeen considered in section 1.2: introspection, structured lexical resources and corpora.

Introspection. Obviously, the construction of the lexicon using the knowledge about thelanguage and the world the NLP system human builder owns, should guarantee the quality ofthe resulting data1. However, large-scale lexicons constructed in this way needs a hugehuman labour during a large period of time. Many lexicons for NLP have been developed byintrospection. Among others, Word Dictionary, a lexicon constructed for the Linguistic StringProject (LSP) contains over 10,000 entries [Fox et al. 88], WordNet [Miller 90] currently(version 1.6) represents 123,497 different content words and 99,642 senses grouped into synsetsand related by a set of semantic relationships, Comlex [Grishman et al. 94], a computationallexicon providing detailed syntactic information for approximately 38,000 English words, CycOntology [Lenat 95] contains over 100,000 terms and has consumed a person-century of effort.

1 If a strong control on the produced data is performed in orden to avoid inconsistencies andother errors. For instance, WordNet1.5 still contains a large number of them [Fischer 97].

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


The latest version of LDOCE, LDOCE3-NLP, with 80,000 senses has been specially created byLongman lexicographers for computational linguistic research.

MRDs. As dictionaries are special texts whose subject matter is a language (or a pair oflanguages in the case of bilingual dictionaries) they provide a wide range of informationabout words (see section 1.3) by giving definitions of senses of words, and, doing that,supplying knowledge not just about language, but about the world itself. Thus, conventionalmonolingual and bilingual dictionaries form an excellent starting point to construct substantiallexicons because they constitute a highly structured and relevant source of information aboutwords and meanings.

From the earliest attempt to convert a paper-printed dictionary into a MRD performed byhand in the late 1960s with the W7N until now, a large set of dictionaries have beenexploited as lexical resources (see [Wilks et al. 96] chapter 6, for an account of such earlyapproaches). Although the most widely used monolingual MRD for NLP is LDOCE (fordetails see [Boguraev & Briscoe 89a]) which was designed for learners of English with onlylimited facility in the language, COBUILD and OALD has been widely used too. MRDs,usually ranging between 30,000 and 50,000 entries, contain structured information on spelling,stress, pronunciation, hyphenation, capitalisation, usage notes for semantic domains,geographic regions; etymological, syntactic and semantic information about the most basicunits of the language (and translation correspondences to other languages in the case of thebilingual ones). Currently, many dictionaries in machine-readable form are becomingavailable from publishers, thanks to the initiatives such as the Consortium for LexicalResearch (CRL), the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), the Oxford Text Archive (OTA),European Linguistic Resources Association (ELRA), etc.

Other structured lexical knowledge resources (in machine-readable format) for human uselike thesauri or encyclopaedia may be also considered for lexical knowledge acquisition.Thesauri like Roget’s International Thesaurus which separates 60,071 words into 1,000semantic categories (used by [Yarowsky 92], [Grefestette 93] or [Resnik 95]), Roget's II: TheNew Thesaurus and “The New Collins thesaurus” (used both by [Byrd 89]), Macquarie’sthesaurus (used by [Grefenstette 93]), or the Spanish thesaurus contained into DiccionarioIdeologico de la Lengua Espa–ola J. Casares (converted to machine-readable format by[Sanchez 91]), or the Bunrui Goi Hyou Japanese thesaurus (used by [Utsuro et al. 93]).Encyclopedia like Grolier's Encyclopaedia (used by [Yarowsky 92]) or The World BookEncyclopedia (used by [Gomez et al. 94]).

Other more specifics sources has been used as Onomasticon Telephonic Guides, collections ofproper names, terminological data banks, etc.

Corpora provide an additional, though less structured source, relating to issues of usage,such as the relative frequency of words or the range and frequency of different patterns oflinguistic realisation. A variety of corpora with different levels of annotation has beencollected in recent years. Annotated corpora range from pos-tagged corpora, lemmatisedcorpora, syntactically analysed corpora, bracketed corpora, semantically marked corpora(with very different granularities: senses, WordNet synsets, WordNet lexicographic files,Roget's categories, etc.). Perhaps, the most used English text collections in the researchcommunity are the Brown Corpus (around 1 million words [Francis & Kucera 82]) and the WallStreet Journal materials (different releases of these materials range from 1 to 3 millionwords). Both collections have been annotated by the Penn Treebank Project for part of speech(POS) tags [Marcus et al. 93] and for skeletal syntactic structure [Marcus et al. 94]. BrownCorpus have also been annotated partially (over 250,000 words [Miller et al. 93]) by Princetonautomatically for POS tags [Brill 92] and manually for WordNet sense tags. [Ng & Lee 96]tagged manually 192,800 word occurrences of 191 nouns and verbs, which appears in both theBrown corpus and the Wall Street Journal. The most used bilingual text collection in theresearch community is the Hansard corpus (around 85 million English words corresponding to3.5 million sentences and 97 million French words corresponding to 3.7 million sentences fromthe Canadian Parliamentary Proceedings). This corpus has been aligned by sentence [Brown etal. 91b]. Today, many locations have samples of text running into the order of millions, or even

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


tens or hundreds of million words. Collections of this magnitude are becoming available,thanks to data collection efforts such as the ACL’s Data Collection Iniciative (ACL/DCI),the European Corpus Iniciative (ECI), the British National Corpus (BNC), the LinguisticData Consortium (LDC), El Instituto Cervantes (IC, for Spanish), L’Institut d’EstudisCatalans (IEC, for Catalan), etc. Readers interested in issues related to the collection of suchcorpora may refer to [Atkins et al. 92] or [Alvar & Villena 94]. [Souter & Atwell 94] present asurvey on currently available syntactic analysed corpora.

Not only balanced general-purpose corpora can be used as source of lexical information.Narrow domain specific corpora has been used as well for extracting terminologicalinformation.

Mixing resources. As could be expected, it is not realistic to obtain all the informationneeded for a lexicon from only one source. Existing wide-coverage computational lexicons builtby hand or extracted from MRDs may suffer from incompleteness problems. For instance,[Walker & Amsler 86] compared entries in W7N to a 3-month sample of stories from the NewYork Times newswire. They found only 64% of the news wire words were not in the dictionary.Their breakdown of these results revealed one fourth to be inflected forms, one fourth wereproper nouns, one sixth were hyphenated forms, one twelfth were miss-spellings and onefourth were unresolved (due to were new words since the dictionary was published).

In addition, [Briscoe & Carroll 93] report that half the failures of the wide-coverageparsing system utilising a lexicalist framework was due to incorrect subcategorization forpredicate valency. Furthermore, lexical information is often tied to particular domains notreflected into general dictionaries. A final problem is that MRDs rarely record the relativefrequency of lexical information in language usage as corpora do. So, often these sources areused in a combined way for acquiring lexical knowledge not present in only one source. Workscombining resources may be classified in a) those which combine structured lexical knowledgesources (MRDs, ontologies, thesaurus, etc.) among them (i.e. [Knigth & Luk 94]), and b) thosewhich combine structured and non-structured (corpora) on-line lexical resources1 (i.e. [Klavans& Zoukermann 96]).

An important point as regards the use of lexical resources is availability. How theinformation is represented in the original source and, so, should be it extracted will bediscussed in next section. Another problem derives from copyright. Most of the data present inlexical resources are protected by copyrights and researchers have limited right of access.Frequently the choice of using a resource is constrained for this reason.

2.4 How to extract that information?

We stated in section 1.2.3 that two main alternative approaches could be used in thelexical acquisition process: the prescriptive and descriptive approaches. That is, in theprescriptive approach, a set of primitives is defined, or prescribed, prior to or in the course ofdesigning and developing the whole system. The descriptive approach on the other hand,allows a natural set of primitives derived from a natural source of data without any pre-existing frame.

The information attached to each lexical entry can be obtained by manual, automatic or(semi)automatic approaches depending on the methods applied, sources used and theinformation needed for a particular application.

From the point of view of the human intervention, three major approaches to lexicalacquisition have been developed: machine-aided manual construction, (semi)automaticextraction from pre-existing lexical resources and the combination of the two previous ones. Ofcourse, each of these techniques has advantages and disadvantages.

1Calzolari (see [Wilks et al. 96] page 97) distinguished the different relations that can bestablished between corpora and lexicons examining which informations present in corporacould be extracted for enriching lexicons and which one, present in lexicons, could be used forenriching corpora.

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An important issue is the relation between conceptual acquisition and lexical acquisition.Frequently, the acquisition task involves both kind of knowledge as well as the relationsbetween them.

Most of the systems built following the prescriptive approach start building a conceptualframework for attaching later the corresponding lexicalizations to each concept.

Following the prescriptive approach several tools have been developed making quickerand easier the manual construction and maintenance of the lexicons. Manual construction is themost reliable technique but suffers of a very time-consuming problem. The system presented in[Nirenburg & Raskin 87] allows in the first step the creation of an Ontology of concepts (thesystem controls the process in order to create the concepts and maintain its consistency) and inthe second one to connect the words with the ontological concepts. One sentence expressperfectly this methodology: "The world first, the words later". This first approach has beentaken in large-scale MT systems, see for example, the description of METAL in [Hutchins &Somers 92]. Other system that follows this approach are, for instance, the projects Cyc [Lenat& Guha 89], Upper Model [Bateman 90], ONTOS [Carlson & Niremburg 90], WordNet [Miller1990] and EDR [Yokoi 95].

The descriptive approach is intended to obtain lexical knowledge in an automatic orsemiautomatic way from pre-existing texts. Such lexical resources include a wide range ofdata available in computer access format as MRDs, lexicographic databases, terminologicaldata banks, (morphological, syntactically and semantically tagged) monolingual andbilingual corpora and already existing lexicons. This approach might be seen as the contraryof the previous one: "The words first, the concepts later". For instance, using structured lexicalresources, [Bruce et al. 92] built the complete taxonomy of the nominal part of LDOCE linkingtop dictionary senses to subject codes (no external primitives were added). Using corpora,[Pereira et al. 93] create new semantic hierarchies using distributional clustering.

Other works follow a combination of the two previous approaches. They propose first, toprescribe a minimal part of primitives in order to provide coherence and structure to thelexicon and, second, following descriptive approaches extract lexical data to be attached tothe previously prescribed part (e.g. [Ageno et al. 92a], [Hovy & Knight 93]). Thus, [Resnik 93],[Ribas 95] or [Li & Abe 95] combine the use of monolingual corpora and WordNet withdistributional statistics to obtain surface semantic restrictions for predefined syntacticpositions.

On the other hand, under the generic label of Information Extraction (IE) a huge number ofsystems and techniques has been developed recently (i.e. Fastus [Appelt et al. 93] or [Hobbs etal. 93], AutoSlog [Riloff & Shoen 95]). See [Grishman & Sundheim 96] for an overview of thecurrent Message Understanding Conference MUC-6.

2.5 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from MRDs

As we stated in the previous section, manual construction of lexicons (by expert people) isthe must reliable technique for obtaining structured lexicons but is costly and highly time-consuming. This is way many researchers have focussed on trying to extract lexical knowledgeand semantic information from pre-existing structured lexical resources in an as automatic aspossible way. This section deals with previous work on the acquisition of lexical informationfrom structured sources (i.e. MRDs, Thesauri, etc.) while section 2.6 is devoted to the workusing non-structured sources (i.e. Corpora) as source of lexical information and section 2.7 tocomputational methods for obtaining this information from a combination of lexical resources(i.e. structured and non-structured).

Of course, MRDs -the machine tractable versions of conventional dictionaries- have beenthe primary source of lexical knowledge and semantic information that can be used forautomating the task of lexicon construction.

As MRDs usually appear in a special format for printing purposes, much of the informationthey contain consists of special codes to produce a readable document for humans. Thus,parsing the dictionary entries, a fundamental preprocessing step for producing a MTD from

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the MRD, uses to be necessary. For exploiting the data contained into the dictionary, theloading of the MTD into a LDB uses to be performed.

Much of the knowledge needed for NLP lexicons can be found explicitly or implicitly in aconventional dictionary (see section 1.2.1, 1.3). Explicit information (i.e. part-of-speechcategories for a given lemma, etc.) can be extracted straigthfully. Problems arise dealing withimplicit information usually contained in definitions and examples (or in translations inbilingual dictionaries). Most of the relevant research on MRDs is devoted to extractknowledge appearing implicitly in dictionary definitions.

Although early attempts were made in the later sixties and seventies (see [Wilks et al.96]), the seminal work on acquiring implicit lexical knowledge from dictionaries was done by[Amsler 81] building “tangled hierarchies” of lexical units.

Following the descriptive approach several works have been made using differentmethodologies that differ in lexical knowledge used, coverage, tools, purposes and results.[Boguraev & Briscoe 87] collect the grammar codes from LDOCE for building a large lexicon toperform syntactic analysis. [Boguraev & Briscoe 89a] describe different techniques andexperiments exploiting MRDs (mainly with LDOCE) in order to construct lexical componentsfor NLP. [Veronis & Ide 91] provide a quantitative evaluation of the information extractedfrom several MRDs. [Artola 93] shows a dictionary help system that take advantage of theautomatically extracted information of the Le plus petit Larousse (LPPL) dictionary.[Castellón 93] describes the linguistic research made on nouns and [Taulé 95] on verbs usingSEISD environment with DGILE dictionary. [Wilks et al. 93] describe three methodologies toconstruct in a combined way a robust linguistic database. [Dolan et al. 93] describe anautomatic methodology that exploits LDOCE to construct a highly structured lexicalknowledge base. [Knight & Luk 94] describe a system for building in a semiautomatic way alarge-scale ontology merging several and heterogeneous lexical knowledge sources to supportsemantic processing in the Pangloss knowledge-based machine translation system. [Vossen 95]studies the ways nouns "name" the things, and how this information should be stored in alexicon. [Wilks et al. 96] integrate and synthesise different methods in the SPIRAL and ARCprocedures with LDOCE for building new lexicons.

As we have seen, the lexical knowledge contained into MRDs have been widely used andexploited. In order to provide the range of the knowledge contained into MRDs we provide areview of the work using MRDs as a lexical knowledge source for several NLP tasks:

Syntactic disambiguation. [Jensen & Binot 87], [Ravin 90] (using respectively noun and verbWebster’s dictionary definitions) and [Dolan et al. 93] (using LDOCE) propose to resolveprepositional phrase attachments by using preferences obtained by applying a set of heuristicrules to dictionary definitions. The rules match against lexico-semantic patterns in thedefinitions in order to evaluate separately each possibility. Furthermore, [Jensen & Binot 88]propose the use of the information contained into MRDs to help determine the properattachment of prepositional phrases and relative clauses, pronoun reference and theinterpretation of dangling references. Rather than a simple stepwise approach,[Vanderwende 95] proposes an incremental approach were the semantic relations extractedfrom LDOCE added to the LKB in initial steps allow to disambiguate ambiguous patterns,enabling the identification of more semantic relations during subsequent steps.

Semantic Processing [Byrd 89] defends the increase of the semantic capability of NLPsystems creating a LKB derived from several MRDs. In that sense, the LKB derived fromLDOCE by [Dolan et al. 93] could be used for resolving semantic ambiguities in text, such asthe correct attachment of prepositional phrases, anaphora, etc. [Ravin 90] reports the use ofthe knowledge contained in Webster’s dictionary definitions to disambiguate the multiplesemantic relations holding between the head and a prepositional phrase in a subset of verbaldefinitions in the same dictionary. [Vanderwende 95] uses the semantic information present inLDOCE captured in previous steps to extracts more accurate semantic information in currentsteps.

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Word Sense Disambiguation. Although work on WSD will be studied in depth later1 (seesection 4.3), we can quote here two different methodological approaches. The first,statistically-based (i.e. [Yarowsky 92]) and the second one knowledge-based (i.e. [Agirre &Rigau 96a]).

Since [Lesk 86] many researchers have used MRDs as a structured source of lexicalknowledge for the WSD problem. That is, attaching a set of prescribed dictionary senses towords in context. He proposed a method for guessing the correct word sense in context bycounting word overlaps between each dictionary definition and the context. [Veronis & Ide 90]propose a similar method but uses a spreading activation network (see [Hirst 88] and [Hayes77]) constructed from Collins Dictionary of English Language. [Sutcliffe & Slater 94] comparethe both previous methods using the Merrian-Webster dictionary. [Slator 91] propose asystem for preferring word senses according to context using a restructured version of theLDOCE subject codes. [Cowie et al. 92] and [Wilks & Stevenson 97] use the simulatedannealing technique for overcoming the combinatorial explosion of Lesk method using LDOCE.

More sophisticated techniques exploiting dictionary definitions have been also carriedout. Thus, [Wilks et al. 93] use coocurrence data extracted from LDOCE for constructing word-context vectors and thus, word sense-vectors. The similarity between those vectors can then becompared by means of several formulas.

[Yarowsky 95] proposes the use of MRDs to collect seed words in the first step of his cyclingprocedure, which collect local features. [Karov & Edelman 96] describe another cyclingprocedure for learning from a corpus a set of typical usage for each of the senses of thepolysemous word listed in a MRD.

[Guthrie et al. 91] propose the use the information located in the subject semantic codes ofLDOCE for partitioning the dictionary and collect neighbours (or salient words [Yarowsky92]) for WSD in a Lesk style.

[Harley & Glennon 97] perform an ad-hoc weighting mechanism using the different sourcesof lexical knowledge present into the completely coded Cambridge International Dictionaryof English (CIDE).

[Rigau et al. 97] also use implicit information contained into MRDs for constructing contentvector representations and testing different techniques and similarity measures for assigningthe correct hypernym genus sense. In this approach, we also use a bilingual MRD to assignsemantic categories from WordNet to word senses and performing, in a similar way than[Yarowsky 92], an unsupervised training process for collect salient words for each semanticcategory (see [Rigau et al. 98]).

Information Retrieval. MRDs have been used also as structured lexical knowledgeresources to support several tasks in Information Retrieval systems. [Fox et al. 88] describe theconstruction of a large LKB from several MRDs to support interactive query expansion andsearch for information. [Krovetz & Croft 92] propose to index documents by word senses takenfrom an MRD and [Voorhees 93] from WordNet.

Bilingual Lexicons for Machine Translation. Although most of the effort for the extractionof implicit knowledge has been carried out on monolingual MRDs, valuable contributions havebeen also performed using bilingual MRDs. [Rizk 89] discuses the problem of ambiguous sensereferences in the Collins Robert French/English dictionary. [Knight & Luk 94] use the CollinsSpanish/English bilingual dictionary for linking Spanish words to the Sensus Ontology(where concepts are represented by means of English words). [Tanaka & Umemura 94] use twointermediate Japanese/English and French/English bilingual dictionaries to constructautomatically a Japanese/French bilingual dictionary. [Ageno et al. 94] use aSpanish/English bilingual dictionary for linking in a (semi)automatic way Spanish andEnglish taxonomies extracted from DGILE and LDOCE. In a similar approach, [Rigau et al.95] propose an automatic approach for linking Spanish taxonomies extracted from DGILE to

1In order to build sense disambiguated taxonomies from MRDs (a central issue in the workpresented here, see Section 3.6.3 and 5.3.2) a Genus Sense Disambiguation task (a closelyrelated problem) must be performed.

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WordNet synsets. [Okumura & Hovy 94] describe (semi)automatic methods for associating aJapanese lexicon to an English ontology using a bilingual dictionary. In a similar approach,[Rigau & Agirre 95] propose several complementary techniques for attaching directly Spanishand French words extracted from the bilingual dictionaries to WordNet synsets. [Atserias etal. 97] combine several lexical resources and techniques to map Spanish words from a bilingualdictionary to WordNet in order to build a parallel in structure semantic net. [Farreres et al.98] propose also the use of the taxonomic structure derived form a monolingual MRD to aidthis mapping process.

Enriching semantically MRDs. MRD information could be also used to enrich semanticallyothers or the same MRD. [Yarowsky 92] propose to use the salient words collected from aencyclopaedia and thesaurus for assigning semantic categories to dictionary definitions. Usingthis coocurrence-based technique and the notion of conceptual distance, [Rigau et al. 98perform a three step semantic tagging of DGILE with semantic labels collected fromWordNet. [Rigau 94] perform a knowledge-based technique for assigning semantic tags to theSpanish monolingual dictionary DGILE using a bilingual dictionary and WordNet. Using alsoknowledge-based methods, [Knight 93] propose several algorithms to attach LDOCE andWordNet and then, transfer the lexical knowledge from one to the other. [Chen and Chang 98]propose LinkSense, a simple matching algorithm to label LDOCE to respect the semanticcodes collected from LLOCE and Roget’s thesaurus.

Building LKBs. Following the descriptive approach, several works have been made forthe construction of LKB from MRDs useful for NLP. These works varies on the different degreeof human intervention during the construction process, the lexical components represented inthe LKB, the degree of syntactic or semantic analysis of the dictionary definitions. Thus,while [Fox et al. 88], [Dolan et al. 93] or [Barrière & Popowich 96] describe the construction ofa large semantic network of words from several English dictionaries, [Byrd 89] proposes thecreation of an LKB from MRDs in which word senses were clearly identified, endowed withappropriate lexical information, and correctly related to one another for increasing thesemantic capabilities of NLP systems.

A central problem that will be treated in depth in following chapters consists of extractingtaxonomies from the implicit knowledge, which appear in dictionary definitions. This mainproblem can be divided in two different subproblems. First, the location of the genus terms inthe definitions. As the genus term appears not as a sense but simply as a word, the nextsubproblem consist on the selection of the correct sense (which usually appears in the samedictionary) for that genus term. The Genus Sense Disambiguation (GSD) problem can beconsidered as special case of the most general Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) problem.

The most in serious attempt dealing with the automatic correct genus sense selection hasbeen performed by the New Mexico State University NLP group at the Computing ResearchLaboratory with LDOCE (see [Bruce & Guthrie 92] or [Bruce et al. 92]).

Thus, some researchers have focussed on the automatic construction of taxonomies as abackbone of the LKB (i.e. [Copestake 90], [Bruce et al. 92], [Rigau et al. 97], [Rigau et al. 98]).Rather than acquiring taxonomies only from monolingual and bilingual MRDs, [Knight & Luk94] describe several techniques for building a large scale LKB attaching monolingual andbilingual MRDs to several and heterogeneous ontologies. In the same way, [Rigau et al. 97]and [Rigau et al. 98] use an English ontology and a bilingual dictionary as a lexical knowledgesource for several heuristics and mapping processes (see Sections 5.2 and 5.3 for furtherdetails).

Instead of limiting itsefs to taxonomies, some approaches perform an in depth analysis ofthe dictionary definitions taking profit of the defining formulae which are “significantrecurring phrases” [Markowitz et al. 86]. Some early works perform a string pattern matchingapproach (i.e. [Chodorow et al. 85], [Markowitz et al. 86]) while others prefer structuralpatterns that match the syntactic analysis (i.e. [Jensen & Binot 87], [Alshawi 89], [Ravin 90],[Klavans et al. 90], [Artola 93], [Castellón 93], [Dolan et al. 93]). While some approaches onlyconsider a one-to-one relation between the defining formulae and the type of lexicalinformation it identifies (i.e. [Jensen & Binot 87]), later studies (i.e. [Ravin 90], [Klavans et

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al. 90], [Vanderwende 95]) have shown that some defining formulae can convey several typesof semantic information. While some researchers prefer general purpose parsing tools (i.e.[Jensen & Binot 88], [Dolan et al. 93], [Vanderwende 95]) some others prefer partial or adaptedparsing tools designed for dictionaries (i.e. [Alshawi 89], [Artola 93], [Castellón 93]). Someattempts have been performed processing completely controlled or small dictionaries (i.e.[Artola 93], [Dolan et al. 93], [Barrière & Popowich 96]). Others preferred to process subsets ofclosely related dictionary senses (i.e. [Castellón 93]). Rather than a single shot process,[Vanderwende 95] proposes a cycling methodology improving the analysis each cycle isperformed.

Related works constructing the LKB from noun definitions includes [Vossen 95], for verbdefinitions [Klavans et al. 90], [Ravin 90] or [Taulé 95] and for adjective definitions [Soler 96].

2.6 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from Corpora

Although MRDs seems to be the more adequate texts for extracting lexical knowledgebecause they offer a vast size and ready highly-structured source of lexical knowledge theydo not contain all the data needed for constructing a generic lexicon useful for any NLP system.

The growing availability of large on-line resources encourages the study of word behaviourdirectly from accessible raw texts. However, the methods by which lexical knowledge shouldbe extracted from plain texts are still matter of debate and experimentation.

Corpus-based lexical acquisition knowledge is based on Firth1 distributional hypothesis.Thus, the acquisition process proceeds from the analysis and synthesis of the lexicalproperties through distributional contexts where the interesting lexical items occur in rawtexts. Both processes may be done in a manual or (semi)automatic fashion depending on theexisting resources/tools and the difficulties to make the necessary generalisations (see[Church & Hunks 90]). Recently, several automatic systems to collect context of use and toanalyse them in order to obtain appropriate lexical, syntactic and semantic generalisationhave been proposed (work progress overviews on corpus processing and lexical acquisition maybe found in [Zernik 91], [Charniak 93], [Oostdijk and deHann 94] and [Boguraev & Pustejovsky95]). In this section we review several of these approaches and techniques in order to graspsome ideas about the current tenets on automatic acquisition of lexical information fromcorpora. Here we classify them by the kind of information extracted:

Proper Nouns. Proper nouns cause problems due to their high frequency in many types oftext, their poor coverage in conventional dictionaries (old fashioned may appear inencyclopedia) and their importance in text understanding process. [Coates-Stephens 92],[Nani & McMillan 95], [Hearst & Schütze 95] and [Paik et al 95] describe different systems forProper Noun knowledge acquisition. While [Coates-Stephens 92] describe a complete modulebased for text understanding, [Nani & McMillan 95] and [Paik et al 95] describe two systemsfocusing on Information Retrieval. While [Coates-Stephens 92] and [Nani & McMillan 95]approaches rely on context information, [Paik et al. 95] approach rely more on built-inknowledge bases. On the other hand, [Hearst & Schütze 95] use lexical coocurrence statisticsin combination with a set of flat categories derived from WordNet to classify proper nouns intext.

Idiosyncratic Collocations. That is, the extraction of word coocurrence restrictions(predicative relations, rigid noun compounds, phrasal templates, etc.) that are lexicallydriven. Idiosyncratic collocations make that although “powerful” and “strong” aresemantically almost equivalent (3 senses of “powerful” appear as a direct hyponym of“strong” senses in WordNet 1.5), they restrict for different words (e.g. you may prefer “strongtea” rather than “powerful tea” [Church et al. 91]). Several methods have been applied tocorpora for the extraction of recurrent collocations. [Smadja 91a], [Smadja91b] and [Smadja 93]extracts words collocations detecting word sequences whose relative frequency of occurrence is

1“you shall know a word by the company it keeps” [Firth 57].

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significant while [Smadja 92] compile a bilingual lexicon of collocations from a bilingualcorpora. Most approaches differ on 1) the amount of context used for searching the collocation,ranking from the very local context (five words length windows) to global ones; 2) thestatistical measure used for word association (the most frequently used is Mutual Information,[Church & Hanks 90a], although other measures, like the association ratio or the relativeentropy has been used too); 3) the use of a dispersion measure in parallel with he associationone (as in [Calzolari & Bindi 90]) and 4) the measures for computing the statisticalsignificance of the detected association (usually Chi-square).

Preposition preferences. [Calzolari & Bindi 90] also propose to detect the lexicalpreference of verbs/nouns for specific prepositions that introduce complements. [Hindle &Rooth 93] use coocurrence of verbs and nouns with prepositions in a large body of text as anindicator of lexical preference. They compared the list of lexical preferences detected withthose provided by COBUILD founding that the coverage obtained by the automatic procedureover-passed that of the MRD. [Charniak 93] proposes a general framework for extracting thiskind of information and discusses the viability of the different models taking into account theavailability of the sources. [Resnik and Hearst 93] combine the lexical association strategywith the use of noun class information.

Subcategorization structures consisting of patterns of lexical preferences that predicatesshow for the syntactic realisation of their arguments, is far beyond of capturing individuallexical preferences. [Poznanski & Sanfilippo 93] present a method for individuatingdependencies between the semantic class of predicates and their associated subcategorizationframes. [Briscoe & Carroll 93] propose a system that uses global syntactic information andlinguistically guided filters on the patterns accepted. [Briscoe & Carroll 97] describe a noveltechnique and implemented system for constructing a subcategorization lexicon from textualcorpus improving the accuracy of a parser in a appreciable amount.

Selectional restrictions. Methods for acquiring selectional restrictions from on-lineresources combine the use of syntactically analized corpora, pre-existing thesaurus (whichprovides conceptual generalisation to lexical occurrences) and different kinds of conceptualsimilarity estimation. Thus, [Resnik 93], [Ribas 95] or [Li & Abe 95] combine the use ofmonolingual corpora and WordNet with distributional statistics to obtain surface semanticrestrictions for predefined syntactic positions. [Utsuro et al. 93] and [Wu & Palmer 94] combinethe use of bilingual corpora and a Japanese and Chinese thesaurus for acquiring selectionalrestrictions and preferences for Machine Translation.

Thematic structure can be acquired using the functionality of the verb and the co-ocurrenceof data. The co-ocurrences are matched against subcategorization patterns allowing thethematic structures be recovered. [Basili et al. 92a], [Basili et al. 92b] or [Pazienza 94] describethe ARIOSTO system, which acquire class-based selectional restrictions annotated withthematic labels.

Word semantic classes. Under this epigraph, two complementary acquisition tasks areconsidered: a) assignment of pre-existing semantic categories to unknown words (e.g. [Zernik89], [Grefestette & Hearst 92]) or assignment of known words to new pre-existing semanticcategories for specific domains (e.g. [Basili et al. 95]), and b) creation of new semantichierarchies using distributional clustering (e.g. [Brown et al. 92], [Pereira et al. 93], [Dagan etal. 94]). The second task, includes the first one: new classes are somewhat assigned to thewords that originated them. Instead of sophisticated statistical techniques, [Hearst 92]describe a simple method to capture hyponymy relations from corpora.

Bilingual lexicon acquisition. Parallel corpora are useful resources for acquiring a largevariety of linguistic knowledge [Dagan et al. 91]. Bilingual corpora can be used for manypurposes. Among others, for acquiring new lexical correspondences word to word [Smadja 92], ornew lexical knowledge for disambiguating word senses across languages [Gale et al. 93].

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Mainly, lexicon compilation methods attempt to extract pairs of words or compounds that aretranslations of each other from previously sentence-aligned parallel texts (e.g. [Eijk 93],[Kumano & Hirakawa 94] or [Utsuro et al. 94]). Bilingual corpora alignment can be performedat character, word or sentence level (e.g. [Brown et al. 91b], [Gale & Church 91], [Church 93] or[Kupiek 93]). Furthermore, [Fung 95] proposes an algorithm for bilingual lexicon acquisitionthat bootstraps off the corpus alignment process.

2.7 Lexical Knowledge Acquisition Combining Resources

Since [Byrd 89] proposed the integration of several structured lexical knowledge resourcesderived from monolingual and bilingual MRDs and Thesaurus, many researchers haveproposed several techniques for taking advantage from more than one lexical resource.

Working with several structured lexical resources. Working on monolingual dictionaries,[Veronis & Ide 91] show that MRDs can be reliable sources of lexical knowledge if we are ableto combine information from them. They provide a quantitative evaluation of the informationextracted merging five monolingual MRDs showing that for any one dictionary, 55-70% of theextracted dictionary is garbled in some way. However, these results can be dramaticallyreduced to about 6% by combining the information extracted from all of them. [Grishman et al.94] compared Comlex subcategorization information from those appearing in Word Dictionary(from the linguistic String Project [Sager 81]), OALD and LDOCE dictionary. Comlex is a goodexample of this approach. The lexicon was built using as sources LDOCE, the Acquilex typesystem for verbal structure, the Brandeis classification of verbs, etc. and manual tunning.[Knight 93] provides a definition match and hierarchical match algoritms for linkingWordNet synsets and LDOCE definitions (placed in a taxonomy).

[Byrd 89] and [Risk 89] using similar techniques performed, respectively, a mapping processbetween two thesaurus and two sides of a bilingual dictionary. [Tanaka & Umemura 94]produce a new Japanese/French bilingual dictionary using a Japanese/English andFrench/English bilingual dictionaries.

Exploiting also bilingual dictionaries for building a multilingual large-scale lexicalknowledge base, [Knight & Luk 94] describe the algorithms for merging complementarystructured lexical resources from WordNet, LDOCE and a Spanish/English bilingualdictionary. They focus on the construction of Sensus, a large knowledge base for supporting thePangloss machine translation system, merging ontologies (ONTOS [Nirenburg & Defrise 93]and Upper Model [Bateman 90]) and WordNet and monolingual and bilingual dictionaries.[Okumura & Hovy 94] describe (semi)automatic methods for associating a Japanese entries toan English ontology using a Japanese/English bilingual dictionary. [Rigau & Agirre 95]describe several methods for linking Spanish and French words from bilingual dictionaries toWordNet synsets and [Atserias et al. 97] using also information collected from DGILE showthat combining the results provided by each method the total amount of useful data grows outof 40%. Furthermore, [Farreres et al. 98] propose a way to take profit of the taxonomystructure acquired from a Spanish monolingual MRD as a knowledge source to the mappingprocess.

[Ageno et al. 94] describe a semiautomatic environment for linking DGILE and LDOCEtaxonomies using also a bilingual dictionary. Following these ideas, [Rigau et al. 95] describea more complex, complete and automatic mechanism for linking LDOCE and DGILEtaxonomies using also a Spanish/English bilingual dictionary and the notion of ConceptualDistance between concepts.

Using also a Spanish English bilingual dictionaries and WordNet, [Rigau 94] describe anautomatic method to enrich semantically the monolingual Spanish dictionary DGILE. [Rigauet al. 97] describe eight different heuristics for the Genus Sense Disambiguation problem usingknowledge acquired from the monolingual dictionary, the bilingual Spanish/Englishdictionary or even WordNet. [Rigau et al. 98] describe a three step method to collect accuratetaxonomies from monolingual MRDs using also Spanish/English bilingual mappings andWordNet.

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


Not only monolingual and bilingual MRDs have been used as structured lexical knowledgeresources. [Byrd 89] uses the New Collins Thesaurus and Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus andseveral MRDs for creating a knowledge base and increasing the semantic capability of NLPsystems. [Yarowsky 92] uses the Roget’s Thesaurus for collecting coocurrence data from theGrolier Encyclopaedia. [Chen & Chang 98] use LLOCE and Roget’s thesaurus to label LDOCE.

Using both structured and non-structured lexical resources. Combining thesaurus andcorpora, [Greffenstette 93] uses the Roget’s and Macquarie’s thesaurus as standards forevaluating automatic semantic extraction techniques from corpora. [Utsuro et al. 93] use aJapanese online thesaurus for describing as semantic categories the semantic restrictions ofcase slots for acquiring surface case frames of Japanese verbs from bilingual corpora.

[Pustejovsky 92] proposes a method for sublanguage corpus analysis beyond that availablefrom the seeding of MRDs. [Pustejovsky et al. 93] present an approach to acquisition of lexicalsemantic knowledge using firstly a lexicon obtained from MRDs and afterwards refined byinspecting a corpus of text processed by several tools. They propose systems to detect andextract several types of semantic information: metonymy, taxonomic relations, noun’s qualiastructure, coercive environments, etc.

The most successful combination between structured and non-structured lexical resources foracquiring lexical knowledge from corpora (due to the large amount of studies carried out)seems to be using in combination to WordNet. Thus, [Greffenstette & Hearst 92] use WordNetfor acquiring hyponymic relations from corpora and [Resnik & Hearst 93] for resolving theprepositional phrase attachments from sparseness data. [Resnik 93], [Ribas 95] and [Wu &Palmer 95] use WordNet for acquiring selectional restrictions from phrasal analysed corpora.In a similar approach, [Li & Abe 95] propose as a generalisation method the MDL (minimumDescription Length) principle rather than the MI (Mutual Information) or AR (AssociationRatio). [Basili et al. 95] use WordNet verbal taxonomy for testing acquired taxonomies fromcorpus. [Hearst & Schütze 95] use coocurrence statistics in combination with a set of flatcategories derived from WordNet to classify proper nouns in text.

WordNet has also been used widely for disambiguating words in context. That is,enriching words in a text with its corresponding senses. Thus, [Miller & Teibel 91] propose theuse of WordNet to estimate the semantic distance for polysemous words in context. SemCor[Miller et al. 93], a semantically tagged (with WordNet synset tags) version of the BrownCorpus, was provided by the Princeton group as a benchmarks for the automatic senseidentification [Miller et al. 94]. [Resnik 95] uses the notion of semantic similarity of WordNetsynsets to disambiguate groups of closely related nouns. [Sussna 93] describes an ad-hocweighting mechanism on WordNet for disambiguating nouns in a text. In a similar approach,[Agirre & Rigau 96b] describe an unsupervised algorithm using the Conceptual Densityformula for disambiguating nouns in SemCor. Using the most frequent sense per wordinformation placed currently in WordNet1.5, [Peh & Ng 97] report an overall accuracy of73.61%.

Other researchers have disambiguated words in contexts using MRDs rather thanWordNet. Thus, [Cowie et al. 92] use the simulate annealing technique to disambiguatesentences against LDOCE senses. [Wilks et al. 93] use the coocurrence data extracted fromLDOCE for constructing word-context vectors and thus, word sense-vectors for disambiguatingnon-POS disambiguated ocurrences of the word bank. [Liddy & Paik 92] use the LDOCE subjectsemantic codes and the Wall Street Journal corpus, for computing a subject-code correlationmatrix among them. [Harley & Glennon 97] use an ad-hoc weighting mechanism to thedifferent sources of lexical knowledge present into the completely coded CambridgeInternational Dictionary of English (CIDE).

Several attempts have been proposed combining bilingual corpora and bilingual MRDs.Thus, [Utsuro et al. 93] describe a method for acquiring surface case frames of Japanese verbsfrom bilingual corpora using bilingual MRDs; [Utzuro et al. 94] describe a unified frameworkfor bilingual text matching by combining bilingual dictionaries and statistical techniques.[Klavans & Tzoukermann 96] present the Bicord (Bilingual Corpus-enhanced Dictionaries)system which involves linking entries from Collins Robert bilingual French/English MRD tothe Hansard corpus for the creation of a bilingual LDB.

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


2.8 Main International Projects on Lexical Acquisition

In the research community there are an increasing interest on the lexicon. There are manyprojects and research groups in Europe, United States and Japan undertaking research on theconstruction of large-scale lexical resources for NLP as well as with various organisations andworking groups created to provide the infrastructure to support such work1. A short overviewof some of these projects is presented bellow.

• Japanese Projects

EDR. The Japan Key Technology Centre (a government agency) and eight private computermanufacturers established, in 1986, the Japan Electronic Dictionary Research Institute, Ltd.(EDR) [Yokoi 95] for developing during nine years a set of large-scale multilingualdictionaries mainly oriented to Machine Translation. The EDR architecture is divided inthree layers. The data layer contains the English and Japanese Corpus with 250,000 wordseach. The surface layer contains monolingual, bilingual and coocurrence dictionaries for bothlanguages. The monolingual dictionary has 200,000 general vocabulary and 100,000 technicalterminology. The deep layer contains the concept dictionary with 400,000 concepts.

• American Projects

Comlex [Grishman et al. 94] is a broad coverage English lexicon (with about 38,000lemmas) developed at New York University under LDC sponsorship. It contains detailedinformation about the syntactic characteristics of each lexical item, and is particularlydetailed in its treatment of subcategorization (complement structures). It includes 92 differentsubcategorization features for verbs, 14 for adjectives, and 9 for nouns. These featuresdistinguish not only the different constituent structures which may appear in a complement,but also the different control features associated with a constituent structure.

WordNet [Miller 90] is an on-line lexical database for English developed in Princeton.Current version, 1.6 contains more than 123,000 different words and more than 99,000 differentword senses. Furthermore, WordNet includes eight different semantic relations (synonymy,antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, troponymy and entailment) represented as links (more than116,000) between word senses. Princeton group also provides SemCor, a sense tagged (withWordNet senses) part of the Brown Corpus [Miller et al. 93].

Pangloss. This research addresses the creation and use of large concept taxonomies andOntologies for natural language processing and other applications by combining onlineresources such as dictionaries and thesauri, statistical methods over text, and traditionalhuman knowledge acquisition interfaces. In particular, creating and organizing 70,000-itemconcept taxonomy for use in the Pangloss Machine Translation systems, the Penman sentencegeneration system, and eventually other systems as appropriate.

The topmost levels of the Ontology, called the Ontology Base (OB), consist of approx. 400terms. The OB is a merge of the Penman Upper Model (based on Systemic-FunctionalLinguistics), the top-level ONTOS ontology (a semantic network; see [Nirenburg & Defrise93]), and, for nouns, the LDOCE semantic categories. The function of the Ontology Base and itsrelation with the Interlingua are described in [Hovy & Nirenburg 92].

The primary source for the Ontology body is the semantic database WordNet [Miller 90].To construct the main body of the Ontology, work was performed to automatically connectWordNet concepts and English lexical items by discovering pairs of corresponding senses (see[Knight 93] and [Knight & Luk 94]).

1 American institutions such as the Consortium for Lexical Research (CRL) or the LinguisticData Consortium (LDC), the Japanese EDR consortium or the European Language ResourcesAssociation (ELRA).

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


In addition to housing the symbols to represent semantic meaning, the Ontology containspointers from each symbol to appropriate lexical items in various languages (mainly,Japanese and Spanish). The Penman English lexicon currently contains about 50,000 spellingforms (corresponding to approx. 90,000 words); the Japangloss Japanese lexicon contains over120,000 words.

Cyc [Lenat 95] started in 1984 a long term project (two person-century of effort) for codifyingmanually the common-sense knowledge needed for representing and using appropriately theknowledge contained in a 1-volume encyclopaedia. Currently, Cyc contains 100,000 conceptsand 1,000,000 common-sense axioms describing human reality.

• European Projects

Multilex (Esprit II project 5304) [McNaught 90] was focused on stabilising a standard formultilingual and multifunctional lexicons for the European languages.

Genelex (Eureka) [Normier & Nossim 90] produce a generic and application specific lexiconaccording to unified lexical models.

Acquilex I and II (Esprit projects 3030 and 7315) were directed towards the acquisition oflexical information from monolingual and bilingual MRDs and from text corpora for NLPapplications, and to create a prototype of a lexical knowledge base formalism.

LE-Parole will produce a large-scale harmonised set of corpora and lexicons for allEuropean Union Languages. The resources will be produced in a standard format supportingselection and customisation. The lexicons (20K entries per language) will conform to a modelbased on Eagles guidelines and Genelex results, underlying a common lexical tool adaptedfrom the Genelex project. The corpus part of the project will produce large (at least 20 millionwords) monolingual harmonised corpora in a common mark-up conventions. Part of the corpuswill also be morphologically tagged, with tagsets compatible with the lexicons.

Sparkle (LE project 2111). One of the main goals of this project is to develop a lexicalacquisition system capable of learning the aspects of word knowledge from free text, whichare needed for NLP. This system will work on the output of the shallow parsers buit in firstplace of the project to extract lexical knowledge about semantic classes of predicates,subcategorizaion, argument structure, preferentional selectional restriction and diathesisalternation for the language of focus.

EuroWordNet (LE project 4003) [Vossen in Press]. The aim of this project is to develop amultilingual database with basic semantic relations between words (that is, WordNets) forseveral European languages (Dutch, Italian and Spanish). These European WordNets will asmuch as possible be built from available existing resources and databases with semanticinformation developed in various national and EU-projects (Acquilex, Sift, etc.). This will notonly be more cost-effective but will also make it possible to combine information fromindependently created resources, making the ultimate database more consistent and reliable,while keeping the richness and diversity of the vocabularies of the different languages. TheWordNets will be stored in a central lexical database system and the word meanings will belinked to meanings in the Princeton WordNet1.5. Furthermore, we will merge the majorconcepts and words in the individual wordnets to form a common language-independentontology, while language specific properties are maintained in the individual WordNets.This will guarantee compatibility and maximise the control over the data across thedifferent wordnets while language-dependent differences can be maintained in theindividual WordNets. The database will be used for multilingual information retrieval thatwill be demonstrated by Novell Linguistic Development.

Chapter 2. Words and Works.


Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


Chapter 3

The Methodology and SEISD

3.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a global picture of the whole methodology for creating the MLKBfrom monolingual and bilingual MRDs and overviews the arquitecture of SEISD (Sistemad’extracció d’informació Semàntica de Diccionaris), the software system we designed anddeveloped for supporting this methodology. Thus, the main aim of this Chapter is to providea clear vision of the tasks performed by the SEISD environment. Each task is described indetail. The problems related to each task are faced in Chapter 4 and the solutions we provideare described in Chapter 5 and 6. All the examples that ilustrate the steps of themethodology are taken from DGILE (Diccionario General Ilustrado de la Lengua), the specificdictionary we selected to perform the whole acquisition process. Some decisions that affectthe design of the methodology are justified from the analysis of such dictionary. Afterintroducing, in Section 2, the main methodological considerations, Section 3 explains the mainobjectives of SEISD. The components of this environment are briefly described in Sections 4and 5. Section 6 is devoted to the semantic knowledge acquisition process and Section 7 to themapping process of the acquired knowledge onto the LKB. In Section 8, the multilingualknowledge acquisition task is presented, and finally Section 9 describes the exploitation andvalidation process of the acquired lexical knowledge.

3.2 Methodology

Four main issues were considered when designing the base methodology: a) thecharacteristics of the lexical resources used, b) the implicit and explicit information to beextracted from them, c) how to represent and exploit the information extracted and d) how tocarry out the acquisition processes.

3.2.1 Lexical knowledge sources used

A brief description of the main lexical knowledge sources used is provided below.

• DGILE. The main characteristics of the DGILE dictionary are detailed in [Castellón etal. 91]. This MRD contains 89,043 entries, 157,842 senses (1.77 senses per entry) and more than1.4 million words in definitions and examples. For instance, the lexical entry for the word"vino" (wine) in DGILE is:

vino (l. vinu) m. Zumo de uvas fermentado; ... 2 fig. Bautizar o cristianizar, el ~, echarleagua. 3 fig. Dormir uno el ~, dormir mientras dura la borrachera; tener uno mal ~, serpendenciero en la embriaguez. 4 p.ext. Zumo. | hom*oF.: vino (v.) , bino (v.) .

REL. Enológico, enólogo, enotecnia, derivados de enología, ciencia de la vinicultura,formada del gr. oinos.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


This MRD has been processed in order to produce several MTDs [Wilks et al. 96] used insubsequent steps (detection of the genus term, morphological analysis, Genus SenseDisambiguation, etc.). Among others, the lispified version loaded into the LDB system[Carroll 90a], the part-of-speech lexicon used by the SegWord morphological analyser[Sanfillipo 90] (one of the morphological modules of MACO [Acebo et al. 94]) and MACO+[Carmona et al. 98], a huge lexicon containing the relatedness between word forms, enrichedwith some statistical measures (such as Mutual Information (MI) [Church & Hanks 90] or theAssociation Ratio (AR) [Ribas 94]) on the bidirectional cooccurrence of pairs of words in allthe definition fields of DGILE, and several other frequency lexicons generated from thedefinition field of DGILE, such as the frequency of each word form, bigrams, trigrams, etc. (seeappendix).

• WordNet, a large public domain on-line lexicon based on psycholinguistic theories[Miller 90] which attempts to organize lexical information in terms of word meanings, ratherthan word forms. In this respect, it resembles a thesaurus or a Lexical Knowledge Base morethan a dictionary. Currently, WordNet1.61 represents 123,497 different content words and99,642 senses related by a set of semantic relationships (among others: hypo/hypernymy,mero/holonymy, etc.). Senses in WordNet are represented by means of synonym sets or synsets.For instance, the lexical overview for wine is:

The noun wine has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)

1. {05916701} <> wine, vino -- (fermented juice (of grapes especially))2. {03880346} <noun.attribute> wine, wine-colored -- (a red as dark as red wine)

The verb wine has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts)

1. {00809609} <verb.consumption> wine -- (drink wine)

From left to right, synset number (location in the datafile), semantic file, synonym set andgloss.

• Bilingual Dictionaries. Several MTDs have also been obtained from the two sides of thebilingual dictionary used in this thesis. The lispified version of both has been loaded into theLDB [Hastings et al. 94]. Briefly, the Spanish/English dictionary EEI contains 16,463 entriesand 28,002 translation fields, while the English/Spanish EIE contains 15,352 entries with27,033 translation fields. For instance, the lexical entries for vino (EEI) and wine (EIE) are:

vino m wine. • ~ de Jerez, sherry; ~ tinto, red wine.

wine n vino

By merging both directions of the nominal part of the bilingual dictionary we preducedanother MTD we called HBil (from harmonized bilingual). This dictionary contains 28,129connections between 14,879 Spanish nouns and 15,848 English nouns.

• Type System. The multilingual conceptual representation language used in the LKB[Copestake 92b] is based on a Feature Structure formalism for representing lexical entriesconstrained by appropriateness conditions fixed by a preexisting Type System (TS). As theaim of our methodology is to build such lexical entries in terms of the classes of lexical itemsrepresented in the Type System, it constitutes an obvious knowledge source for this task.Currently, the Type System consists of 527 types and 196 different features.

1Although WordNet 1.6 is now available, the version we used in this work is WordNet1.5.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


3.2.2 Lexical knowledge to be extracted

The basic aim of this study is to examine the feasibility of automatically obtaining largescale semantic information from MRDs that contain this information in explicit or implicitform [Atkins et al. 86]. It is clear that the explicit information attached to each lexical entrycould be obtained quite straightforwardly (e.g., part of speech, topic domains, uses, etc.), butmore sophisticated techniques are necessary to deal with other, implicit information placedin the MRDs. There are some interesting relations between lexical items (see [Calzolari 88] or[Byrd 89]) which could be extracted automatically (or at least semi-automatically) fromMRDs in order to build a complete MLKB of use for NLP systems:

• Hypernym/hyponym relations (class-subclass relations).• Synonymy/antonymy relations (equivalent/contrary relations).• Meronym/holonym relations (part/whole relations, element/set relations, etc.).• Case roles relations (agentive role, telic role, etc.).• Content relations (qualia structure, form description, constitutive components, etc.).• Collocational relations (compound words, collocations, idioms, etc.).• Selectional restrictions (typical subject, typical object, etc.).• Translation equivalences (in bilingual dictionaries).

As was said in Section 1.4, the most important relation to be extracted from an MRD is thehypo/hypernym relation (e.g., [Amsler 81], [Vossen & Serail 90], [Bruce & Guthrie 91],[Copestake 92b]) between dictionary senses, not only because of its own importance but alsobecause this relation acts as a support for the main inheritance mechanisms, thus facilitatingthe acquisition of other relations and semantic features [Cohen & Loiselle 88], providingformal structure and avoiding redundancy in the lexicon [Briscoe et al. 90]. This implicitrelation emerges from the inherent structure of conventional dictionaries. Thus, following thenatural chain of dictionary senses described in DGILE from rosa_1_1 (rose), we can discoverthat a rose is a part of a living vegetable organism.

rosa_1_1 flor del rosal. CLASS(rose: flower of the rosebush)

flor_1_1 órgano reproductor de las plantas... CLASS(flower, organ for the reproduction of the plants...)

órgano_1_3 conjunto de unidades funcionales de un organismo celular... PART-OF(organ, functional units of a celular organism...)

organismo_1_2 ser viviente CLASS(organism, living thing)

ser_1_2 ente (que vive) CLASS(live entity)

ente_1_1 algo que es, existe o puede existir. CLASS(something which exists or can exists)

The hypo/hypernym relation appears between the entry word (e.g., rosa) and the headword, genus term or core of the phrase (e.g., flor) of the definition, in which other case rolesrelations can be found from the differentia (prepositional modifiers, adjectives, adverbs, etc.)[Calzolari 91]. Thus, in the ideal case, a dictionary definition is written to employ a genusterm combined with a differentia which distinguishes the word being defined from otherwords with the same genus term.

Usually, the information for a lexical unit contained in an MRD cannot be gathered fromone entry but by processing the whole dictionary [Wilks et al. 96]. That is, the information isnot located in one piece of information but is distributed throughout the dictionary (e.g., [Foxet al. 88], [Dolan et al. 93], [Vanderwende 95]) or even several dictionaries (e.g., [Byrd 89],[Veronis & Ide 91], [Klavans & Tzoukermann 96], [Richardson 97]).

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


3.2.3 Lexical knowledge representation

In order to represent the LKB we used LAUREL [Copestake 92b] which was developed asthe Lexical Representation Language (LRL) for the Acquilex LKB system. LAUREL is a graphunification based representation language that offers the flexibility to represent bothsyntactic and semantic information formally in a way which could be easily integrated withmuch current work on unification grammar, parsing and generation.

The type Feature Structure formalism, based on [Carpenter 92], has been augmented toallow the lexicon to be structured hierarchically using default inheritance mechanisms (thatwhich is stated for lexical entries at the highest levels can be inherited by concepts at morespecific levels), lexical and phrasal rules, multilingual relations, etc.

Although the LKB provides a representation language and defines valid operations onentries, the LKB system capabilities have been augmented to allow flexible access to classesof LKB lexical entries by any information contained in it for consulting and testing theinformation extracted and represented in the lexicons [Rigau et al. 94].

3.2.4 General methodology

Most of the relations between lexical items described in Section 3.2.2 are semanticrelations. That is, relations between word meanings, and relations between word meaningsand word forms. Although the division of word meanings into dictionary senses and theirclassification are frequently arbitrary (e.g., [Atkins & Levin 88], [Kilgarriff 93], [Kilgarriff97]) and dictionary entries for polysemous words are usually very closely related and encodefine-grain semantic distinctions that are unlikely to be of practical value for NLP [Dolan 94],dictionary senses have been considered as the semantic units because they represent differentconceptual entities (with the corresponding descriptions) of the same word. Other approacheshave used words instead of senses (e.g., word hierarchies [Nakamura & Nagao 88], semanticnetworks [Jensen & Binot 87], [Fox et al. 88], [Ricardson 97], the Pathfinder network [Wilks etal. 93], multidimentional space vectors [Niwa & Nitta 94]), avoiding the Genus SenseDisambiguation (GSD) problem (a central issue of this thesis, see Section 5.3).

The methodology we applied attempts to derive an MLKB from the monolingual andbilingual dictionaries, using mainly the descriptive approach (see Section 1.4 and 2.4) [Agenoet al. 92b] and roughly performs as follows. First, the monolingual and bilingual MRDs areloaded into a standardized Lexical Data Base (LDB). Once the MRD is transformed into aMachine-Tractable Dictionary (MTD)1 and placed in a Lexical Data Base (LDB) thedifferent dictionary access strategies could be exploited. Secondly, separate semantictaxonomies are derived (semi)automatically from monolingual LDBs for common subsets ofvocabulary. Furthermore, the complete noun taxonomy of DGILE can also be derived withouthuman intervention (see Sections 5.2 and 5.3). Later on, by parsing the dictionary definitionsattached to the taxonomy senses, a richer knowledge about the defined concept is obtained. Inthis process the lexical knowledge acquired in previous steps (i.e., sense disambiguatedtaxonomies) is also used to perform a deeper semantic analysis (see Section 5.4). The lexicalknowledge acquired from dictionary senses could then be placed in monolingual LKBs. Usingbilingual LDBs, the monolingual LKBs can be linked to create an MLKB (see Chapter 6).Figure 3.1 depicts this approach to construct MLKBs from MRDs.

1Most dictionaries are only available as machine-readable in typesetting format for editingpurposes. In this case, automatic analysis must be performed to obtain a machine-tractableformat. The transformation process done for DGILE is described in [Castellón et al. 91].

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD




LDB1 Tax1

LDBn Taxn

MLKB... ... ...




Figure 3.1, general approach to build MLKBs from monolingual MRDs.

Nevertheless, the methodology applied in this work is not completely descriptive. Ourmethodology also prescribes a minimal set of primitives to represent the main ontologicalconcepts of the LKB. Thus, our approach is a mixed one, taking advantage of those describedin Section 1.2.3. Chunks of taxonomies, derived from the dictionary, are assigned to theprescribed ontological concepts. This approach allows us to avoid the circularity problem indictionary definitions [Amsler 81], assigning intermediate concepts from the dictionary to topontological structures from the Type System and providing structure, knowledge andinheritance mechanisms to the class of concepts (see Sections 4.2 and 5.2 for more details).

The semantic relations contained in dictionary definitions [Boguraev & Pustejovsky 89a]can be extracted by means of a semantic analysis of such definitions (e.g., [Jensen & Binot 87],[Fox et al. 88], [Briscoe & Carroll 91], [Vossen 92], [Bruce et al. 92], [Dolan et al. 93],[Vanderwende 95]) using a broad-coverage morphological, syntactic and semantic parsingsoftware. For English several such broad-coverage parsing engines exist (e.g., PEG [Jensen 86],Core Language Engine [Alshawi 92], Alvey Natural Language Tools [Grover et al. 93], etc.).Woefully, this is not the case for Spanish (and other many languages), where availablewide-range tools for NLP are limited to morphological analysers and part-of-speech taggers(e.g., [Acebo et al. 94], [Farwell et al. 95], [Sanchez & Nieto 95], [Padró 98]). Building suchtools is beyond the scope of this work, as it would require the creation of several specializedgrammars ([Ageno et al. 91a], see also [Hagman 92]) for parsing entries belonging to differentsemantic classes (e.g., SUBSTANCE, FOOD, PERSON, INSTRUMENT, etc.).

Consider, as an illustration of the acquisition process performed by SEISD, the lexicalentry rioja_1_1, belonging to the taxonomy bebida (drink). The methodology is divided intosix partial steps.

1) First, the top dictionary senses that cover the semantic classes to be represented in theLKB are selected and assigned to the appropriate semantic type (see Sections 4.2 and 5.2 for adetailed discussion of this issue). At this stage, for the taxonomy derived from zumo_1_1(juice) the dictionary sense root is attached to the c_art_subst (comestible-artifact-substance)type1.

Word sense: zumo_1_1Attached-to: c_art_subst type.Definition: líquido que se extrae de las flores, hierbas, frutos, etc. (liquid extracted

from flowers, herbs, fruits, etc.).

2) Exploiting the implicit hypo/hypernym relation, the sense disambiguated taxonomiesare generated, collected, validated and attached to the same semantic class represented inthe Type System. This task is performed by the TaxBuild (Taxonomy Builder) module ofSEISD (see Sections,, 4.3 and 5.3). An example of a hypernym dictionary sense ofrioja_1_1 following the hypernym chain through vino_1_1 is zumo_1_1:

1 See Section 3.5.2 for a description of the Type System supporting the LKB.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


Word sense: vino_1_1Hypernym: zumo_1_1Definition: zumo de uvas fermentado (fermented juice of grapes).FPar: ((CLASS ZUMO))

Word sense: rioja_1_1Hypernym: vino_1_1Definition: vino de Rioja (wine from Rioja).FPar: ((CLASS VINO))

3) For each semantic class, the different conceptual nodes attached to it are processed inorder to obtain deeper knowledge of the case roles relations and content relations appearing inthe differentiae. This process is carried out by the SemBuild (Semantic Builder) of SEISD(see Sections, 4.4 and 5.4). For instance, the definition of rioja_1_1 gives a meaning ofthe word rioja as a kind of wine (the genus term) but different from the other wines because itis made in a particular region (the differentiae).

Word sense: zumo_1_1Attached-to: c_art_subst type.Definition: líquido que se extrae de las flores, hierbas, frutos, etc. (liquid extracted

from flowers, herbs, fruits, etc.).SinPar: [SN: [n: líquido],

SW: [p0r: que],SV: [x: se,

v0v: extraer],SP: [r0d: de,

SN: [n: flor.n: hierba,n: fruto]]].

Word sense: vino_1_1Hypernym: zumo_1_1Definition: zumo de uvas fermentado (fermented juice of grapes).SinPar: [SN: [n: zumo,

SP: [r0d: de,SN: [n: uva,

a : fermentado]]]].

Word sense: rioja_1_1Hypernym: vino_1_1Definition: vino de Rioja (wine from Rioja).SinPar: [SN: [n: vino],

ORIGIN: [w: rioja]].

4) This enriched taxonomy is then represented in the LKB formalism in order to exploitthe inheritance and other inferential mechanisms that make explicit, for instance, theinherited properties of the hypernym lexical entries. This task is performed mainly by theCRS (Conversion Rule System) of SEISD (see Sections 3.6.2, 4.4.2 and 5.4). In our example,when the analysed rioja_1_1 is placed as a lexical entry into the LKB lexicon all the localand inherited information acquired (or represented in the Type System) is available. That is,a rioja is a fermented liquid derived from grapes and produced in Rioja.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


rioja x_1_1 < lex-noun-sign rqs > < vino_X_I_1< lex-noun-sign rqs > < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id dictionary > = ("VOX") < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id word > = (“rioja”) < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id hom*onym-no > = (“1”) < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id sense-no > = (“1”) < rqs : origin-area > = (“rioja”)

5) Once a semantic class of lexical entries have been generated and placed in the LKB forthe different languages, the acquisition of multilingual lexical information by means of themultilingual connection between lexical entries can be performed. This process is carried out bythe TGE (Tlinks Generation Environment) module of SEISD (see Sections 3.6.3 and 4.5 andChapter 6). For instance, using the knowledge placed in the bilingual dictionaries, thefollowing links can be generated for rioja_x_1_1 and lexical entries of LDOCE (a similarmechanism has also been used, see 6.3.3, for linking lexical entries to WordNet synsets):

rioja_x_1_1 linked to wine_l_1_1 (by means of parent tlink).rioja_x_1_1 linked to drink_l_2_1 (by means of grandparent tlink).

6) Finally, when the extraction process ends, the lexical knowledge acquired must bevalidated and tested in order to look for incompleteness (for instance, daughter lexical entrieswith no differences between them), in order to perform further acquisition cycles or add newinformation manually. This process aided by the LDB/LKB system enhancement (see Sections3.6.4 and 4.6).

Finally, our methodology has been regarded as being evolutionary [Vanderwende 95].That is, our methodology acquires knowledge as a result of a stepwise refinement (i.e., byallowing the user to inspect each step cycle of new knowledge being acquired).

3.3 The Main objectives of SEISD

The main reason for designing and implementing SEISD (Sistema d’Extracció d'InformacióSemàntica de Diccionaris) was to build a modular system capable of performing the wholeprocess of exploiting monolingual and bilingual MRDs by creating an MLKB following thegeneral methodology outlined above. The system design involves both methodological andtechnical considerations. The most important features of SEISD are:

• SEISD was designed to support the main methodology (see Section 3.2).• The underlying methodology for semantic extraction from MRDs has been developed

taking into account the characteristics of the MRDs and other lexical resources used.• SEISD was built to extract lexical knowledge from MRDs with minimal effort and

minimal human intervention. In fact, several subsystems of SEISD allow both interactive andbatch modes with different level of human intervention ranging from (semi)automatic to fullyautomatic.

• The modular design of SEISD allows each module to be enriched with differentapproaches and techniques.

• System performance is controlled by a set of informed heuristics.• Great attention has been paid to the reusability of software and lexical resources. In

fact, the system has fully integrated previous Acquilex representational formalisms andtheir supporting NLP software tools.

A central guideline was to build the whole system so as to perform each process semi-automatically. A first version of SEISD was built and used within the Acquilex project.Results of the (semi)automatic use of SEISD are reported in [Castellón 93] and [Taulé 95]. We

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


report now in this thesis improvements both in methodology and techniques for efficacy (toobtain more information) and efficiency (to obtain this information more easily).

3.4 SEISD architecture

SEISD1 supplies a user-friendly interface to several subsystems and multiple sources ofmassive and heterogeneous data, and also a way of integrating them. SEISD was designed asa medium for the acquisition methodology, and is fully integrated with the Acquilex lexicalrepresentational formalisms and their supporting software tools2. The whole system has beenimplemented in Common Lisp for Macintoch.

Figure 3.2 shows the most important modules of SEISD (right) and the knowledge sources(left) used by the system.

The SEISD environment provides full coverage to the general approach described inSection 3.2 to build MLKBs from monolingual and bilingual MRDs and exploit them. In thissection, after introducing the common subsystems used in the various stages of the acquisitionprocess, the main functions covered by SEISD are described. To date, the subsystems includedin SEISD are:

• LDB (Lexical Data Base) [Carroll 90a] or [Carroll 92], a database-like system providingflexible access to dictionary entries via any of the information contained in the MRD.

• LKB (Lexical Knowledge Base) [Copestake 92a], a system developed to represent lexicalentries by means of typed Feature Structures constrained by a Type System.

• PRE (Production Rules Environment) [Ageno et al. 93], a rule-oriented general purposeinterpreter adapted to natural language applications.

• LispWN, a Lisp interface to WordNet allowing access to all the lexical knowledgestored in it.

• TaxBuild (Taxonomy Builder), a system that allows the (semi)automatic (see [Ageno etal. 92b]) or fully automatic (see [Rigau et al. 97] and [Rigau et al. 98]) construction andvalidation of taxonomies of senses from the LDB (selection of the genus term and resolution ofthe lexical ambiguity). That is, process 2 of those presented in Section 1.4. Currently, thissystem uses:

• SegWord [Sanfilippo 90], a morphological analyser based on the morphologicalvalidations of headwords contained in the LDB.• FPar (Flexible Parser) [Carroll 90b], a syntactic-semantic analyser based on [Alshawi89] that allows partial analysis of the dictionary definitions.

• SemBuild (Semantic Builder), a system that allows the acquisition and validation oflexical knowledge from the differentiae. That is, process 3 of those presented in Section 1.4.This system currently uses the MACO+ morphological analyser [Carmona et al. 98] and theRelax tagger [Padró 98] and includes:

1SEISD is a software environment that was used (mainly by the Spanish team) withinAcquilex and Acquilex II projects. SEISD was designed by the author of this thesis althoughother researchers participate in the construction of several modules of the system as buildersand/or users (so must of the references of SEISD are co-authored). If no explicit indication ofthe contrary is made, the author is the designer (and also the main programmer) of all thecomponents of the system.2The subsystems developed within the Acquilex project by the Computer Laboratory ofCambridge University (CCL) and reused in the SEISD environment are the LDB System, theL K B System, the S e g W o r d morphological analyser and the F P a r syntactic-semanticanalyser.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


Linguistic Knowledge

SegWord and Relax

FPar and SinPar grammars

Lexical Knowledge



EIE(bilingual English/Spanish)

EEI (bilingual Spanish/English)



Plain Taxs

Analized Taxs


Type System





LDB System

LKB System



DGILE (monolingual Spanish)



LDB/LKB System




Figure 3.2, SEISD architecture.

• SinPar (Sintagm Parser), a shallow parsing tool implemented as a DCG grammar[Pereira & Warren 80] for parsing completely all dictionary definitions which providesfor an input definition a fully analysed set of chunks (nominal, verbal andprepositional sintagms).

• CRS (Conversion Rule System) [Ageno et al. 92d], an interactive system that allows the(semi)automatic conversion of the information extracted from the LDB to lexicons included in

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


the LKB system. This module performs process 4 of the general methodology presented inSection 1.4.

• TGE (Tlinks Generation Environment) [Ageno et al. 94], an interactive system that allowsthe creation of Translation Links (tlinks) between lexical entries of several languages(semi)automatically. That is, process 5 of the general methodology presented in Section 1.4(see Chapter 6 for more details).

• LDB/LKB integration [Rigau et al. 94], a system that increases the functions provided bythe LKB system with flexible LDB-like access to classes of lexical entries via any of theinformation they contain. This module performs process 6 of the general methodologypresented in Section 1.4.

3.5 Common subsystems used in SEISD

Four subsystems are used in several modules of SEISD. The LDB and LKB systems havebeen used by all the Acquilex partners and were developed by the Computer Laboratory ofCambridge University (CCL). Both systems were designed for representing lexical entries.PRE is a rule-oriented general purpose interpreter designed to be used in natural languageapplications and was developed by the Natural Language Group of the LSI department toprovide flexible processing. PRE has been used in several parts of SEISD (CRS and TGE). PREhas been also used by the MACO morphological analyser [Acebo et al. 94], and other NLPsystems [Gatius & Rodríguez 96] and [Turmo 97].

3.5.1 LDB

Within Acquilex, the Lexical Data Base (LDB), which implements the two-leveldictionary access model [Boguraev et al. 91], was implemented to provide flexible access toMRDs. The LDB is endowed with a graphic interface which provides a user-friendlyenvironment for query formation and Information Retrieval. It allows several dictionaries tobe loaded and queried in parallel.

3.5.2 LKB

The two main components of the LKB are the Type System and the Lexicon. The TypeSystem represented as a type hierarchy defines a partial order ("is more specific than") onthe types and establishes consistency conditions. The operations that the LKB supports are(default) inheritance, (default) unification and lexical rule application.

Thus, the LKB provides facilities for creating Type Systems, loading lexicons anddisplaying fully expanded Feature Structures, type checking, and so forth. A brief descriptionof the LKB system can be found in [Copestake 92a] and a complete one in [Copestake 92b].

3.5.3 PRE

The Production Rules Environment or PRE [Ageno et al. 93] is a rule-oriented generalpurpose interpreter designed to be used in natural language applications. The PRE follows thephilosophy of most production rules systems (e.g., OPS5 [Brownstom et al. 86]). A set of objectsis placed in an active data storage device (the Working Memory, WM) and a set of rulesmanage the WM objects. PRE has been used to implement a flexible and incrementalmechanism in the CRS and TGE systems.

PRE rules are grouped into rulesets. Rulesets are identifiable sets of rules with specificcontrol behaviour. The system performance is conducted by the action of a set of control user-defined mechanisms at ruleset or rule level. The capabilities of the system includeconsultation, modification and creation of WM objects and an expressive unificationmechanism that has been added to the system in order to access the objects stored in the WMin a more flexible way.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


The PRE system has been implemented to perform some complex functions and particularstrategies with multiple and heterogeneous knowledge sources in the most declarative way.The PRE offers a powerful (in terms of both expressiveness and performance) rule applicationmechanism and provides the possibility of defining higher level mechanisms and controlstrategies to the mapping process (performed by the CRS, see Section 3.6.2) and multilingualacquisition (performed by the TGE, see Section 3.6.3).

For instance, the following descriptions define two rulesets of CRS, the top ruleset and theruleset extraction as a subclass of top. Standard-sort-proc refers to a lisp function thatperforms a default rule sort procedure. All the other slots are self-explained.

(ruleset topcontrol one-ciclesort-proc standard-sort-procsort-type staticfinal-cond nil)

(ruleset extractionisa top)

In order to ilustrate the PRE consider the following TGE rule:

(rule rule-1-all ruleset all control forever priority 1 (translation-in ^trans-records (?translation *rest)) -> (modify 1 ^trans-records (*rest)) (create translation ^trans-psorts nil ^trans-record ?translation ^tlink-type nil

^checked nil))

In this rule the pattern-condition is the occurrence of an object named translation-in in theWM. This object must contain a ^trans-records attribute whose value will be matched againstthe pattern (?translation *rest). If the matching succeeds then translation variable will beunified with the first element of the list and rest variable with the remainder elements as alist. The action part of the rule consists of two actions. The former is the modification oftranslation-in, popping its first element, and the latter performs the creation of anotherobject, named translation. Rule-1-all rule is applied until all the objects named “translation-in” have emptied the list contained in their slot ^trans-records.

3.6 SEISD as a support of the extraction methodology

3.6.1 Semantic knowledge acquisition

The semantic knowledge acquisition function of SEISD is performed by TaxBuild andSembuild. TaxBuild [Ageno et al. 91b], [Ageno et al. 92b] is one of the most importantmechanisms of SEISD. This module produces complete disambiguated and partially analysed(using SegWord morphological analyser and FPar syntactic-semantic analysers) dictionarysense taxonomies from DGILE. SemBuild acquires semantic knowledge analysing completelythe diferentia (using MACO+ morphological analyser, the Relax tagger and the SinParparsing tool).

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD

54 Analysers used by TaxBuild and SemBuild

As stated above in Section 1.3, the main source of information for obtaining semanticknowledge from MRDs is the dictionary definitions. Therefore, parsing definitions is afundamental task of the semantic acquisition process. That is, building taxonomies from thegenus term and performing an in-depth semantic acquisition from the differentia. Thanks tothe modular design of SEISD several morphological and syntactic analysers have been tested.Results of the (semi)automatic use of SEISD reported by [Castellón 93] and [Taulé 95] wereperformed using SegWord and FPar, while those presented in this thesis use also SegWordand FPar to select the genus term and the Relax tagger and SinPar analyser to acquiresemantic knowledge from the differentia.

Thus, in order to detect the genus term of dictionary senses, two different analyses werecarried out: the morphological analysis (performed by SegWord), and the syntactic-semanticanalysis (performed by FPar).

The most important feature of SegWord is the use of the part-of-speech informationlocated in the LDB to perform the morphological analysis. Every word to be analysed issegmented into a set of pieces and then matched against a set of rules to build a possiblelemma which is looked up (if it exists) in the LDB. This program returns for every word a setof possible morphological analyses. There are three kinds of rules, compound, prefix andsuffix rules. Consider for instance the next morphological rule:

(suffix-rulerestrictions final-onlysurface-form idobasic (er ir)category (V > PARTI))

This suffix rule can be applied only to the second and third conjugation regular Spanishverbs producing a participle. Thus, analyzing the Spanish word form comido the analyzerdetects that is derived from the verb entry comer (changing the ending suffix ido for er)looked up from the LDB.

FPar (Flexible Parser) [Carroll 90b], a syntactic-semantic analyser based on a proposalmade in [Alshawi 89], uses a grammar in the form of a hierarchy of patterns. The moregeneral patterns at the top of the hierarchy provide an interpretation of the dictionary senseif more specific, complete and detailed ones lower down fail. In this sense, FPar is a robustdictionary definition parsing tool1.

Every FPar grammar contains a set of analysis rules and a set of structure building rules. Inthis case, using the specialized grammar for substances, two main rules have been launched,the analysis and structure rules n-95:

(n-95(n +p && +noun *0s-adj *0pp-mod &&))

(n-95 ((class +noun) (properties *0s-adj) (prep-mod *0pp-mod) (r-95)))

where && means an arbitrary list of words, +noun stands for exactly one noun and *0s-adjfor zero or more adjectives.

These two simple analysers were able to select the genus term of all noun and verbdefinitions correctly with an accuracy of 97%.

1The same schema was used for analysing the definitions of the LPPL dictionary [Artola 93].

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


However, for an in-depth analysis of the dictionary definitions we used more powerfulanalysers. First, we used the MACO morphological analyser [Acebo et al. 94] (currently, weare using MACO+ [Carmona et al. 98]) and the Relax tagger [Padró 98] to analyse and assign aunique morphological tag and lemma to all word forms in DGILE definitions. The systemallows for the provision of statistical and manually coded morphological rules fordisambiguation. Second, we used SinPar (Sintagm Parser) a robust parser which providescomplete syntagm analysis of dictionary definitions. We implemented this parser using aDCG grammar which analyses nominal, verbal and prepositional syntagms1. Selecting the correct genus term

In order to select the correct semantic head or genus term for noun and verb definitions, aspecialized grammar2 has been developed. Frequently, the genus term for noun definitions isthe first noun present in it and for verb definitions the first verb [Amsler 81]. Obviously, thereare many cases in which this simple rule for genus detection does not hold [Ageno et al. 91a](for instance, the linkers [Meijs 90] between headword and the genus term).

In order to ilustrate the whole acquisition process performed by SEISD consider ojén_1_1dictionary definition.

The genus detection process of the taxonomy construction carried out by TaxBuild selectsaguardiente as the genus term of ojén_1_1 .

Word sense: ojén_1_1Definition: aguardiente dulce, anisado (sweet, anise flavoured liquor)FPar: ((CLASS aguardiente)) Genus Sense Identification

The correct selection of the genus term of the dictionary definitions makes it possible tobuild taxonomies of words [Nakamura & Nagao 88], but in order to build semantic hierarchiestaking as the semantic units dictionary senses (meanings) rather than words, a costlydisambiguation task must be undertaken because dictionary entries for polysemous wordsencode fine-grain semantic distinctions and typically differ only in some slight shade ofmeaning [Byrd 89], [Dolan 94]. Then, in order to construct disambiguated hierarchies, onceTaxbuild has selected the correct genus term of a dictionary, if the genus term is polysemous,this candidate must be disambiguated against one of the senses of the genus term. This is theGenus Sense Disambiguation (GSD) process [Amsler 81], a particular case of Word SenseDisambiguation (WSD) also called Lexical Ambiguity Resolution (LAR) [Miller & Teibel 91],Word Sense Discrimination (WSD) [McRoy 92], Word Sense Selection (WSS) [Kilgarrif 93] orWord Sense Identification [Miller et al. 94].

Although the WSD process against dictionary definitions is a very difficult task even forhumans3 and the (semi)automatic techniques for GSD have been widely used (e.g., [Amsler

1Perhaps a full grammar parser of Spanish could lead to better results, but, because of thesublanguage used in dictionaries and the acquisition goals, a partial analysis (nodependencies between syntagms) does not seem to be a serious limitation.2Although it specialised to obtain the genus term, this grammar is domain independent andcovers almost all noun and verb definitions.3[Wilks et al. 93] say that disambiguating 197 occurrences of the word bank in LDOCE"wasnot an easy task, as some of the usages of the bank did not seem to fit any of the definitionsvery well". [Jorgenssen 90] shows interesting psycholinguistic experiments using theAgreement-Disagreement ratio to assign words in contexts to dictionary senses; an error rate ofaround 10% is found for polysemous words, tagging semantically SemCor by hand [Miller etal. 93]; [Sussna 93], manually assigning WordNet synsets to 544 nouns with context, reportsthat 22% had more than one sense applicable. [Ng & Lee 96] estimate an error of 10-20%tagging manually 192,800 word occurrences with WordNet synsets. Furthermore, as this

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


81], [Vossen & Serail 90], [Ageno et al. 92b], [Calzolari et al. 93], [Artola 93], [Castellón 93]),some attempts of automatic GSD using the semantic codes of the dictionary (e.g., [Copestake90], [Bruce & Guthrie 92]) or using cooccurrence data extracted from the dictionary itself (e.g.,[Wilks et al. 93] and [Schütze 92c]) have been performed. However, for the more generalproblem of WSD other automatic approaches have also been proposed (see Section 4.3).

Although the first versions of TaxBuild only performed (semi)automatic construction oftaxonomies (see the use of this version in [Castellón 93] and [Taulé 95]), we present in thisthesis a new version that builds semantic taxonomies without human intervention. Ourapproach (see Section 5.3) for constructing fully automatically taxonomies from DGILEcombines multiple methods (overlapping between definitions, content vectors, conceptualdistance, etc.) and structured lexical resources (monolingual and bilingual MRDs, WordNet,etc.).

Considering our piece of hypernym chain again. There is no need for a GSD process foro jén_1_1 because the genus, aguardiente , has only one possible sense in DGILEaguardiente_1_1 , while for the genus term of aguardiente_1_1 , bebida, a GSD process isnecessary in order to select the correct hypernym of aguardiente from among four possiblesenses of bebida.

Word sense: aguardiente_1_1Hyponym-of: bebida_1_3Definition: bebida alcohólica que por destilación se obtiene del vino (alcoholic drink

obtainedby distillation from wine) .

Word sense: ojén_1_1Hyponym-of: aguardiente_1_1Definition: aguardiente dulce, anisado (sweet, anise flavoured liquor). The analysis of the differentiae

Once a disambiguated taxonomy is created by the taxonomy acquisition module ofTaxBuild and all the dictionary senses included are connected by hypernym links (except thetop ones, which are connected to the Type System) and hyponym links (except the terminaldictionary senses), a further semantic enrichment process can be performed.

Knowledge appearing in the differentia [Calzolari 91] of the definition has to beextracted and assigned to the appropriate semantic roles in the LKB. This task implies amore in-depth analysis of such definitions. Domain-specific grammars have been developedto allow an in-depth acquisition of such semantic information placed in the differentia. Thegrammars involved must be more complete and complex than those grammars used in thetaxonomy acquisition process, which are specialized for the genus detection1.

Since the information acquired in the semantic acquisition process may be incompleteowing to the partial analysis carried out, the user is provided with an iterative process forimproving incrementally the semantic information extracted (see Section 5.4). Viewing theresults of the various analyses, the lexicographer can determine how tune the grammargrammar in order to reach richer and more complete results. This cycling process can be carriedout as many times as desired.

The following examples are the partially syntactic analysed dictionary senses ofa*guardiente_1_1 and ojén_1_1 using SinPar where SN stands for nominal sintagm, SA foradjectival, SP for prepositional SV for verbal and SW for chunks of words.

tagging was also performed on the Brown Corpus (as well as the Wall Street Journal) theycompare the subset of the occurrences that overlap. They found only a 57% of agreement withrespect to SemCor [Miller et al. 94].1Currently,, we are using a wide-range tagger of Spanish [Padro 98] and Sintagm Parser forprocessing the whole dictionary.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


Word sense: aguardiente_1_1Hyponym-of: bebida_1_3Definition: bebida alcohólica que por destilación se obtiene del vino (alcoholic drink

obtainedby distillation from wine) .SinPar: [SN: [n:bebida,

SA: [a: alcohólico]],SW: [p0r: que],SP: [r0p: por,

SV: [x:se,v0v: obtener],SN: [n: destilación]],

SP: [r0a: del,SN: [n: vino]]].

Word sense: ojén_1_1Hyponym-of: aguardiente_1_1Definition: aguardiente dulce, anisado (sweet, anise flavoured liquor).SinPar: [SN: [n: aguardiente,

SA: [a: dulce,a : anisado]]].

A more in-depth conceptual analysis of these analysed definitions can be performed usingthe semantic knowledge previously acquired (i.e., the taxonomies) and exploiting theintrinsic characteristics of the underlying definitions (i.e., the semantic domain of thetaxonomies being analysed).

3.6.2 Mapping the semantic knowledge onto the LKB

Once the semantic acquisition process is finished, the taxonomic and other semanticinformation implicitly underlying the dictionary definitions must be translated into a formalrepresentation language allowing consistent management of the lexical data acquired. Thismapping process between the information extracted and the LKB is described in this section. The Conversion Rule System

The main aim of the Conversion Rules System (CRS) [Ageno et al. 92c], [Ageno et al. 92d] inthe SEISD environment is to perform the conversion of the semantic information extractedfrom the partially analysed dictionary senses to lexical entries constrained by the TypeSystem of the LKB. That is, taking the analysed and validated taxonomy generated using theTaxBuild System, the CRS was designed in order to perform the translation from one structureto the other in the most declarative way. The lexicon produced by the CRS can then be loadedinto the LKB system [Copestake 92a].

The mapping process requires knowledge from several heterogeneous sources of informationincluding the results of analysed dictionary definitions, disambiguated taxonomic relationsalready extracted, the Type System defined in the LKB and bilingual dictionaries. However,rather than using a closed system with a fixed methodology, the CRS was developed usingthe PRE, allowing a variety of approaches and improvements. Using the CRS to map lexical knowledge

Using the PRE, the CRS does not impose any fixed methodological strategy, althoughsome metaknowledge must be provided to PRE. But whatever the methodology used, severaldecisions must be taken: the kind of control needed, the rulesets to be designed, the rulesbelonging to each ruleset, the relative priority assigned to each rule, and so on.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


An initial set of two different modules for nouns and verbs was designed. For nountaxonomies a PRE module with three rulesets was implemented, while for verbs another PREmodule was created in which only two rulesets were necessary.

Four different modes of interaction are provided by the system, involving increasinghuman intervention. Three of them are interactive while the other is performed in batchmode without any kind of interaction. Using the interactive modes, the conversion processderives lexicons (semi)automatically, asking the user for confirmation, modification orrejection of the information provided by the CRS (see Section 5.4).

Several strategies have been implemented for performing the conversion process,depending on the information available. Consider, for instance, the previous dictionarydefinition analysed by SinPar and placed as a node in the taxonomy of bebida (drink):

Word sense: ojén_1_1Definition: aguardiente dulce, anisado (sweet, anise flavoured liquor)SinPar: [SN: [n: aguardiente,

PROPERTIES: [a: dulce,a : anisado]]].

Once bebida has been assigned to the c_art_subst type (comestible-artifact-substancesupertypes) in the Type System of the LKB, all the features of that type (local or inherited)are available. In addition, one of the translations of the adjective dulce using the bilingualdictionary is sweet, a subtype of taste, the constrained value of the feature taste of thec_art_subst, producing for this node in the taxonomy the following lexical entry:

ojén x_1_1 < lex-noun-sign rqs > < aguardiente_X_I_1< lex-noun-sign rqs > < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id dictionary > = ("VOX") < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id word > = ("ojén") < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id hom*onym-no > = ("1") < lex-sign sense-id : sense-id sense-no > = ("1") < rqs : qual : taste > = sweet < rqs : qual : smell > = flavoured.

But this is not the only information available for ojén_1_1 once this lexical entry is placedin the LKB and every lexical entry is expanded using the LKB inheritance mechanisms. Forexample, following the hypernym chains and using the information extracted for thehypernyms of ojén_1_1 made explicit during the taxonomic and semantic acquisition processes,the alcoholic property of aguardiente is inherited by ojén_1_1 .

3.6.3 Multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition

An important issue for our system is multilinguality. In this section we present the way wecan acquire automatically multilingual links from our lexical resources. Tlinks

The initial assumption is that the basic units for defining lexical translation equivalenceshould be the lexical entries in the monolingual LKBs, which should, in general, correspond toword senses in the dictionary. Although in the simplest cases we can consider the lexicalentries themselves as translation equivalent, in general, more complex cases occurcorresponding to lexical gaps, differences in morphologic or lexical features, specificity, etc.(e.g., [Fernández 95], [Hirst 95] or [Soler 96]).

The tlink (Translation Link) mechanism [Copestake et al. 92] is general enough to allowthe monolingual information to be augmented with translation specific information, in avariety of ways. We first describe the tlink mechanism in the LKB and then outline how someof these more complex equivalences can be represented.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


We can define tlinks in terms of relations between Feature Structures (FSs). Lexical (orphrasal) transformations in both source and target languages1 are a desirable capability, sowe can state that a tlink is essentially a relation between two rules (of the sort alreadydefined in the LKB) where the rule inputs have been instantiated by the representations ofthe word senses to be linked.

<fs0:1> <fs0:0> <fs1:0> <fs1:1>

wine wine vino vino

identity identitytlink

Figure 3.3, a tlink between “wine” and “vino”.

As shown in Fig. 3.3, wine can be encoded as translation equivalent to vino by the identityrule.

tlink (top) < fs0 > = rule < fs1 > = rule < fs0 : 0 : sem : id > = < fs1 : 0 : sem : id>.

simple-tlink (tlink) < fs0 : 0 > = < fs0 : 1 > < fs1 : 0 > = < fs1 : 1 >.



. . .

. . .

<0> = sign <1> = sign.

. . .

Figure 3.4, partial view of tlink type hierarchy.

Like other LKB objects, a tlink can be represented as a Feature Structure, as shown in Fig.3.4. The Type System mechanism, in the LKB, allows further refinement and differentiationof tlink classes in several ways. A simple tlink is applicable when two lexical entries arestraightforwardly translation equivalent, without any transformation. Thus, assuming thatthe LDOCE sense absinth_l_0_1, is translation equivalent to the DGILE absenta_x_1_1, wewould have the following tlink:

simple_tlink< fs0 : 1 > == absinth_l_0_1< fs1 : 1 > == absenta_x_1_1.

The “syntactically sugared” version, which appears in tlink files, is:

absinth_l_0_1 / absenta_x_1_1 :simple-tlink.

A partial tlink is applicable when we want to transfer the qualia structure from one senseto another, a phrasal tlink is necessary when we need to describe a single translationequivalence with a phrase, etc.

1 In fact Tlinks are undirected relationships.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD

60 TGE: Tlinks Generation Environment

Of course, tlinks can be established manually, but the multiplicity of cases occurring andthe existence of several heterogeneous knowledge sources, such as bilingual dictionaries,monolingual LDBs and multilingual LKBs allows and motivates the mechanization of theprocess. To help perform this task we have developed an interactive1 environment: the TGE[Ageno et al. 94], which is a module of SEISD.

The TGE has been implemented using the PRE. This approach has already been used in theCRS and was motivated mainly by the need to provide a flexible and open way of definingtlink formation mechanisms. Using the TGE to generate tlinks

Like the CRS, the TGE may be considered a toolbox and, thus, it does not impose a singlemethodological strategy. Whatever the methodology followed, several decisions must betaken: different strategies and control mechanisms for tlink formation, several degrees ofinteraction with the user, different knowledge resources used, etc.

An initial set of modules has been designed according to the typology of tlinks partiallydepicted in Figure 5. It included four sorts of tlinks that showed different conceptualcorrespondences between the two languages. A more in-depth study of English/Spanishmismatches (i.e., [Soler 93], [Fernández 95]) could lead to an enrichment of the typology, andconsequently, to the need to extend the extant modules.

To date, seven modules, each of them implemented as a ruleset, have been developed.Each of them generates one of the four kinds of tlinks. Each module follows a differentstrategy to guess a possible tlink, looking at the three accessible knowledge sources. Consider,for instance, the simple tlink ruleset:

• Simple Tlink Module. This is the case when there is a direct translation of the sourceentry in the bilingual dictionary. Consider the following example:

absenta_x_1_1 -----> absenta LKB source entryabsenta -----> absinth bilingual dictionaryabsinth -----> absinth_l_0_1 LKB target entry===>absenta_x_1_1 / absinth_l_0_1 :simple-tlink.

Absenta is translated in the bilingual dictionary by absinth, absinth_l_0_1 is a validlexical entry of the target lexicon, and therefore a simple-tlink connecting the two entries iscreated.

The final process can be done in semi-automatic [Ageno et al. 94] or a fully automatic way[Rigau et al. 95] (see Chapter 6).

3.6.4 Semantic knowledge validation and exploitation

Once the information contained in the dictionary definitions has been represented as alexicon in the MLKB, some testing processes should be performed on the lexicon acquired inorder to improve the information extracted (e.g., detect possible errors or inconsistencies,extract more information, etc.), and then, to determine which changes to make in the nextacquisition loop. The LKB guarantees the appropriateness of the lexicon against the TypeSystem and provides some generative inference mechanisms (e.g., the inherence mechanismdistributes the information from the top level lexical units to the most specific ones, lexical

1TGE can also run without human interaction.

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


rules produce new lexical entries from the preexisting ones, etc.) but no facilities are providedfor performing complex consultations on the content of the lexical entries represented in thelexicon.

Of the two representational formalisms used for representing lexical entries, neither theLDB nor the LKB are able to aid the lexicographer in this validation process. The LDBprovides, basically, database-like access to lexical information, while the LKB softwaremanages a lexical knowledge representation based on typed Feature Structures (FSs) anddefines valid operations on entries. For the purposes of both validation and exploitation ofthe information acquired, it would be useful to have a new system which had the function ofboth systems: LDB-like access to an LKB lexicon.

We developed the LDB/LKB merging system [Rigau et al. 94] taking into account a centralguideline: LKB lexicons [Briscoe et al. 90], [Copestake, 92a] can be expressed, loaded andstored as in any other dictionary, in such a way that the LDB software [Carroll 90a] can beused without modifications or restrictions. The original LKB entries can be reconstructed fromtheir LDB representation. This allows us to replace the LKB's lexical reading and accessmechanism with the LDB functions, which gets round the current problem that reading inLKB lexicons is very slow, showing a considerable drop in performance when faced with real-size lexicons, and in the long term will allow for efficient access to indexed.

The central idea of loading lexicon files like other dictionaries source files into the LDBenvironment seems quite straightforward, but several problems (e.g., how to describe sources,what information index, how to access indexed information, how to query subsumedinformation, etc.) arise when it is approached in detail (see Section 4.6).

3.7 Conclusions

This chapter has been devoted firstly to the general methodology for creating an MLKBfrom monolingual and bilingual MRDs. That is, the main issues to be taken into considerationwhen designing the base methodology: the characteristics of the lexical resources used, theinformation to be extracted from them, how to carry out the process and how to represent andexploit the information extracted.

This chapter has also been devoted to a basic overview of SEISD, the software systemthat supports the methodology previously described and the functions that cover the maincomponents of SEISD. Thus, the main aim of this Chapter was to provide a clear vision of thetasks that SEISD environment has to perform. That is, the extraction of semantic informationimplicitly located in DGILE (performed by TaxBuild and SemBuild), the mapping process ofthe information extracted to the LKB (covered by the CRS), the multilingual acquisitionprocess (developed by the TGE) and the validation and exploitation of the lexical knowledgeacquired (carried out by the LDB/LKB System). The task each module is in charge wasdescribed in detail. The problems related to each task are faced in Chapter 4 and thesolutions we provide are described in Section 4.6 (validation and explotation of theknowledge acquired) Chapter 5 (lexical acquisition from MRDs from the monolingual point ofview) and Chapter 6 (for the multilingual one).

Chapter 3. The Methodology and SEISD


Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Chapter 4

Main Issues of the Acquisition Process

4.1. Introduction

This chapter is devoted to the main problems related to the acquisition of lexicalknowledge using SEISD (briefly described in the previous chapter) in order to acquire lexicalknowledge from DGILE1. Although in Chapter 2 we provided a detailed state of the art onlexical acquisition, further and deeper studies must be carried out of the different tasks SEISDis in charge. This chapter focus on these studies. Section 2 explains different methodologicalapproaches for classifying those concepts represented in a conventional MRD. Section 3 isdevoted to several approaches for the Genus Sense Disambiguation (GSD) problem. Section 4deals with the extraction of the main semantic relations from the dictionary definitions andtheir mapping onto the LKB. Section 5 deals with the multilingual enrichment of the LKB,and finally Section 6 is devoted to the main mechanisms used for the validation andexploitation of the multilingual LKB.

4.2. Definition of the main semantic subsets

This section deals with the methodological considerations for, firstly, the detection(and/or selection) of the main semantic subsets underlying MRD definitions and, secondly, forapplying a descriptive approach to select the most representative dictionary senses leadingto a full coverage of a semantic subset.

4.2.1 Predefined semantic primitives

DGILE (like most MRDs2) was not built according to a predefined classification of theconcepts present in the universe, and lacks extensive semantic coding. Therefore, sets of

1Although we used DGILE, most of our work can be applied to any other conventional MRD.2 Only a few dictionaries have been built following a fully prescriptive approach. LDOCE ispartially annotated (86% of dictionary senses) with 16 basic and 17 composite semantic codes(or subject codes for verbs) and 124 major pragmatic codes (44% of dictionary senses), both ofthem organised as hierarchies ([Slator 88] imposed deeper structure onto the LDOCEpragmatic code hierarchy). The latest version of LDOCE -- LDOCE3-NLP -- is fullyannotated. To date, only CIDE has been built using a complete classification system for wordsin terms of their meanings. Words in CIDE are grouped in a hierarchical system (creatingsemantic sets) according to shared and inherited semantic features. Furthermore, there arealso several thesaurus such as the Roget's International Thesaurus, which classifies all wordsinto 1,042 semantic categories, and for Spanish, DILEC (Casares), with 38 semantic classesorganised hierarchically, and DILEV, with a three-level hierarchy of ontological concepts.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


related dictionary senses cannot be semantically classified in advance. However, following apurely bottom-up strategy, a natural set of taxonomic chains (that is, a natural classificationof the concepts) represented in DGILE could be obtained. Thus, a straightforward way toobtain a LKB derived from the implicit taxonomy structure of the dictionary definitions canbe done following a purely bottom up strategy with the following steps: 1) parsing eachdefinition for obtaining the genus, 2) performing a genus disambiguation procedure, and 3)building a natural classification of the concepts as a concept taxonomy with several tops.Following this purely descriptive methodology, the semantic primitives of the LKB could beobtained by collecting those dictionary senses appearing at the top of the completetaxonomies derived from the dictionary. By characterizing each of these tops, the completeLKB could be produced. Using this approach the complete noun taxonomy was derived forDGILE (see [Rigau et al. 97]1 or section 5.3).

Roughly three different levels can be considered in the whole taxonomy: the top level,where the most general and ambiguous concepts would be described; the middle level, wherespecific concepts with clear taxonomic links would be placed; and the bottom level, where themost highly specific concepts of the dictionary would be described. However, severalproblems arise 1) due to the limitation of the genus sense disambiguation techniques applied(i.e, [Bruce et al. 92] report 80% accuracy using automatic techniques, while [Rigau et al. 97]report 83%) and 2) the source (i.e, circularity, errors, inconsistencies, omitted genus, etc.):

a) Circularity. Cycles frequently appear when linking dictionary senses by means ofhypo/hypernym relations extracted via genus terms of the dictionary definitions, especiallyat high levels of the taxonomy. These cycles or tangled hierarchies, which were firstdetected and studied by [Amsler 81], can be seen as representing truly semantic primitivesclustering the concepts present. That is, dictionary definitions necessarily end in circularitybecause lexicographers run out of words for defining other words. Those cycles linked to moregeneral words defining closely related concepts make such circles arbitrary. A possible causeof these arbitrary circularities is the existence of near-synonyms [Vossen 94]. Consider, forexample, the following definitions.

conjunto_1_4 agregado de varias cosas. (set: aggregate of several things).conjunto_1_5 totalidad de una cosa, considerada sin atender a sus partes o detalles.

(set: totality of a thing, considered without attending to its parts ordetai ls) .

conjunto_1_6 grupo de personas que actúan bailando y cantando en espectáculos devariedades. (set: group of persons who perform by dancing and singing ina variety show) .

agregado_1_1 conjunto de cosas hom*ogéneas que forman un cuerpo. (aggregate: set ofhom*ogeneous things that constitute a body).

totalidad_1_3 conjunto (totality: set).grupo_1_5 conjunto de elementos que se relacionan entre sí conforme a determinadas

características. (group: set of elements related to each other by means ofparticular characteristics) .

In this case, three fine-grained senses of conjunto (set) are defined by means of circulardefinitions.

An obvious way to avoid this problem is to collapse all the senses belonging to a cycle intoa single node. Thus, in the course of constructing NounSense [Bruce et al. 92], all cycles inherentin the dictionary definitions were identified, analysed, removed from the network andsubstituted by semantic primitives.

1This taxonomy contains 111,624 dictionary senses and has only 832 dictionary senses whichare tops of the taxonomy (these top dictionary senses have no hypernyms), and 89,458 leaves(which have no hyponyms). That is, 21,334 definitions are placed between the top nodes andthe leaves.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


b) Errors and inconsistencies. The existence of near-synonyms described above and the lackof any systematic control over dictionary-writing results in the loss of real meaning goingacross dictionary definitions. Consider, for instance, the following “correct” hypernym chain:

olla_1_1 vasija para cocer manjares, calentar agua, etc. (pot: vessel for cookingfood, heating water, etc.).

vasija_1_1 receptáculo para contener líquidos o cosas destinadas a la alimentación(vessel: receptacle for containing liquids or things for nourishment).

receptáculo_1_1 cavidad en que se contiene o puede contenerse cualquier substancia.(receptacle: cavity for containing any substance).

cavidad_1_1 espacio hueco de un cuerpo cualquiera. (cavity: hollow space in anybody).

espacio_1_1 medio hom*ogéneo, isótropo, continuo e ilimitado en que situamos todoslos cuerpos y todos los movimientos. (space: hom*ogeneous, isotropic,continuous and unlimited medium in which all the bodies andmovements are located).

In this case, obviously, olla (pot) is neither a cavidad (cavity) nor espacio (space) but aninstrument. That is, the genus term of receptáculo_1_1 cannot be cavidad. This kind ofproblem usually appears in the higher parts of the hierarchies, where concepts become moregeneral, abstract and ambiguous.

There are other inconsistencies between headword and genus term. For instance, it ispossible that the genus term (or one of its possible senses) doesn’t occur as headword in theMRD itself. This is the case of tontería (silliness) or afiliado (affiliate) which appear,respectively, 11 and 5 times as a genus term and are not defined within the dictionary itself.

c) Definitions with omitted genus. There are 2,362 noun definitions in DGILE (2%) in whichno explicit genus term appears. Consider, for instance, the following examples:

comida_1_1 lo que se come. (food: that which is eaten).denunciante_1_1 que hace una denuncia. (denouncer: one who denounces).

In the first case, the genus term appear as a pronoun, while in the second case, the genusterm, person, is omitted (the relative clause que can be used for persons and things).

Furthermore, the top dictionary senses, following this strategy, do not usually representthe semantic subsets that the LKB needs to characterize in order to represent usefulknowledge for NLP systems. In other words, there is a mismatch between the knowledgedirectly derived from an MRD and the knowledge needed by a LKB.

To illustrate the problem we are facing, let us suppose we plan to place the FOOD conceptsin the LKB. Neither collecting the taxonomies derived from a top dictionary sense (orselecting a subset of the top dictionary senses of DGILE) closest to FOOD concepts (e.g.,substancia -substance-), nor collecting those subtaxonomies starting from closely related senses(e.g., bebida -drinkable liquids- and alimento -food-) we are able to collect exactly the FOODconcepts present in the MRD. The first are too general (they would cover non-FOOD concepts)and the second are too specific (they would not cover all FOOD dictionary senses becauseFOODs are described in many ways).

In order to solve all these problems we propose to use a mixed methodology. That is, byattaching selected top concepts (and its derived taxonomies) to prescribed semanticprimitives represented in the LKB. Thus, first, we prescribe a minimal ontology (representedby the semantic primitives of the LKB) capable of representing the whole lexicon derivedfrom the MRD, and second, following a descriptive approach, we collect, for every semanticprimitive placed in the LKB, its subtaxonomies. Finally, those subtaxonomies selected for asemantic primitive are attached to the corresponding LKB semantic category. Obviously,apart of the problems for defining the minimal ontology (see bellow), the difficult part of

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


this approach is to select from the MRD those representative concepts (and its taxonomies)for a given semantic primitive. We perform, in Section 5.2, a new approach for selecting thoseconcepts (or top beginners) for a given LKB semantic primitive.

Furthermore, by defining mid-level semantic primitives that are neither too general norspecific, the construction of specific grammars for every semantic subset becomes easier (seeSection 4.4). More general concepts (those that appear on the top level) include a greatamount of hyponym concepts preventing the determination of an acceptable set of commonproperties while specific concepts (those that appear on the bottom level) do not definecomplete semantic taxonomies and are not useful for determining sharable properties[Castellón 93].

Several prescribed sets of semantic primitives have been created as ontological knowledgebases (e.g., Penman Upper Model [Bateman 90], CYC [Lenat & Guha 90], EDR [Uchida 90] orWordNet [Miller 90]). For instance, WordNet noun top unique beginners are 24 semanticcategories (e.g., ACT, ANIMAL, ARTIFACT, ATTRIBUTE, etc.)1. However, identifying andcharacterizing an appropriate set of primitives from an MRD and determining the correctplacement of those primitives in the hierarchy is a difficult task. Following a puredescriptive approach, [Bruce et al. 92] use as semantic primitives the LDOCE semantic codes(which forms a rather vague type hierarchy). These semantic primitives form the top levelof the NounSense acyclic network.

As we said before, following a mixed approach, that is, prescribing a minimal set ofsemantic primitives and attaching to them the corresponding taxonomies derived directlyfrom MRDs, the main dictionary senses representative of a semantic primitive must beselected. Thus, in our case, once the top level of the taxonomic structure has been prescribed(the Type System of the LKB) we must assign to each type (corresponding to mid-levelconcepts) all those main top dictionary senses which represent those types in the MRD. Then,those subtaxonomies derived from these main top beginners can be attached to thecorresponding types of the LKB. Until now, the selection of those representative concepts of asemantic primitive has been performed by introspection.

For [Copestake 90], dictionary senses which are suitable starting points for buildingtaxonomies can be identified because they occur with high frequency as class terms. This is notalways true, as there is no direct mapping between the genus term frequency and the topologyof the taxonomies underlying the MRD (that is, information regarding density, the number ofdifferent senses per level, etc.). Consider Table 4.1, with the 40 most frequent genus termsextracted from DGILE.

acción 4408 aparato 479 partidario 275 insecto 207persona 4352 mujer 464 enfermedad 271 movimiento 204efecto 3157 pez 451 arte 270 hierba 204algo 2381 terreno 411 moneda 258 sitio 203planta 1569 ave 395 fruto 257 mamífero 199calidad 970 golpe 369 doctrina 245 máquina 196instrumento 704 hombre 325 tela 241 figura 196cosa 588 substancia 292 estado 224 sistema 195árbol 555 animal 279 porción 219 vasija 191lugar 517 arbusto 277 medida 217 unidad 191

Table 4.1, most frequent genus term in DGILE.

For instance, acción (action, act), persona (person) or planta (plant) etc. have flat, broadtaxonomies while other less frequent genus terms such as substancia (substance) are moreproductive (taxonomies derived from it are deeper and have relatively more hyponymdescendants).

1 Rather than a semantic domain classification this is a coarse-grained semanticclassification useful only for the lexicographers during the creation process. (e.g., there are noverbs processes of cooking nor places to eat related in any way to the noun food classification) .

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Due to the fact that starting top points usually appear less frequently as a genus term thansome possible hyponyms (e.g., animal appears after pez (fish) and ave (bird), and beforeinsecto (insect) and mamífero (mammal)) the selection of the top concepts underlying theMRD must be done carefully.

Yet, obviously, genus terms with high frequency indicate an important concept with agreat amount of instances, and possibly an important part of a taxonomy.

The selection of the main (in the sense that they facilitate the acquisition process)semantic primitives (and their representative dictionary senses) also depends on their maincharacteristics. Consider the following example:

cosa (thing) appears as a genus term 588 times.objeto (object) appears as a genus term 86 times and objeto IS-A cosa.instrumento (instrument) appears as a genus term 704 times and instrumento IS-A objeto.aparato (device) appears as a genus term 479 times and aparato IS-A instrumento .

It is clear that an instrument has important characteristics (such as, for instance,PURPOSE information) that a general object does not have. Then, in this case, instrumentomust be selected as a top beginner for the made-by-humans-object type of the LKB.

4.2.2 Semantic coverage

It is not clear how many different semantic primitives are necessary to build a completeLKB. [Yarowsky 92] uses the major 1,042 categories of Roget's International Thesaurus asapproximations of conceptual classes. [Liddy & Paik 92] use the 124 major pragmatic fields (orsubject areas) of LDOCE as semantic primitives, and [Bruce et al. 92] a revised version ofLDOCE’s 34 semantic categories. [Rigau 94] use as semantic primitives the 24 noun top uniquebeginners of the nominal part of WordNet. [Hearst & Schütze 95] describe a method forconverting the hierarchical structure of WordNet into a flat system of 726 semanticcategories. The number of semantic subsets necessary to represent the knowledge about theworld in an LKB depends on the precision and degree of accuracy of the concepts we wish torepresent. Moreover, [Richardson 97] do not use semantic primitives building a semanticalylabeled LKB of words.

The Type System represents a set of semantic primitives by means of compositional typesusing the LKB multiple inheritance mechanism. Thus, there are types such as c_art_substancethat combine the comestible, artifact and substance primitive semantic types with their ownparticular features. The semantic class of human processed drinks and foods (extracted fromthe MRD via clear taxonomic links starting from those dictionary senses representing theconcepts drink and food) can be classified under this prescribed semantic type. Once the mainsemantic primitives have been prescribed in order to represent the whole LKB Type System,the selection of the appropriate subtaxonomies representing each type must be performed.Likewise following a mixed methodology, for a given type [Castellón 93] selected byintrospection1 a small set of top dictionary senses as starting points for deriving thecorresponding subtaxonomies.

Nevertheless, manually selecting a small set of top dictionary senses as the most generalconcept representative of the semantic class and following the hyponym chains of dictionarysenses often fails to lead to full coverage of the semantic subset. Not all dictionary sensesbelonging to the same semantic class present in the MRD are discovered by following thehyponym chains from only one dictionary sense. This phenomena can be illustrated with thefollowing dictionary definition:

queso_1_1 masa que se obtiene cuajando la leche, exprimiéndola para que deje sueroy echándole sal para que se conserve. (cheese: mass obtained by curdlingmilk,...) .

1 The nominal part of DGILE contains more than 14,000 different genus terms.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


This dictionary sense belongs clearly to the more general concept FOOD, but thisdictionary sense does not appear following a top-down construction of the taxonomy FOODfrom the dictionary sense alimento (food) [Castellón 93]. That is, rather than defining queso(cheese) by its utility (useful to be eaten by humans), it is described by its state ofa*ggregation. Obviously, the concept underlying this dictionary sense should be attached tothe c_art_subst type, like other foods. Furthermore, the taxonomy of queso (cheese) contains30 different dictionary senses, and all of them have been omitted from the taxonomy for foodextracted from DGILE (presented in [Castellón 93] containing 135 dictionary senses andextracted following the hyponym chains from the dictionary sense alimento (food)). Thisexample clearly shows that selecting by introspection a limited set of dictionary senses asunique top beginners does not cover the totality of dictionary senses of an MRD belonging to aselected semantic primitive, because the top beginners can be described by severalcharacteristics. Then, for each prescribed semantic class several top beginners could beattached. Section 5.2 describes a new descriptive approach for automatically detecting alarge set of top dictionary senses for a given prescribed semantic primitive.

4.3. Genus disambiguation

This section is devoted to methodological considerations and techniques for genus senseresolution. After a short introduction, an overview of the main contributions to the word senseresolution and genus sense disambiguation are shown. At the end, we provide a summarizationof lexical measures of relatedness.

4.3.1 Genus Term Selection vs. Genus Sense Disambiguation

A central problem that must be treated in depth consists of extracting taxonomies from theimplicit knowledge that appears in dictionary definitions. This main problem can be dividedinto two different subproblems: first, the location of the genus term in the definitions, andsecond, as the genus term appears not as a sense but simply as a word, the next subproblemconsist of selecting the correct sense (which usually appears in the same dictionary) for thatgenus term.

In order to select the correct semantic head or genus term for noun and verb definitions anddiscard those for which the top word is not the genus term, a specialized grammar has beendeveloped. Frequently, the genus term for noun definitions is the first noun present in it and forverb definitions the first verb [Amsler 81]. Obviously, there are many cases where this simplerule for genus detection does not hold [Ageno et al. 91a], for instance, the linkers [Meijs 90](also called key modifiers [Nakamura & Nagao 88] or disturbed heads [Bruce et al. 92])between the headword, lemma or definiendum and the head of the dictionary sense. Considerfor instance the next definition:

antebrazo_1_1 parte del brazo desde el codo hasta la muñeca. (ª forearm, part of thearm from the elbow to the wrist).

In this case, brazo (arm) is the genus term of antebrazo_1_1 definition and parte (part) isthe linker. Table 4.2 shows the ten different kinds of relations between noun dictionary senseswe gathered from DGILE.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


set-of (conjunto, grupo, serie, etc.) 1,912mixture-of (mezcla, etc.) 90mass-of (masa, etc.) 94related-to (relativo, etc.) 118without-of (falta, falto, ausencia, etc.) 298with-of (presencia, etc.) 36part-of (parte, pieza, pedazo, etc.) 2,175member-of (miembro, elemento, uno, etc.) 70special-is-a (tipo, especie, variedad, etc.) 1,145is-a 86,755

Table 4.2, kinds of relations between noun headwords and genus.

Consider the following example, in which the genus term appears as the third noun in thedefinition (after órbita and planeta).

afelio_1_1 En la órbita de un planeta, el punto más alejado del Sol. (aphelion: inthe orbit of a planet, the most distant point from the Sun).

For verb definitions, the selection of the genus term can be simplified by searching in thedefinitions for words ending with the suffixes ar, er, or ir (and in the pronominal cases addingalso the suffix se). Consider the following example:

abrir_1_9 Romper o despegar (cartas o paquetes). (open: rip or unstick (envelopesor packets)).

Although specialized for obtaining the genus term, this grammar is domain independentand covers all noun and verb definitions with a precision that exceeds 98% (see Section 5.3).

Once the Genus Term Selection (GTS) has been performed, the second task, the Genus SenseDisambiguation (GSD), which can be considered as a special case of the more general WordSense Disambiguation (WSD) problem, must be carried out. The following section dealsfirstly with the more general problem of WSD and secondly with the GSD problem.

4.3.2 Word Sense Disambiguation

Lexical Ambiguity Resolution or Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)1 is a long-standingproblem in Computational Linguistics2. Much recent work in Lexical Ambiguity Resolutionoffers the prospect that a disambiguation system might be able to receive unrestricted text asinput and tag each word with the most likely sense with fairly reasonable accuracy andefficiency. The most widely accepted approach is to attempt to use the context of the word tobe disambiguated together with information about each of its word senses to solve thisproblem. Although most of the techniques for word sense resolution are presented as stand-alone, it is our belief, following the ideas of [McRoy 92], that fully fledged LexicalAmbiguity Resolution should combine several information sources and techniques.

1Although this work is concerned to Genus Sense Disambiguation (GSD), it can be considered aparticular case of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD).2One can find early references (e.g., [Kaplan 50] or [Yngve 55]) related to the lexicalambiguity, but unfortunately it still remains as an open problem looking at the corpora newslist discussion started by Adam Kilgarriff (June 1995, and briefly described in [Ribas 95]) andfrom the recent conclusions at SIGLEX WorkShop: TagginText with Lexical Semantics: Why,What and How? (e.g., [Resnik & Yarowsky 97] ”Word sense disambiguation (WSD) isperhaps the great open problem at the lexical level of natural language processing”.)

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Several approaches have been proposed for attaching the correct sense (from a set ofprescribed ones) of a word in context1. Some of them serve as models only for simple systems(e.g., connectionist methods [Cottrel & Small 89], Bayesian networks [Eizirik et al. 93]) whileothers can be fully tested in real-size texts (e.g., statistical methods [Yarowsky 92], [Milleret. al. 94], [Yarowsky 94], [Yarowsky 95], knowledge-based methods [Sussna 93], [Agirre &Rigau 95] and [Agirre & Rigau 96a], or mixed methods [Richardson et al. 94], [Resnik 95],[Jiang & Conrath 97]). WSD performance is reaching a high standard, although usually onlysmall sets of words with clear sense distinctions are selected for disambiguation (e.g.,[Yarowsky 95] using an unsupervised method reports a success rate of 96% whendisambiguating twelve words with two clear sense distinctions each).

In order to evaluate the performance of a word-sense identification technique, [Gale et al.93] suggest that the appropriate basis for comparison would be a system that assumes thateach word is being used in its most frequently occurring sense. They review the literature onhow well word-disambiguation programs perform; as a lower bound, they estimate that themost frequent senses of polysemous words would be correct 75% of the time and they proposethat any sense-identification system that does not give the correct sense of polysemous wordsmore than 75% of the time would not be worth serious consideration. Tagging bothsyntactically and semantically the open-class words of the Brown Corpus, [Miller et al. 94]propose benchmarks (guessing, most frequent and co-occurrence) for systems of automatic senseidentification. In this case, using WordNet, the most frequent heuristic yields the correctsense for polysemous words 58% of the time. This difference between the two baselines is dueto the different polysemous degree and different coverage of words tested2.

Recent WSD approaches may be roughly classified by several features: (1), by the kind ofknowledge they use to perform the disambiguation process; (2), by the training procedure theyuse (in a supervised method); (3), by the way they combine the information provided bydifferent sources; (4), by the context (if any) they use.

Statistical model methods

Since [Brown et al. 91a], who used a supervised training model extracted from theCanadian Hansard bilingual corpus, many approaches to WSD using stochastic models havebeen proposed.

Some approaches ignore context, providing a simple and ready-to-use procedure forperforming the sense disambiguation process. The results of such a method would be useful as alower bound for approaches that use more refined knowledge [Gale et al. 92b]. The resultsseem to indicate that the most frequent heuristic works at 75% accuracy. Using SemCor (a partof the Brown corpus semantically tagged with WordNet synsets), [Miller et al. 94] report anaverage accuracy of 67% (including monosemous). Using WordNet 1.5 (the first version tocontain the synsets explicitly ordered by frequency), [Peh & Ng 97] report a success rate of 63%for polysemous nouns (74% for all nouns).

Another family tries to select the sense that seems to be most appropriate for the overallcontext of the ambiguous word. These works make use of the strong discourse relation thatexists between the senses of words and the general topic(s) of text. [Gale at al. 92a] defend the“one sense per discourse hypothesis: if a polysemous word appears two or more times in a wellwritten discourse, it is extremely likely that it will share the same sense”. They found thatthe tendency to share sense in the same discourse is extremely strong (98%). The context sizehas been measured using words and characters. [Gale et al. 92a], [Yarowsky 92] and [Gale etal. 93] use a 100-word window size of context surrounding the ambiguous word in order to

1The most simple approaches are those that ignore context and select for each ambiguousword its most frequent sense (e.g., [Gale et al. 92a], [Miller et al. 94]).2[Leaco*ck et al. 95] report over 90% correct answers for a supervised experiment with two-sense distinctions for the word line. With the addition of a third sense, the classifiers yield asharp degradation, obtaining a mean of 76% correct answers. Moreover, selecting a particulardegree of polysemy some senses are harder to resolve than others.

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choose the sense with the highest weight provided by the context1. [Shütze 92b] report thebest window size, using 1000 characters.

WSD techniques using supervised training models in a general context have been widelystudied. [Brown et al. 91a], [Gale et al. 92a] and [Gale et al. 93] (following the idea that “twolanguages are better than one” [Dagan et al. 91]) train a language model on bilingual corporataking bilingual differences in translation as different words senses. [Leaco*ck et al. 95]compare the performance of three different classifiers: Bayesian, neural networks and contentvectors. They demonstrate that each of the techniques is able to distinguish six senses of theword line with an accuracy greater than 70% using a training set of 200 examples. [Yarowsky94] exploits both local syntactic patterns and more distant collocational evidence byidentifiying the single best disambiguating evidence in the target context using desision lists.Unsupervised learning methods in a general context have been also tested. [Yarowsky 92]collects cooccurrence data from Grolier’s Encyclopaedia for every semantic categoryrepresented in Roget’s Thesaurus in order to obtain the salient words for each category. [Karov& Edelman 96] describe a circular converging process between word similarity and contextsimilarity measures, combining three MRDs and the Wall Street Journal corpus fordisambiguating 500 examples of four polysemous words with a success rate of 92%.

Some works such as [Schütze 92b] perform a disambiguation process with minimal humanintervention. That is, rather than a completely unsupervised process (without no humanintervention and without any hand-tagging work), [Shütze 92b] uses a post-hoc alignment ofclusters to word senses. The clusters are generated automatically from cooccurrence dataextracted from corpora using a content vector representation. Because the cluster partition doesnot necessarily correspond to word senses, he manually assigns each to a word sense (inspecting10-20 sentences per cluster).

Other approaches have considered that local context (introducing such information asword order collocations) may be a good predictor of the appropriate sense. These approachescould be summarized as the “one sense per collocation hypothesis” [Yarowsky 93]. Hedemonstrates empirically that for certain definitions of collocation (adjacent words of acertain POS, in any direction) a polysemous word exhibits essentially one sense percollocation. The different approaches using local context differ in several ways: the featuresof the local context they take into account; the way information provided by the features iscombined; the function used to calculate the weight that each feature provides for thedifferent senses; and finally, the training method (if any) they use. The features of the localcontext used by the different approaches range widely: morphological forms, word adjacency(or within a small number of positions) in left/right direction, POS of near words, deepersyntactic relations, etc.

Applying supervised learning models on local context, while [Yarowsky 93] and [Yarowsky94] consider the optimum feature in performing the disambiguation task without defining therelation between different features, [Bruce & Wiebe 94] decompose the probabilistic modelthat would result from taking all features as interdependent. [Ng & Lee 96] present asupervised WSD method (Lexas) which integrates several knowledge, including part ofspeech, morphological form, local colocations and verb-object syntactic relation. Rather thancharacterizing each sense of a word, a set of occurrences (examples) of the senses are provided.That is, the method compares the context of the word to be disambiguated (sintetized as avector of several features) with every tagged context (examples sintetized also as a vector offeatures). The method selects the example (and the asociated sense tag) with minimaldistance to the context. They report also an evaluation on a large data set (192,800 occurrencesof 121 nouns -mean of 7.8 senses- and 70 verbs -mean of 12.0 senses-) using the Brown Corpus(54% accuracy on polysemous words) and the Wall Street Journal (69% accuracy). [Dagan etal. 97] compare four similarity-based estimation methods agains back-off and maximum-likelihood estimation methods.

1Context is modelled as a bag of words ignoring important linguistic information such as wordorder and collocations.

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Using mainly the property described in [Yarowsky 93] and [Yarowsky 94], [Yarowsky 95]describes an iterative bootstrapping procedure over the features learned during theunsupervised training process.

Several supervised learning models performed the training process using a manually sensetagged corpus (e.g., [Bruce & Wiebe 94], [Leaco*ck et al. 95], [Ng & Lee 96]). Some works trainthe data exploiting the bilingual knowledge placed in the parallel texts (e.g., [Brown et al.91a], [Gale et al. 92a] and [Gale et al. 93]). Some other works propose the use of artificialsense ambiguities like pseudo-words (e.g., [Shütze 92b], [Gale et al. 92b], [Dagan et al. 97]) andother the application of the methodology to other similar tasks like the accent restoration(e.g., [Yarowsky 94]).

The results provided in most papers cited above seem to be very good: over 90% accuracy oreven higher. However, the sense distinctions introduced (which are not true word sensedistinctions, such as words translated differently across languages, different wordaccentuation, OCR ambiguities, hom*ophones, artificial ambiguities such as pseudo-words[Dagan et al. 97]) do not seem to be fine-grained enough.

Knowledge-based methods

Since [Lesk 86] many researchers have used MRDs as a structured source of lexicalknowledge for the WSD problem. These approaches mainly seek to avoid the need for a largeamount of training materials required in supervised methods. WSD techniques usingpreexisting structured lexical knowledge resources differ in (1) the lexical resource used(monolingual and/or bilingual MRDs, thesauri, Lexical Knowledge Base, etc.); (2), theinformation contained in these resources that the method exploits; (3) the property used torelate words and senses.

[Lesk 86] proposes a method for guessing the correct word sense in context by counting wordoverlaps between dictionary definitions of the various senses. [Veronis & Ide 90] propose asimilar method but uses a spreading activation network (see [Hirst 88] and [Hayes 77]),constructed from Collins Dictionary of the English Language. [Sutcliffe & Slater 94] comparethe two methods mentioned above using the Merrian-Webster. For a POS tagged test set of 100sentences in Animal Farm by George Orwell, they found for the Lesk method 31% of ambiguoussenses to be correctly tagged (40% overall) and for the Ide and Veronis method 68% (and 72%overall). [Cowie et al. 92] uses the simulated annealing technique for overcoming thecombinatorial explosion of the Lesk method using LDOCE. For a non-POS tagged test set of 50sentences they report a success rate of 47% at a sense level, and 72% at the hom*ograph level(both results are for all types of words). Again using the simulated annealing technique andLDOCE but on a POS tagged test set of 209 words from the Wall Street Corpus, [Wilks &Stevenson 97] found, for word tokens which had more than one hom*ograph, 57% correctlysense assigned and 86% assigned correctly to the hom*ograph.

[Guthrie et al. 91] propose the use of the subject semantic codes of LDOCE to partition thedictionary and collect neighbours (like salient words [Yarowsky 92]) for WSD in a Lesk style.[Wilks et al. 93] use the cooccurrence data extracted from LDOCE to construct word-contextvectors and thus, word-sense vectors. They perform a large set of experiments testingrelatedness functions between words and vector similarity functions, disambiguating 197 non-POS disambiguated ocurrences of the word bank (13 senses) reporting a success rate of 45% atsense level, and 85% at the hom*ograph level. [Harley & Glennon 97], using an ad-hocweighting mechanism for the different sources of lexical knowledge present in the completelycoded Cambridge International Dictionary of English (CIDE), report disambiguating 4,000hand-tagged words, an overall accuracy (for all types of words) of 73% at a sense level (anaverage of 19 senses per word) and 78% accuracy at a hom*ograph level (an average of 5 sensesper word).

Other approaches measure the relatedness between words, taking as a reference astructured semantic net. Thus, [Sussna 93] employs a complex notion of conceptual distancebetween network nodes in order to improve precision during document indexing, at a sense levelreporting 55.8% precision for polysemous nouns (71% overall). [Rigau et al. 97] uses theconceptual distance measure described in [Agirre et al. 94] as one of the methods for the GSD

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


problem in DGILE and LPPL. This technique reaches 49% precision in DGILE for polysemousnouns (57% overall). [Rigau et al. 98] uses also this technique during the first labeling processof DGILE. Conceptual density, a more complex semantic measure between words, is defined in[Agirre & Rigau 95] and used in [Agirre & Rigau 96a] as a proposal for WSD using the Browncorpus. This approach achieves a precision of 43% at a sense level for polysemous nouns(64.5% overall) and 53.9% at a file level for polysemous nouns (71.2% overall at a file level)1.

Mixing statistical and knowledge-based methods

Lately, some researchers have carried out different experiments combining differentsources of lexical knowledge (structured and non-structured) for WSD, and thus differenttechniques for exploiting the knowledge contained. These techniques differ in: (1) the kind oflexical resources used in the different steps of the method proposed (corpora, monolingualMRDs, bilingual MRDs, thesauri, LKBs); (2) the particular characteristics of these resourcesthat are exploited during the disambiguation task; and (3) the measures used to comparesimilarities between lexical units.

[Yarowsky 92] uses Roget’s Thesaurus to partition Grolier’s Encyclopaedia and collect thesalient words for each category. In this case, rather than a sense level the WSD task iscarried out at a more coarse-grained Roget’s category level (words are divided into 1,042semantic categories). He report an average of 92% correctly disambiguating 12 polysemouswords. In a similar approach, [Liddy & Paik 92] use LDOCE subject semantic codes and theWall Street Journal corpus to compute a subject-code correlation matrix. For 166 POS taggedsentences they report a success rate of 89% assigning the correct subject code (words are dividedinto 122 semantic categories). [Karov & Edelman 96] describe a system which learns from acorpus a set of typical usages for each of the senses of the polysemous word listed in an MRD.They propose a pair of feedback iterative similarity formulae between words and sentences.[Yarowsky 95] proposes the use of MRDs to collect seed words in the first step of his cyclingprocedure which collect local features for WSD using corpora.

[Ribas 95] applies class-based selectional local restrictions, taken from WordNet andtrained on unsupervised corpora, as introduced by the verb to disambiguate nouns that occur asheads of complements of the verb. [Resnik 93], [Richardson et al. 94], [Resnik 95], [Jiang &Conrath 97] present a method for automatic sense disambiguation based on the informationcontent measure gathered from corpora also using WordNet. The similarity between twoclasses is approximated by the information content of the first class in the noun hierarchythat subsumes both classes. The information content of a class is approximated by estimatingthe probability of occurrence of the class in a large corpus.

Combining several heterogeneous techniques and independent lexical resources [Rigau etal. 97] report an accuracy of 83% at a sense level (an average of 5.75 senses per noun) and 79%for polysemous nouns (an average of 6.65 senses per noun). Our unsupervised approach usesimplicit information contained in MRDs to construct content vector representations and testdifferent techniques and similarity measures for assigning the correct hypernym genus sense.We also use a bilingual MRD to assign semantic categories from WordNet to word senses andperform, in a similar way to [Yarowsky 92], an unsupervised training process to collect salientwords for each semantic category (see [Rigau et al. 98]). This work also uses the notion ofconceptual distance between network nodes taking as a reference WordNet1.5.

Due to the fact that supervised learning methods for WSD require a large amount of sensetagged corpora we believe that unsupervised (or minimally supervised) methods usingstructured lexical resources currently offer the best approach for dealing with a real WSDtask. For instance, [Ng 97] estimate 16 man-years to construct a sense-tagged corpus for usingLexas, a supervised training model method based on examples (the accuracy of the methodranges from 58.7% on Brown Corpus to 75.2% Wall Street Journal).

The results obtained by the various approaches described above seem to be extremelypromising. However, when comparing results reported on these papers, it seems difficult to

1The file level degree of polysemy is greater than the hom*ograph level.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


extract any definitive conclusion on the real performance of each approach. There are manyuncontrolled variables (measures of evaluation, training material, granularity of sensedistinctions, range of POS categories of the words the method disambiguates, languages used,etc.) and no common test set useful for comparing the results of all methods (SemCor is notuseful enough for supervised approaches or for languages other than English). Despite theresults described above, semantic tagging of raw texts still remains an open problem [Resnik &Yarowsky 97]1.

4.3.3 Genus Sense Disambiguation

Lexical ambiguity pervades language in texts, including dictionary definitionsthemselves. The words used in dictionary definitions of words, and their senses, arethemselves lexically ambiguous.

A taxonomy of words [Nakamura & Nagao 88] can be done without any costlydisambiguation process simply by linking the headword of a dictionary sense to its genus termby an ISA relation (or hypo/hypernym link). Taxonomies constructed in this way could also beuseful for NLP systems [Dolan et al. 93]. While a system whose tasks include word sensetagging must be able to take an input text, determine the concept that each word or phasedenotes, and identify the role relations that link these concepts, for genus sense resolution it isonly necessary to attach the genus term to its correct sense, and there are only a few possiblerelations between the headword and the genus term.

Although the GSD problem may seen easier than the WSD one, the fact that the mostfrequently used words in general domain texts (such as dictionaries) are the most ambiguous[Zipf 45] does not facilitate genus sense resolution2. While the average of senses per nounheadword in DGILE is 1.73, the average of senses per noun genus term is 2.75. To illustratethis, Table 4.3 shows the degree of polysemy of the most frequent noun genus terms in DGILE.From left to right: word, number of noun senses and frequency as genus term.

acción 12 4408 aparato 11 479 partidario 6 275persona 8 4352 mujer 3 464 enfermedad 3 271efecto 8 3157 pez 3 451 arte 6 270algo 1 2381 terreno 5 411 moneda 3 258planta 11 1569 ave 3 395 fruto 6 257calidad 5 970 golpe 21 369 doctrina 7 245instrumento 4 704 hombre 14 325 tela 15 241cosa 3 588 substancia 10 292 estado 18 224árbol 10 555 animal 3 279 porción 5 219lugar 8 517 arbusto 1 277 medida 8 217

Table 4.3, polysemous degree of the most frequent noun genus in DGILE.

Furthermore, dictionary senses for a word frequently differ in subtle distinctions producinga large set of very closely related dictionary senses [Jacobs 91]. There are numerous reasonswhy a dictionary might split an entry into multiple senses, only some of which have to dowith meaning [Gale et al. 93]. Dictionaries senses with the same meaning may split an entrywhen there are differences in:

1Senseval, a WSD evaluation framework under the auspices of ACL SIGLEX has just started.2However, the GSD problem can be restricted, as the headword and the genus term have to bethe same part of speech. That is, when constructing the FOOD taxonomy only nouns must beconsidered.

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• part of speech (nouns vs. adjectives, etc.).• syntactic features (person, number, gender, etc.).• valency structures (transitive vs. intransitive verbs, etc.).

Unfortunately, lexicographers do not always agree on how to split a dictionary entry intosenses. For example, [Atkins and Levin 88] show the difficulties in manually merging twoshort entries (whistle and whistler) from two monolingual English collegiate-styledictionaries.

Moreover, some sense distinctions are larger than others. Meaning is probably best thoughtof as a continuous quantity, with an infinite number of "shades" between any two points. Thatis, frequently there is no a single solution (only one dictionary sense) for the genus term of ahyponym dictionary sense. Obviously, this is not the case of the example suggested by [Lesk86] about the ambiguous use of the word insular in Melville's Moby Dick, where in “yourinsular city of Manhattan”it means both "surrounded by water" and "narrow-minded". Inaddition, the hypothesis of “one sense per discourse” suggested by [Gale et al. 92a] cannot beuseful for the GD problem because the dictionary senses are not long pieces of text1.

Although a large number of dictionaries have been exploited as lexical resources, the mostwidely used monolingual MRD for NLP is LDOCE which was designed for learners of English.It is clear that different dictionaries do not contain the same explicit information. Thisinformation placed in LDOCE allows an easier extraction of other implicit information (e.g.,taxonomies) [Bruce & Guthrie 92]. Does this mean that only highly structured dictionarieslike LDOCE are suitable for exploitation as lexical resources for NLP systems? In this thesiswe used a completely different dictionary. The Diccionario General Ilustrado de la LenguaEspañola (DGILE) is substantially poorer in coded information than LDOCE2. Thesedictionaries are very different in number of headwords, degree of polysemy, size and length ofdefinitions (cf. Table 4.43). While DGILE is a good example of a large dictionary (it aims tocover the whole of the Spanish vocabulary for Spanish readers), LDOCE was designed forlearners of English (it aims to cover a part of English for non-English readers). This thesisattempts to demonstrate that by combining appropriate methodologies, we can constructcomplete taxonomies from any conventional dictionary in any language.

DGILE LDOCEtotal nouns total nouns

Headwords 93,484 53,799 35,956 23,251Senses 168,779 93,275 76,059 42,129Total number of words 1,227,380 903,163 731,466 480,999Average length of definition 7.26 9.68 8.62 11.42Senses per headword 1.8 1.73 2.12 1.82Senses per genus 2.75 3.72Senses per genus (polysemous only) 3.74 5.08Real polysemy 5.96 8.47Real polysemy (polysemous only) 6.63 9.23

Table 4.4, comparison of LDOCE and DGILE.

Due to the lack of explicit semantic information in DGILE the only source of informationfor attaching a dictionary sense to the correct hypernym dictionary sense (and thus,

1 More than 11% of noun dictionary senses have no differentia. These definitions have onlyone synonym word of the headword. Furthermore, these definitions have no context for thedisambiguation process.2 In LDOCE, dictionary senses are explicitly ordered by frequency, definitions were writtenusing a controlled vocabulary of 2,000 words, 86% of dictionary senses have semantic codes and44% of dictionary senses have pragmatic codes.3 Real polysemy considers senses per genus, but taking the real frequency of each genus.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


constructing disambiguated taxonomies) is the definitions themselves. Thus, with DGILE theGSD problem can be seen to be closer1 to the more general WSD problem than with LDOCE.This is because no direct use of the semantic codes can be made between a raw text and theLDOCE coded dictionary senses2.

[Copestake 90] describes an approach to extract word sense taxonomies from LDOCE in a(semi)automatic top-down fashion. She uses four different heuristics (subject codes, stylecodes, sense ordering, word overlapping between definitions) which exploit intrinsiccharacteristics of LDOCE. The program was tested by building two substantial taxonomies(1,700 noun senses, 7% of the total) in two hours of interaction to derive them both.

Selecting the correct sense genus term for LDOCE, [Bruce et al. 92] report a success rate of80% (really 90%, hand-coding only ten words). This impressive rate is achieved using severalintrinsic characteristics of LDOCE: dictionary senses are ordered by frequency, 86% ofdictionary senses have semantic codes and 44% of dictionary senses have pragmatic codes.

Using only the implicit lexical knowledge present in a Spanish MRD, we report (seeSection 5.3) an accuracy of 83% at a sense level (an average of 5.75 senses per noun) and 79% forpolysemous nouns (an average of 6.65 senses per noun). The method we propose combinesseveral sources of lexical information appliying several unsupervised methods.

4.3.4 Measures of semantic relatedness

Dictionary definitions (written for human readers) do no more than provide a startingpoint to initiate the understanding of the meaning of the concept underlying these definitions.That is, a human user must still search out a vast amount of common sense knowledge, performa complex reasoning, and decide on a satisfactory meaning for the definition.

How can an automatic procedure (without having manually coded semantic informationand without knowing anything about the world) select the correct hypernym dictionary sense(and then disambiguate the genus term) from a set of possible candidates (ranging from 1 to 39)considering only the definitions themselves (including the hyponym definition)?

A large number of different studies have been performed in order to establish measures ofrelatedness between words. From a) those that collect cooccurrence evidence from corpora (e.g.,[Church & Hanks 90]) or MRDs (seen as corpora) (e.g., [Wilks et al. 93]) to b) those thatgather evidence from preexisting lexical knowledge resources (such as WordNet) (e.g., [Agirre& Rigau 96]) or c) others that combine both approaches (e.g., [Resnik 97], [Rigau et al. 97]).

Cooccurrence-based measures

Several measures of relatedness between words based on cooccurrence in a text have beendescribed; Mutual Information, t-test, etc. [Church et al. 91], the cosine function [Schütze 92a],conditional probability (and variations), intersection over union, dependency extraction andstandard deviation [Wilks et al. 93]. Some of them collect the cooccurrence data from corporawhile others collect them from structured lexical resources such as MRDs. [Yarowsky 92] uses aMutual Information-like measure for computing the saliency weight for each word in eachcorpus partition. [Grefenstette 92a], [Grefenstette 92b], [Grefenstette 93] propose a similaritybetween words based on the Jaccard measure on syntagmatic representations of term-attributepairs extracted from corpora using Sextant.

Using cooccurrence data obtained from MRDs, the scope of relatedness between words isconstrained by each definition. Thus, using an MRD, words cooccur if they appear in the samesense definition. While [Niwa & Nitta 94] and [Kasahara et al. 95] only consider the relationbetween headword and words in the definition, [Wilks et al. 93] and [Rigau et al. 97] collect

1Although in the GSD problem no part-of-speech selection is needed, nor (in most cases)selection of the correct lemma.2This is why for the GSD problem using LDOCE [Bruce et al. 92] reports a success rate of 80%,yet (using different techniques) for the WSD problem, likewise using LDOCE, [Wilks &Stevenson 97] only reports a success rate of 57%.

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the cooccurrence data from the whole dictionary. [Niwa & Nita 94] compare cooccurrencevectors extracted from the Wall Street Journal corpus (20 million words) and distance vectorsextracted from Collins English Dictionary (1.6 million words) using as a similarity measurebetween two words the inner product of its normalized vectors. Although collected data fromcorpora provides better results for the WSD problem, the different size of the two sources (thecorpus is more than 10 times larger) means that the quality of the information gathered fromthe two sources cannot be compared. However, the emerging relations between words usingthese measures are not always semantic ones, strong relations appears between collocations,compounds, lexical-syntactic patterns, etc. [Karov & Edelman 96] describe a circularconverging process between word similarity and context similarity measures.

Other works, rather than collecting cooccurrence data between words aim to collectstatistical evidence between words and semantic classes. [Guthrie et al. 91] propose theintersection over union function as a subject-dependant cooccurrence measure collecting datafrom each of the LDOCE subject semantic codes. In a similar approach, [Yarowsky 92] proposesa Mutual Information-like measure between words and the semantic classes extracted fromRoget’s Thesaurus and [Rigau et al. 97] and [Rigau et al. 98] from WordNet semantic files.Using a different approach, rather than collecting cooccurrence between words and semanticclasses, [Liddy & Paik 92] construct an LDOCE subject-code correlation matrix using thePearson product correlation processing the WSJ corpus.

Knowledge-based measures

In this case, the relatedness among words is inferred from preexisting structured lexicalresources.

Less attention has been paid lately to measures of relatedness based on semantic structuredhierarchical nets. In this case, taking a structured hierarchical net as a reference, conceptualdistance attempts to provide a basis for determining closeness in meaning between words. Theconceptual distance between two concepts is defined in [Rada et al. 89] as the length of theshortest path that connects the concepts in a hierarchical semantic net. Besides applyingconceptual distance in a medical bibliographic retrieval system and merging several semanticnets, they demonstrate that their measure of conceptual distance is a metric. In a similarapproach, [Sussna 93] employs the notion of conceptual distance between network nodes inorder to improve precision during document indexing. [Wu & Palmer 94] also propose aconceptual similarity measure for resolving the lexical selection problem in MachineTranslation. Extending these ideas, [Agirre et al. 94] describes a new Conceptual Distanceformula for automatic spelling correction, and [Rigau 94], using this conceptual distanceformula, presents a methodology to enrich dictionary senses with WordNet semantic tags.The same measure is used in [Rigau et al. 95] for linking taxonomies extracted from DGILE andLDOCE, in [Rigau et al. 97] as one of the methods for the GSD problem in DGILE, in [Rigau etal. 98] during the first labeling process, and in [Atserias et al. 97] as one of the methods forattaching Spanish words to WordNet synsets.

Conceptual distance provides a basis for determining closeness in meaning among words,taking a structured hierarchical net as a reference. The conceptual distance between twoconcepts is essentially the length of the shortest path that connects the concepts in ahierarchical net. To compute the distance between any two words (w1,w2) all thecorresponding concepts (or senses) are sought, and the minimum of the sum of the inverse depthin the path between each possible combination of c1i and c2j is returned.

(4.1) dist(w1,w2 ) = minc1i




depth(ck )ck ∈path(c1i,c2i


That is, the conceptual distance between two concepts depends on the length of the shortestpath that connects them and the specificity of the concepts in the path. That is to say, thelower the concepts are in a hierarchy, the closer they seem to be.

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Conceptual Density, a more complex semantic measure between words, is defined in [Agirre& Rigau 95] and used in [Agirre & Rigau 96a] as a proposal for WSD of the Brown corpus.Basically, Conceptual density compares areas of subhierarchies and should be sensitive to:

• the length of the shortest path that connects the concepts involved.• the depth in the hierarchy: concepts in a deeper part of the hierarchy should be ranked

closer.• the density of concepts in the hierarchy: concepts in a dense part of the hierarchy are

relatively closer than those in a more sparse region.• the measure should be independent of the number of concepts involved.To illustrate how Conceptual Density can aid to disambiguate a word, in figure 4.1 the

word W has four senses and several context words. Each sense of the words belongs to asubhierarchy of WordNet. The dots in the subhierarchies represent the senses of either theword to be disambiguated (W) or the words in the context. Conceptual Density will yield thehighest density for the subhierarchy containing more senses of those, relative to the totalamount of senses in the subhierarchy. The sense of W contained in the subhierarchy withhighest Conceptual Density will be chosen as the sense disambiguating W in the givencontext. In figure 4.1, sense2 would be chosen.

Word to be disambiguated: WContext words: w1 w2 w3 w4 ...





Figure 4.1: senses of a word in WordNet .

Given a concept c, at the top of a subhierarchy, and given nhyp (mean number of hyponymsper node), the Conceptual Density for c when its subhierarchy contains a number m (marks) ofsenses of the words to disambiguate is given by the formula 4.2.

(4.2) CD(c,m) =nhypiα




Formula 4.2 shows a parameter α which tries to smooth the exponential i, as m rangesbetween 1 and the total number of senses in WordNet. Several values were tried for theparameter, and it was found that the best performance was attained consistently when theparameter was near 0.20 (see [Agirre & Rigau 95]).

Combining cooccurrence-based and knowledge-based measures

Using cooccurrence measures on data gathered from corpora (or MRDs), the relations thatemerge between words do not always reflect semantic relations. Furthermore, measurescomputed on semantic nets like WordNet (which do not contain inter-category semanticrelations) provide only a few semantic relations (class/subclass, meronym relations,entailment, etc.). That is, it seems that by combining and exploiting both approaches togethera more powerful method would be obtained.

Thus, others have proposed a combination of both cooccurrence-based and knowledge-basedmeasures. [Resnik 93] and [Resnik 95] capture semantic similarity (closely related to

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


conceptual distance) by means of the information content of the concepts in a hierarchical net,combining semantic classes taken from WordNet with cooccurrence data extracted fromcorpora. [Richardson et al. 94] and [Jiang & Conrath 97] also combine WordNet andinformational measures taken from corpora.

Using MRDs, [Kozima & Furugori 93] define a measure of similarity between words whichdepends on the spreading activation of a semantic network derived from LDOCE and a wordsignificance of the words actively collected from corpora. [f*ckumoto & Suzuki 96] collectcooccurrence data extracted from corpora to construct Mutual Information vectors forcharacterizing dictionary definitions. In [Rigau et al. 97] eight different heuristics usingdifferent cooccurrence-based and knowledge-based measures are combined, their individualperformances being added together produce better results than stand-alone. Some of theseheuristics use cooccurrence-based measures gathered from monolingual and bilingual MRDsused as corpora, while others are knowledge-based ones taking WordNet as a semanticreference (also using bilingual dictionaries to apply the knowledge-based measures toSpanish and French as opposed to English). [Richardson 97] applies several statisticalmeasures (e.g., inverse document frequency, mutual information, etc.) in order to weight thelabeled semantic relations extracted from several MRDs.

4.4 Semantic knowledge acquisition from the differentia

4.4.1 Parsing dictionary definitions

Following our methodology (see Chapter 3), once a disambiguated taxonomy is created andall dictionary senses included are connected by hypernym links (except the top ones, whichare connected to the Type System) and hyponym links (except the terminal dictionary senses),a further semantic enrichment process can be performed. Thus, instead of limiting the lexicalacquisition to taxonomies, some approaches perform an in-depth analysis of the dictionarydefinitions, taking advantage of the sublanguage used by lexicographers to define dictionarysenses.

Therefore, knowledge appearing in the differentia [Calzolari 91] of the definition has tobe extracted and assigned to the appropriate semantic roles in the LKB. This task involves amore in-depth analysis of these definitions.

A number of research groups are currently developing parsing systems capable of analysingnatural language text robustly and accurately. Such systems, varying in the depth of analysisfrom lexical parsing or tagging (identifying syntactic features for individual words only)[Karlsson et al. 95], through shallow or phrasal parsing (finding phrases, e.g., NPs, orforming a hierarchical syntactic structure but not exploiting subcategorization) [Abney 91], tofull parsers (which deal with unbounded dependencies, etc., and are able to recoverpredicate-argument structure) [Briscoe & Carroll 95].

Some early works on acquiring lexical knowledge from definitions perform a simple stringpattern matching approach (i.e., [Chodorow et al. 85], [Markowitz et al. 86], [Nakamura &Nagao 88]). Other researchers (i.e., [Alshawi 89], [Artola 93], [Castellón 93]) have preferredpartial rather than full parsing of the definitions (i.e., [Fox et al. 88], [Jensen & Binot 88],[Dolan et al. 93], [Vanderwende 95]). If the analysis is performed correctly1, a wide-rangeparsing tool (capable of parsing a dictionary definition completely) could extract more andbetter information than a partial one. Nevertheless, none of these researchers provideaccurate information either on the coverage (which analyses are performed out of those that

1[Briscoe & Carroll 95] report a 51% correct analysis, ranking in the top three for sentences ofless than 20 words. However, what a “correct” analysis means is a topic of hard discussion notaddressed in the current work.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


are possible) or the accuracy (analyses performed correctly) of the analyses carried out on thedictionaries they are working on1.

[Fox et al. 88] analysed a sample of W7 and CDEL using the LSP parsing tool [Sager 81]with an average success of 69%.

[Alshawi 89] define a hierarchy of partial patterns. The parsing procedure starts from thetop of the hierarchy of patterns to the bottom. If a partial pattern performs a match, then theprocedure attempts to continue the analysis with its direct descendants, which describe morespecific patterns. This recursive analysis ends when no further specific pattern is provided inthe grammar or when the matching procedure fails. In the first case, the procedure returns thelast successful match. Analysing LDOCE and using a grammar of 90 patterns, [Alshawi 89]reports 77% correct identification of the genus, 61% of cases obtaining additional information,88% of which were considered correct.

[Artola 93] and [Castellón 93] also use the analysis technique proposed by [Alshawi 89].[Artola 93] reports out of 58% of complete analysis of noun definitions2 (80% for verbs and 69%for adjectives) using a hierarchy of 65 patterns (49 for verbs and 45 for adjectives). For[Castellón 93] grammar depends on the domain analysed. For substance definitions she uses 36patterns; 36 for tools; 31 for persons and 38 for places.

[Dolan et al. 93], [Vanderwende 95] and [Richardson 97] used the Microsoft EnglishGrammar (MEG). MEG consists of a set of augmented phrase structure grammar rules whichanalyse the definitions using a bottom-up chart parsing engine.

Rather than a single shot process, [Vanderwende 95] proposes a cycling methodologyimproving the analysis with the knowledge acquired during the previous cycle.

4.4.2 Placing the semantic knowledge in the LKB

Taking advantage of the defining formulae, which are “significant recurring phrases”[Markowitz et al. 86], some early works perform a string pattern matching approach (i.e.,[Chodorow et al. 85], [Markowitz et al. 86]) to build the LKB directly.

Others prefer structural patterns that match the syntactic analysis (i.e., [Jensen & Binot87], [Alshawi 89], [Ravin 90], [Klavans et al. 90], [Artola 93], [Castellón 93], [Dolan et al. 93]).While some approaches only consider a one-to-one relation between the defining formulaeand the type of lexical information it identifies (i.e., [Jensen & Binot 87], [Artola 93]), laterstudies (i.e., [Ravin 90], [Klavans et al. 90], [Vanderwende 95]) have shown that somedefining formulae can convey several types of semantic information. In that sense, [Castellón93] preferred to process subsets of closely related dictionary senses (i.e., taxonomies) in orderto extract different semantic information from different semantic domains. Thus, instead of asingle grammar for analysing all dictionary definitions it seems more feasible to build several(one for each semantic primitive) domain-specific grammars allowing in-depth semanticacquisition from the differentia.

[Alshawi 89] defines, for each syntactic pattern defined in the hierarchy, a semantic rulewhich makes it possible to specify the semantic structure to be produced. [Castellón 93]collects, from a total number of 2,433 definitions analysed, 5,730 syntactic and semanticrelations3 (including hypernymy), that is, 2.35 relations per definition.

[Dolan et al. 93] report a 78% overall accuracy extracting semantic relations. Thehypernymy relation (about the half the relations) was judged to be accurate in 87% of thecases. From a total number of 45,000 definitions the acquisition procedure extracts 94,000semantic relations (including hypernymy). That is, 2 semantic relations per definition.

1 They evaluate the results (if it exist) by providing the total amount of semanticrelationships collected.2LPPL has 3.82 mean number of words per noun definition.3Several syntactic relationships collected (i.e., prepositional phrases) were not semanticallyinterpreted.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


4.5 Multilingual mapping of lexical units

As for monolingual lexicons, three major classes of techniques for multilingual lexicalacquisition have been developed: machine-aided manual construcion, extraction from corporaand extraction from MRDs. Each of these techniques have advantages and disandvantages.Various software tools have been developed which make manual lexicon construction andmaintenence quicker and easier. This approach has been taken in large-scale machinetranslation systems, see for example [Niremburg & Raskin 88] and a description of METAL in[Hutchins & Somers 92]. Manual construction is the most reliable technique, but is a hardtime-consuming approach to encode the multilingual lexicon.

Automatic or (semi)automatic extraction of information from bilingual corpora is verypromising, but a vast amount of data is needed for reliable entries to be constructed on any butthe most common words. Unless the corpus closely matches the intended text type of the NLPsystem, relevant senses of words are likely to be missing. While for unstructured multilinguallexical knowledge resources a great deal of work has been carried out, less attention has beendevoted to structured resources like bilingual or multilingual dictionaries. An important pointas regards the use of lexical resources is availability. Multilingual organizations (such as theCanadian parliament with the Canadian Hansard bilingual corpus, the United Nations orthe European Union) have provided the research community with multilingual corporaproduced by them.

Bilingual corpora can be used for many purposes [Dagan et al. 91], among others, to acquirenew word-to-word lexical correspondances [Smadja 92]. Lexicon compilation methods mainlyattempt to extract pairs of words or compounds that are translations of each other frompreviously sentence-aligned parallel texts (e.g., [Eijk 93], [Kumano & Hirakawa 94] or [Utsuroet al. 94]). Bilingual corpora alignment can be performed at character, word or sentence level(e.g., [Brown et al. 91b], [Gale & Church 91], [Church 93] or [Kupiek 93]). Furthermore, [Fung95] proposes an algorithm for bilingual lexicon acquisition that bootstraps off the corpusalignment process.

However, valuable contributions have also been made using bilingual MRDs. [Rizk 89]studies the problem of ambiguous sense references in an English/French dictionary. [Tanaka &Umemura 94] use two intermediate Japanese/English and French/English bilingualdictionaries to construct a Japanese/French bilingual dictionary automatically.

Furthermore, some approaches have been proposed for linking semantic structures indifferent languages. Thus, [Ageno et al. 94] use a Spanish/English bilingual dictionary to linkSpanish and English taxonomies extracted from DGILE and LDOCE (semi)automatically,attaching 95% of the Spanish entries having only 31.5% bilingual correspondence (due to thedifferent sizes of the bilingual and monolingual dictionaries). In a similar approach, [Rigauet al. 95] propose an automatic approach for linking Spanish taxonomies extracted fromDGILE to WordNet synsets.

Others have proposed to link words from one language to semantic structures in another.Thus, [Knight & Luk 94] use the Collins Spanish/English bilingual dictionary to link Spanishwords to WordNet using overlapping techniques, but they do not provide accuracy figures forthe 50,000 proposed mappings. [Okumura & Hovy 94] describe semi-automatic methods forassociating a Japanese lexicon with an English ontology using a bilingual dictionary. Theyreport an accuracy for nouns of over 55%, 42% for verbs and 48% for adjectives. In a similarapproach, [Rigau & Agirre 95] propose several complementary techniques for attachingdirectly Spanish and French words extracted from the bilingual dictionaries to WordNetsynsets. In this work, a total accuracy of 85% is reported using conceptual density techniquesfor 47% of French entries, and 78% for 91% of Spanish entries exploiting some inherentproperties of the lexical resources used. Extending these ideas, [Atserias et al. 97] combineseveral monolingual and bilingual resources and several techniques to map Spanish wordsfrom a bilingual dictionary to WordNet in order to build a semantic net with a parallelstructure. In this work, a total accuracy of 85% is reported for 75% of Spanish entries. In thatsense this approach is similar to that presented by [Artale et al. 97] with the multilinguallexical matrix. Furthermore, [Farreres et al. 98] propose to aid this process using thetaxonomic structure collected from a monolingual Spanish MRD.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Finally, some attempts have been made to combine structured and non-structured lexicalresources in order to build bilingual lexicons. Thus, [Klavans & Tzoukermann 96] use theCollins Robert bilingual French/English MRD in conjunction with the Hansard corpus for thecreation of a bilingual LDB.

4.6 Validation of the Lexical Knowledge Base

This Section descrives the LDB/LKB merging system, a system we developed to providethe LDB query mechanism to the LKB. Thus, using this new software on the lexical entriesloaded into the MLKB the user can validate and evaluate the knowledge acquired in theprevious steps of the methodology.

4.6.1 Querying the Lexical Knowledge Base

Once the information contained in the dictionary definitions has been represented as alexicon in the LKB, some testing processes should be performed on the resulting lexicon in orderto improve the information acquired (e.g., to detect possible errors or inconsistencies, derivemore information, etc.) to determine which changes to make in the next acquisition loop. Forthis purpose the two basic representational formalisms used in Acquilex to represent lexicalentries (the LDB and the LKB) provided no sufficient capabilities. The LDB providesbasically database-like access to lexical information, while the LKB software manages alexical knowledge representation based on typed Feature Structures (FSs) and defines validoperations on entries. Thus, the LKB system does not provide facilities for performing complexconsultations on the content of the lexical entries represented in the lexicon. The LKB onlyguarantees the appropriateness of the lexicon against the Type System and provides somegenerative inference mechanisms (e.g., the inheritance mechanism distributes theinformation from the top level lexical units to the most specific ones, lexical rules produce newlexical entries from the preexisting ones, etc.). For the purposes of both the validation andthe exploitation of the information acquired, it would be useful to have a new system whichhad the function of both systems: LDB-like access to an LKB lexicon.

4.6.2 The LDB

Within Acquilex, the Lexical Data Base (LDB) that implements the two level dictionaryaccess model [Boguraev et al. 91] was implemented to gives flexible access to MRDs. The LDBis endowed with a graphic interface which provides a user-friendly environment for queryformation and information retrieval. It allows several dictionaries to be loaded and queriedin parallel. Thus, the LDB provides facilities for loading and indexing multiple MRDs,displaying its lexical entries and querying them on any part of its content. A brief descriptionof the LDB can be found in [Carroll 92].

Screen 4.1 shows a typical LDB session with a tree-like query to DGILE dictionary and twodifferent dictionary entries. The query asks for those DGILE noun dictionary senses with theword bebida in its definition (Vox Query 1 window). From the total number of senses in DGILEonly 213 hold the query constraints (Vox Query 1 Statistics window). Among these, the userhas selected (clicking on it) the first one, absenta (absinth). The LDB system has displayedthe entry absenta (Vox Entry absenta window). Then, the user has asked for the entry ajenjofrom the Spanish/English bilingual dictionary (Vox-Espang Entry ajenjo window).

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Screen 4.1, an LDB session.

4.6.3 The LKB

As we said previously in Section 3.5.2, the operations that the LKB supports are (default)inheritance, (default) unification and lexical rule application. The two main components ofthe LKB are the Type System and the Lexicon. The Type System represented as a typehierarchy defines a partial order (noted ⊆,, "is more specific than") on the types andestablishes consistency conditions. Because the type hierarchy is a partial order it hasproperties of reflexivity, transitivity and anti-symmetry (from which it follows that thetype hierarchy cannot contains cycles). The Type System supports only non-defaultinheritance, that is monotonic, multiple and orthogonal while the typed feature structuresystem has been extended with multiple default inheritance mechanism in order to representthe lexical entries in an appropriate way.

Thus, the LKB provides facilities for creating type systems, loading lexicons anddisplaying fully expanded feature structures, type checking, and so forth. The Type Systemwhich has been developed for use in Acquilex project is fairly large (about 500 types and 200features) and currently nearly 1000 lexical entries for Spanish nouns and verbs containingsyntactic and semantic information have been stored within it. A brief description of the LKBSystem can be found in [Copestake 92a] and a complete one in [Copestake 92b].

Screen 4.2 shows in the right side a partial view of the Type System and in the left one theexpanded and defined lexical entry for absenta (absinth). The expanded lexical entry forabsenta contains information inherited from the type hierarchy or its hypernym lexicalentries.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Screen 4.2, an LKB session.

4.6.4 The LDB/LKB integration

The LDB/LKB merging system [Rigau et al. 94] has been developed taking into account acentral guideline: LKB lexicons [Briscoe et al. 90], [Copestake, 92a] can be expressed, loadedand stored as in any other dictionary, in such a way that the LDB software [Carroll 90a] canbe used without modifications or restrictions. The original LKB entries can be reconstructedfrom their LDB representation. This allows us to replace the LKB's lexical reading and accessmechanism with the LDB functions, which gets round the current problem that reading inLKB lexicons is very slow, showing a considerable drop in performance when faced with real-size lexicons, and in the long term will allow for efficient access to indexed.

The central idea of loading lexicon files like other dictionary source files into the LDBenvironment seems quite straightforward, but several problems (e.g., how to describe sources,what information index or how to access indexed information) arise when it is approached indetail.

A new graphic query interface allowing an LKB-like user-friendly interaction with theLDB/LKB system has been implemented. Thus, the query construction with the manipulationof FS chunks within the Type System (clicking on it), the lexical entries and the querywindows have been carried out.

As stated above, the LDB/LKB system not only has the functions of both the LDB and theLKB software but also offers new features, (e.g., partial queries, subsumption queries, etc.).Thus, the LDB/LKB system performs the construction of the LDB lexicons and indexes fromthe lexical entries loaded in the LKB in a fully automatic way, consulting the Type Systemand the lexicon.

A new query mechanism built over the existing one allows the LDB/LKB system to performthe least possible number of queries on the indexes and the LDB lexicons, consulting the TypeSystem and the identifier structure.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Screen 4.3, an LDB/LKB session.

Screen 4.3 shows a typical LDB/LKB session with a feature/value-like query to DGILElexicon and a LKB lexical entry. The query asks for those lexical entries loaded in the LKBmarked as alcoholic (Bebida New Query 1 window). From the total number of lexical entriesloaded into the LKB only 130 hold the query constraints. Among these, the user has selected(clicking on it) the first one, absenta (absinth). The LDB/LKB system has displayed theentry absenta (Bebida Entry absenta window).

4.7. Conclusions

This chapter has described the main issues relating to the acquisition of lexical knowledgeusing SEISD. The first section explains different approaches for classifying the conceptspresent in an MRD. Section 2 deals with the methodological considerations for the selectionof the main semantic subsets described in an MRD and its most representative dictionarysenses. Section 3 is devoted to several approaches to the Genus Sense Disambiguation (GSD)problem. Section 4 deals with the extraction of the main semantic relations from thedictionary definitions and their mapping onto the LKB, and Section 5 with the multilingualenrichment of the LKB. Finally, Section 6 explains the LDB/LKB merging system, the mainmechanism we developed and used for the validation and exploitation of the multilingualLKB.

Chapter 4. Main Issues of the Acquisition Process


Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Chapter 5

Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

5.1. Introduction

This chapter covers the main experiments and results in the acquisition of lexicalknowledge by using SEISD on the monolingual dictionary Diccionario General Ilustrado de laLengua Española (DGILE). As we said in Section 1.4, our methodology for acquiring lexicalknowledge from conventional dictionaries is divided into six partial steps. In Chapter 4 weperformed an extended overview of the critical issues related to each step, and now in thisChapter we describe the main experiments we carried out using SEISD acquiring lexicalknowledge from DGILE. Now, we set in again the steps of the methodology with the sectionscovered by this Chapter.

After this introduction, Section 2 deals with the first step of the methodology (justified inSection 4.2), that is, the automatic selection of the main semantic primitives present inDGILE, and for each of these, the selection of its most representative dictionary senses.Section 3 is devoted to the second step of the methodology: the automatic acquisition oftaxonomies from DGILE, that is, the acquisition of lexical knowledge from the genus terms(which is performed by TaxBuild, see Sections and 4.3). Finally, Section 4 deals withthe third and fourth steps of the methodology, that is, the acquisition of lexical knowledgefrom the differentia (step three, the analysis, performed by SemBuild and step four, theconversion to the LKB, by CRS; see Sections, 3.6.2 and 4.4). Step five of themethodology (acquisition of multilingual knowledge, performed mainly by TGE) is presentedin Chapter 6 and step six (validation of the knowledge acquired, performed by the LDB/LKBsystem) was presented in Section 4.4.

Although we applied the whole methodology on a particular MRD, DGILE is aconventional MRD general enough (that is, we do not use any particular characteristic of theMRD) to expect similar performance with other dictionaries. Furthermore, the automaticacquisition of taxonomies described in Section 5.3 was performed also from the French LPPL (asmaller MRD) with comparable results (see [Rigau et al. 97] for further details).

5.2. Main semantic subsets in DGILE

This section presents a novel methodology to select the semantic primitives implicitlydefined in a conventional dictionary, and second, the studies carried out for discovering themain top dictionary senses representative of a given semantic primitive.

5.2.1 Predefined semantic primitives in DGILE

As we said in Section 4.2, following a purely descriptive methodology, the predefinedsemantic primitives of a dictionary can be obtained by collecting those dictionary sensesappearing at the top of the complete taxonomy derived from the dictionary. For DGILE, wehave derived the complete noun taxonomy following the automatic method described inSection 5.3 (also described in [Rigau et al. 97]). This taxonomy contains 111,624 dictionary

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


senses and has only 832 dictionary senses which are tops of the taxonomy (these topdictionary senses have no hypernyms), and 89,458 leaves (which have no hyponyms). That is,21,334 definitions are placed between the top nodes and the leaves. The average number ofdirect hyponyms per node is 5.01. Table 5.1 shows the top ten dictionary senses with mostdescendants.

11,148 ejecución_1_1 execution 5,503 efecto_1_2 quality11,064 entidad_1_1 entity 3,529 animal_1_2 animal8,707 persona_1_1 person 1,851 línea_1_5 line8,569 resultado_1_1 result 1,554 efecto_1_1 effect5,509 calidad_1_1 quality 1,584 modo_1_1 manner

Table 5.1, top ten dictionary senses and number of descendants.

Then, following a purely descriptive approach, each of the 832 partial taxonomiesrepresent a superclass or semantic primitive in DGILE. By characterizing each one, thecomplete LKB could be produced. However, with this approach many problems arise (seeSection 4.2), most of them produced by the dictionary itself (circularity, errors andinconsistencies, definitions with omitted genus, etc.), others because no perfect GSD processcan be performed on conventional dictionaries ([Bruce et al. 92] report a success rate of 80% and[Rigau et al. 97] report 83% accuracy), and finally, others by the fact that a top dictionarysense does not represent (or have the characteristics) of those superclasses we wish tocharacterize in the LKB in order to represent useful knowledge for a NLP system1. Toillustrate the problem we are facing, let us suppose we plan to place the FOOD concepts in theLKB. Neither collecting the taxonomies derived from a top dictionary sense (or selecting asubset of the top dictionary senses of DGILE) closest to FOOD concepts (e.g., substancia-substance-), nor collecting those subtaxonomies starting from closely related senses (e.g.,bebida -drinkable liquids- and alimento -food-) we are able to collect exactly the FOODconcepts present in the MRD. The first are too general (they would cover non-FOOD concepts)and the second are too specific (they would not cover all FOOD dictionary senses becauseFOODs are described in many ways).

In other words, there is a mismatch between the knowledge directly derived from an MRDand the knowledge needed by the LKB. As we said previously (see Sections 3.2.4 and 4.2), toovercome this problem we adopted a mixed methodology. First, we prescribed a minimalontology (represented by the Type System of the LKB) capable of representing the wholelexicon derived from the MRD, and second, following a descriptive approach, we collect, foreach semantic primitive placed in the Type System, its subtaxonomies. Thus, thosesubtaxonomies selected for a semantic primitive are attached to a type of the LKB.

The following sections show how to fit the taxonomies collected from an MRD using adescriptive approach into a prescribed set of semantic primitives. To illustrate the process,instead of the Type System we used as semantic primitives the 24 lexicographer’s files (orsemantic files) into which the 60,557 noun synsets (87,641 nouns) of WordNet 1.5 areclassified2. Thus, we are considering the 24 semantic tags of WordNet as the main LKB typesto which all dictionary senses must be attached. In order to overcome the language gap wealso use a bilingual Spanish/English dictionary. The following section shows the method weused to classify all nominal DGILE senses to respect the 24 WordNet semantic files (orsemantic tags), and Section 5.2.3 explains the selection of the main top dictionary senses for a

1Recall the example in Section 4.2.1 where INSTRUMENTS have some features -- forinstance, PURPOSE -- that the general things lack.2One could use other semantic classifications, such as Roget’s Thesaurus [Yarowsky 92], theLDOCE semantic or pracmatic codes [Slator 91] or even better, a Spanish semanticclassification such as the “Diccionario Ideológico de la Lengua Española J. Casares” (DILEC).Really, when using this methodology a minimal set of informed seeds are needed. These seedscan be collected from MRDs, thesauri or even by introspection. (see [Yarowsky 95]).

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


given semantic primitive (in particular, the method is applied to FOOD, file 13 ofWordNet).

5.2.2 Attaching DGILE dictionary senses to semantic primitives

In order to classify all nominal DGILE senses to respect WordNet semantic files, we used asimilar approach to that suggested by [Yarowsky 92], that is, to enrich dictionary definitionsusing an on-line thesaurus (in this case, the 24 WordNet lexicographer’s files rather thanRoget’s 1042 categories). While Yarowsky uses Grolier’s Encyclopaedia to collect the salientwords for each category we use the dictionary itself. However, rather than collect evidencefrom a blurred corpus (words belonging to a Roget’s category are used as seeds to collect asubcorpus for that category; that is, a window context produced by a seed can be placed inseveral subcorpora), we collect evidence from dictionary senses labelled by a conceptualdistance method (that is, a definition is assigned to a unique semantic file).

This task is divided into three fully automatic consecutive subtasks. First, we tag a subset(due to the difference in size between the monolingual and the bilingual dictionaries) ofDGILE dictionary senses by means of a process that uses the conceptual distance formula;second, we collect salient words for each tag; and third, we enrich each DGILE dictionarysense with a semantic tag collecting evidence from the salient words previously computed. Attach WordNet synsets to DGILE headwords

For all DGILE definitions, the conceptual distance (see Section 4.3.4) between headwordand genus has been computed using WordNet 1.5 as a semantic net. However, not allheadwords and genus terms have English translations in the bilingual dictionary we used(HBil, see Section 3.2.1). Thus, we obtained results only for those definitions having Englishtranslations for both headword and genus. By computing the conceptual distance between twowords (w1,w2) we are also selecting those concepts (c1i,c2j) which represent them and seem tobe closer with respect to the semantic net used. Conceptual distance is computed using formula(5.1).

(5.1) dist(w1,w2 ) = minc1i




depth(ck )ck ∈path(c1i,c2i


We derived from DGILE a lexicon of 92,693 noun definitions, selecting the genus term foreach (using a specialized grammar for detecting the noun genus term and disturbed heads witha success rate of 97.7%). Table 5.2 summarizes all data.

a Noun definitions 93,394b Noun definitions with genus 92,693c Genus terms 14,131d Genus terms with bilingual translation 7,610 54% of c)e Genus terms with WordNet translation 7,319 52% of c)f Headwords 53,455g Headwords with bilingual translations 11,407 21% of f)h Headwords with WordNet translations 10,667 20% of f)i Definitions with bilingual translations 30,446 33% of b)j Definitions with WordNet translations 28,995 31% of b)

Table 5.2, data of first attachment using conceptual distance.

To illustrate this process, consider the following example:

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


abadía_1_2 Iglesia o monasterio regido por un abad o abadesa. (abbey, a church or amonastery ruled by an abbot or an abbess).

where the possible translations (in our bilingual dictionary) for abadía are abbacy(monosemous) and abbey (three possible synsets) and for iglesia, church (four synsets). Thatis, the algorithm has to decide between 16 possible combinations (because the two words weare disambiguating have four synsets each). The following table shows the translations foundin the bilingual dictionary with their associated WordNet1.5 synsets.

synset File English Spanish Gloss

02038520 artifact abbey a b a d í a a monastery ruled by an abbot02038601 artifact abbey a b a d í a convent ruled by an abbess02038681 artifact abbey a b a d í a a church associated with a monastery or

convent05403491 place abbacy a b a d í a the jurisdiction or office of an abbot00572109 act church ig les ia a service conducted in a church02291138 artifact church ig les ia for public (especially Christian) worship05168576 group church ig les ia institution to express belief in a divine

power05203171 group church ig les ia clergymen collectively

Figure 5.1 shows a partial view of the WN1.5 hypernym hierarchy. In bold are a pair ofpossible translations (using the bilingual dictionary) for abadía and iglesia. The otherhypernym chains involved do not appear because they belongs to complete differenttaxonomies and are not cross-realted (act, place and group).

Thus, the system computes the Conceptual Distance between all these possiblecombinations of senses selecting for abadía the English translation abbey (synset 2038681) andfor iglesia church (synset 2291138) because using the Conceptual Distance formula theyappear closer (one is a direct hyponym of the other). However, in this case, none of theartifact senses for abadía would be discarded. The algorithm, in this case, has been too strict.

<place of worship, house of prayer, ...>


<object, inanimate object, physical object>

<artifact, artefact>

<structure, construction>

<building, edifice>

<church, church building>


<housing, lodging>



<religious residence, cloiser>




<abbey>Figure 5.1, partial view of WordNet hierarchy.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


As the bilingual dictionary is not disambiguated to respect WordNet synsets (everySpanish word has been assigned to all possible connections to WordNet synsets via thebilingual translations), the degree of polysemy has increased from 1.22 (WordNet 1.5) to 5.02,and obviously, many of these connections are not correct. This is one of the reasons why afterprocessing the whole dictionary we obtained only an accuracy of 61% at a sense (synset) level(that is, correct synsets attached to Spanish headwords and genus terms) and 64% at a filelevel (that is, correct lexicographer’s file assigned to DGILE dictionary senses)1. Weprocessed 32,2082 dictionary definitions, obtaining 29,205 with a synset assigned to the genus(for the rest we did not obtain a bilingual-WordNet relation between the headword and thegenus).

In this way, we obtained a former version of 29,205 dictionary definitions tagged with asemantic tag (which corresponds to a WordNet lexicographer’s file) with an accuracy of 64%.That is, a corpus (collection of dictionary senses) classified in 24 partitions (each onecorresponding to a semantic tag). Table 5.3 compares the distribution of these DGILEdictionary senses through WordNet semantic tags with respect to WordNet 1.5.

Semantic file #DGILE senses #WordNet synsets03 tops 77 (0.2%) 35 (0.0%)04 act 3,138 (10.7%) 4895 (8.0%)05 animal 712 (2.4%) 7,112 (11.7%)06 artifact 6,915 (23.7%) 9,101 (15.0%)07attribute 2,078 (7.1%) 2,526 (4.2%)08 body 621 (2.1%) 1,370 (2.3%)09 cognition 1,556 (5.3%) 2,007 (3.3%)10 communication 4,076 (13.9%) 4,115 (6.8%)11 event 541 (1.8%) 752 (1.2%)12 feeling 306 (1.0%) 397 (0.6%)13 food 749 (2.5%) 2,290 (3.8%)14 group 661 (2.2%) 1,661 (2.7%)15 place 416 (1.4%) 1,755 (2.9%)16 motive 15 (0.0%) 28 (0.0%)17 object 437 (1.5%) 839 (1.4%)18 person 3,279 (11.2%) 5,563 (9.1%)19 phenomenon 147 (0.5%) 452 (0.7%)20 plant 581 (2.0%) 7,971 (13.2%)21 possession 287 (1.0%) 829 (1.4%)22 process 211 (0.7%) 445 (0.7%)23 quantity 344 (1.2%) 1,050 (1.7%)24 relation 102 (0.3%) 343 (0.6%)25 shape 165 (0.6%) 284 (0.4%)26 state 805 (2.7%) 1,870 (3.0%)27 substance 642 (2.2%) 2,068 (3.4%)28 time 344 (1.2%) 799 (1.3%)

Total 29,205 60,557

Table 5.3, first attachment of DGILE noun senses to respect WordNet semantic files.

1Although the evaluation of file assignment would seem to be easier than synset assignment([Ng & Lee 96] report only a 57% agreement manually tagging SemCor), this task was alsovery difficult because in WordNet many similar meanings are placed in different files.2The difference with 30,446 is accounted for by repeated headword and genus for an entry.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


The largest differences appear with the classes ANIMAL and PLANT, which correspondto large taxonomic scientific classifications occurring in WN1.5 but which do not usuallyappear in a bilingual dictionary. Collect the salient words for every semantic primitive.

Once we have obtained the first DGILE version with semantically labelled definitions,we can collect the salient words (that is, those representative words for a particularcategory) using a Mutual Information-like formula. Intuitively, a salient word1 is one thatappears significantly more often in the context of a semantic category than at other points inthe whole corpus, and hence is a better than average indicator for that semantic category.This idea can be formalized with a Mutual Information-like estimate [Church & Hanks 90],salience:

(5.2) S(w,SC) = log2


Where w means word and SC semantic class. The words selected are those most importantto the semantic category, where importance is defined as the product of salience and localfrequency. That is to say, important words should be distinctive and frequent. This importanceis measured by means of formula 5.3, Association Ratio.

(5.3) AR(w,SC) = Pr(w|SC) log2


We performed the training process considering only the content word forms from dictionarydefinitions2 and we discarded those salient words with a negative score. Thus, we derived alexicon of 23,418 salient words (one word can be a salient word for many semantic categories,see Table 5.4). Obviously, a larger bilingual dictionary (with more specific vocabulary)would produce more context per category and a larger and more accurate set of salient wordsper semantic class.

1Instead of performing all the experiments on word lemmas, this study has been carried outusing word forms because word forms rather than lemmas are representative of typical usagesof the sublanguage used in dictionaries.2After discarding functional words.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Semantic file #DGILE senses #Content words #Salient words03 tops 77 (0.2%) 540 -04 act 3138 (10.7%) 16,963 2,59305 animal 712 (2.4%) 6,191 84906 artifact 6915 (23.7%) 45,988 4,51507attribute 2078 (7.1%) 11,069 1,57108 body 621 (2.1%) 4,285 66509 cognition 1556 (5.3%) 9,699 1,36210 communication 4076 (13.9%) 24,633 3,30111 event 541 (1.8%) 3,071 47712 feeling 306 (1.0%) 1,623 26313 food 749 (2.5%) 4,679 71714 group 661 (2.2%) 4,338 64715 place 416 (1.4%) 2,587 40216 motive 15 (0.0%) 87 917 object 437 (1.5%) 2,733 41218 person 3279 (11.2%) 19,273 2,30419 phenomenon 147 (0.5%) 784 11420 plant 581 (2.0%) 4,965 70021 possession 287 (1.0%) 1,712 27822 process 211 (0.7%) 987 17723 quantity 344 (1.2%) 2,179 31724 relation 102 (0.3%) 600 7625 shape 165 (0.6%) 1,040 17226 state 805 (2.7%) 4,469 71227 substance 642 (2.2%) 5,002 73428 time 344 (1.2%) 2,172 321

Total 32,208 181,669 23,418

Table 5.4, salient words per context. Enrich DGILE definitions with WordNet semantic primitives.

Using the salient words per category (or semantic class) gathered in the previous step welabelled the DGILE dictionary definitions again. When any of the salient words appear in adefinition, there is evidence that the word belongs to the category indicated. If several ofthese words appear, the evidence is compounded. We add together their weights, over allwords in context, and determine the category for which the sum is greatest, using (5.4).

(5.4) W(SC) = AR(w,SC)w∈definition

Thus, we obtained a second semantically labelled version of DGILE (see Table 5.5). Thisversion has 86,759 labelled definitions (covering more than 93% of all noun definitions) withan accuracy rate of 80% (we have gained, since the previous labelled version, 62% coverageand 16% accuracy). Consider for instance the labeled DGILE lexical entry biberón (babybottle). In this case, the first sense is labeled as ARTIFACT and the second as FOOD.

biberón_1_1 ARTIFACT 4.8399 Frasco de cristal ... glass frask ...biberón_1_2 FOOD 7.4443 Leche que contiene

este frasco ...milk contained inthat frask ...

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Semantic file #DGILE senses (1) #DGILE senses (2) #WordNet synsets03 tops 77 (0.2%) - 35 (0.0%)04 act 3138 (10.7%) 4,188 (4.8%) 4895 (8.0%)05 animal 712 (2.4%) 4,544 (5.2%) 7,112 (11.7%)06 artifact 6915 (23.7%) 12,958 (14.9%) 9,101 (15.0%)07attribute 2078 (7.1%) 4,146 (4.8%) 2,526 (4.2%)08 body 621 (2.1%) 3,208 (3.6%) 1,370 (2.3%)09 cognition 1556 (5.3%) 3,672 (4.2%) 2,007 (3.3%)10 communication 4076 (13.9%) 6,012 (6.9%) 4,115 (6.8%)11 event 541 (1.8%) 1,544 (1.7%) 752 (1.2%)12 feeling 306 (1.0%) 1,016 (1.2%) 397 (0.6%)13 food 749 (2.5%) 2,614 (3.0%) 2,290 (3.8%)14 group 661 (2.2%) 3,074 (3.5%) 1,661 (2.7%)15 place 416 (1.4%) 2,073 (2.4%) 1,755 (2.9%)16 motive 15 (0.0%) 22 (0.0%) 28 (0.0%)17 object 437 (1.5%) 1,645 (1.9%) 839 (1.4%)18 person 3279 (11.2%) 13,901 (16.0%) 5,563 (9.1%)19 phenomenon 147 (0.5%) 425 (0.4%) 452 (0.7%)20 plant 581 (2.0%) 4,234 (4.9%) 7,971 (13.2%)21 possession 287 (1.0%) 1,033 (1.2%) 829 (1.4%)22 process 211 (0.7%) 6948 (8.0%) 445 (0.7%)23 quantity 344 (1.2%) 1,502 (1.7%) 1,050 (1.7%)24 relation 102 (0.3%) 288 (0.3%) 343 (0.6%)25 shape 165 (0.6%) 677 (0.8%) 284 (0.4%)26 state 805 (2.7%) 1,973 (2.3%) 1,870 (3.0%)27 substance 642 (2.2%) 3,518 (4.0%) 2,068 (3.4%)28 time 344 (1.2%) 1,544 (1.8%) 799 (1.3%)

Total 32,208 82,759 60,557

Table 5.5, comparison of the two labelling process with to respect WN1.5 semantic tags.

The biggest differences appear (apart from the classes ANIMAL and PLANT) in theclasses ACT and PROCESS. This is because during the earlier automatic labelling manydictionary definitions with genus acción (act or action) or efecto (effect) were classifiederroneously as ACT or PROCESS.

These results are difficult to compare. While [Yarowsky 92] extracted the concordances of100 surrounding words for each occurrence of each word belonging to the Roget's category fromthe 10-million-word Grolier's Encyclopaedia, we are using a smaller context window (thenoun dictionary definition has 9.68 words on average) and a microcorpus (181,669 words). Bytraining salient words from a labelled dictionary (only 64% correct) rather than a raw corpuswe expected to obtain less noise. Although Yarowsky’s work does not report performancelabelling dictionary senses, he reports 92% accuracy tagging selected words in a corpus.

Although we used in this work the 24 lexicographer’s files of WordNet as semanticprimitives, a more fine-grained classification could be made1. For example, all FOOD synsetsare classified under <food, nutrient> synset in file 13. However, FOOD concepts arethemselves classified into 11 subclasses.

1In this way, a smaller context (and worse salient words per category) would be obtained. Toovercome this problem a larger bilingual dicionary should be used.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


<food, nutrient> -- (any substance that can be metabolized by an organism ...)=> <yolk> -- (nutritive material of an ovum ...)=> <gastronomy>-- (the art or science of food)=> <comestible, edible, eatable, ...> -- (any substance that can be used as food)=> <fare> -- (the food and drink that are regularly consumed)=> <foodstuff> -- (a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food)=> <nutriment, nourishment, sustenance, ...> -- (a source of nourishment)=> <cookery, cooking, cuisine, ...> -- (the practice or manner of preparing food ...)=> <commissariat, provisions, food stock, food supply, ...> -- (a stock of foods)=> <feed, provender> -- (food for domestic livestock)=> <miraculous food, manna>=> <beverage, drink, potable> -- (any liquid suitable for drinking)

Thus, if the LKB we are planning to build needs to represent <beverage, drink, potable>separately from the concepts <comestible, edible, eatable, ...> a finer set of semanticprimitives should be chosen, for instance, considering each direct hyponym of a synsetbelonging to a semantic file also as a new semantic primitive or even selecting for eachsemantic file the level of abstraction we need.

A further experiment could be to iterate the process by collecting from the second labelleddictionary (a bigger corpus) a new set of salient words and reestimating again the semantictags for all dictionary senses (a similar approach is used in [Riloff & Shepherd 97]).

5.2.3 Selecting the main top beginners for a semantic primitive

This section is devoted to the location of the main top dictionary sense taxonomies for agiven semantic primitive in order to correctly attach all these taxonomies to the correct typein the LKB.

In order to illustrate this process we will locate the main top beginners for the FOODdictionary senses. However, we must consider that many of these top beginners are structured.That is, some of them belong to taxonomies derived from other ones, and then cannot bedirectly placed within the FOOD type. This is the case of vino (wine), which is a zumo(juice). Both are top beginners for FOOD and one is a hyponym of the other.

First, we collect all genus terms from the whole set of DGILE dictionary senses labelled inthe previous section with the FOOD tag (2,614 senses), producing a lexicon of 958 differentgenus terms (only 309, 32%, appear more than once in the FOOD subset of dictionary senses).

As the automatic dictionary sense labelling is not free of errors (around 80% accuracy)1 wecan discard some senses by using filtering criteria.

• Filter 1 (F1) removes all FOOD genus terms not assigned to the FOOD semantic fileduring the mapping process between the bilingual dictionary and WordNet.

• Filter 2 (F2) selects only those genus terms which appear more times as genus terms in theFOOD category. That is, those genus terms which appear more frequently in dictionarydefinitions belonging to other semantic tags are discarded.

• Filter 3 (F3) discards those genus terms which appear with a low frequency as genusterms in the FOOD semantic category. That is, infrequent genus terms (given a certainthreshold) are removed. Thus, F3>1 means that the filtering criteria have discarded thosegenus terms appearing in the FOOD subset of dictionary definitions less than twice.

1Most of them are not really errors. For instance, all fishes must be ANIMALs, but some ofthem are edible (that is, FOODs). That is, all fishes labelled as FOOD have been consideredmistakes. This is solved in WordNet by placing two different synsets in the noun hierarchy(one as ANIMAL and the other as FOOD), but in DGILE only one dictionary sense appears,representing both.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Table 5.6 shows the first 36 top beginners for FOOD. That is, those FOOD genus termswhich appears 10 or more times. Bold face is used for those genus terms removed from thefinal list of FOOD genus terms because they appear more times as genus terms in othersemantic files. Thus, pez (fish) is an ANIMAL, cosa (thing) is an ARTIFACT, pequeño (child)is an error made during the genus selection, líquido (liquid) is a SUBSTANCE and vasija(vessel) is an ARTIFACT. From left to right: number of times the genus appears in the FOODsubset of dictionary senses, Spanish noun and a possible English translation.

90 bebida drink 28 alimento food 15 harina flour86 vino wine 27 uva grape 14 zumo juice78 pez fish 25 trigo wheat 13 sopa soup56 comida food 25 queso cheese 13 líquido liquid55 carne meat 24 guiso stew 13 grano grain48 pasta (many) 24 cosa thing 12 azúcar sugar40 pan bread 22 pequeño child 11 vasija vessel39 plato dish 22 pastel pie 11 panecillo small bread33 guisado casserole 21 bollo bun 11 olla pot32 salsa souce 20 manjar delicacy 11 leche milk31 licor liquor 18 torta cake 11 embutido sausage31 dulce sweet 16 aguardiente liquor 10 refresco refreshment

Table 5.6, main top beginners for FOOD.

Table 5.7 provides the results applying different filtering criteria. In order to selectstrictly the LKB c_art_subst (rather than WordNet FOOD) genus we should consider a morefine-grained labelling.

FOOD #Genus Terms Accuracy #Definitions Accuracy

LABEL2 958 2,614LABEL2+F3>1 309 62% 1,961 77%

LABEL2+F1 409 1,831LABEL2+F1+F3>1 203 78% 1,625 86%

LABEL2+F2 439 1,741LABEL2+F2+F3>1 187 82% 1,489 92%

LABEL2+F1+F2 247 1,482LABEL2+F1+F2+F3>1 154 88% 1,389 95%

Table 5.7, accuracy of genus terms and definitions with different filtering criteria.

Table 5.8 shows the performance of the second labelling with respect to filter 3 (genusfrequency) varying the threshold. From left to right, filter, number of genus terms selected,accuracy, number of definitions and their respective accuracy.

LABEL2 #Genus Terms Accuracy #Definitions Accuracy

LABEL2+F3>9 32 89% 908 88%LABEL2+F3>8 37 90% 953 88%LABEL2+F3>7 39 88% 969 87%LABEL2+F3>6 45 88% 1,011 87%LABEL2+F3>5 51 87% 1,047 82%LABEL2+F3>4 62 85% 1,102 86%LABEL2+F3>3 73 78% 1,146 84%LABEL2+F3>2 99 69% 1,224 80%LABEL2+F3>1 151 62% 1,328 77%

Table 5.8, performance of second labelling criteria with respect to filter 3.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Table 5.9 shows the performance of the second labelling using filter 1 (bilingual categorymismatch) with respect to filter 3 (genus frequency).

LABEL2+F1 #Genus Terms Accuracy #Definitions Accuracy

LABEL2+F1+F3>9 31 94% 895 90%

LABEL2+F1+F3>8 35 95% 931 90%

LABEL2+F1+F3>7 37 91% 947 89%LABEL2+F1+F3>6 43 92% 989 90%

LABEL2+F1+F3>5 49 92% 1,025 90%

LABEL2+F1+F3>4 55 91% 1,055 90%

LABEL2+F1+F3>3 64 85% 1,091 88%LABEL2+F1+F3>2 85 82% 1,152 87%LABEL2+F1+F3>1 125 78% 1,234 86%

Table 5.9, performance of second labelling criteria with respect to filter 1 varying filter 3.

Table 5.10 shows the performance of the second labelling using filter 2 (genus frequentcategory mismatch) with respect to filter 3 (genus frequency).

LABEL2+F2 #Genus Terms Accuracy #Definitions Accuracy

LABEL2+F2+F3>9 31 100% 893 100%

LABEL2+F2+F3>8 35 100% 929 100%

LABEL2+F2+F3>7 37 95% 945 98%

LABEL2+F2+F3>6 41 94% 973 98%

LABEL2+F2+F3>5 47 92% 1,009 97%

LABEL2+F2+F3>4 56 91% 1,054 96%

LABEL2+F2+F3>3 65 87% 1,090 95%

LABEL2+F2+F3>2 82 83% 1,141 93%

LABEL2+F2+F3>1 123 82% 1,223 92%

Table 5.10, performance of second labelling criteria with respect to filter 2 varying filter 3.

The above tables show that at the same level of genus frequency, filter 2 (removing genusterms which are more frequent in other semantic categories) is more accurate that filter 3(removing all genus terms the translation of which cannot be FOOD). For instance, no errorappears when selecting those genus terms which appear 10 or more times (F3) in the secondlabelling process and are more frequent in that category than in any other (F2).

Table 5.11 shows the coverage of correct genus terms selected by criteria F1 and F2 torespect criteria F3. Thus, for genus terms appearing 10 or more times, by using either of the twocriteria we are collecting 97% of the correct ones. That is, in both cases the criteria discardsless than 3% of correct genus terms.

LABEL2+F3 vs. F1 Coverage LABEL2+F3 vs. F2 Coverage

LABEL2+F3>9 vs. F1 97% LABEL2+F3>9 vs. F2 97%

LABEL2+F3>8 vs. F1 95% LABEL2+F3>8 vs. F2 95%

LABEL2+F3>7 vs. F1 95% LABEL2+F3>7 vs. F2 95%

LABEL2+F3>6 vs. F1 96% LABEL2+F3>6 vs. F2 91%

LABEL2+F3>5 vs. F1 96% LABEL2+F3>5 vs. F2 92%

LABEL2+F3>4 vs. F1 89% LABEL2+F3>4 vs. F2 90%

LABEL2+F3>3 vs. F1 90% LABEL2+F3>3 vs. F2 89%LABEL2+F3>2 vs. F1 86% LABEL2+F3>2 vs. F2 83%LABEL2+F3>1 vs. F1 83% LABEL2+F3>1 vs. F2 81%

Table 5.11, coverage of second labelling criteria with respect to filter 1 and 2 varying filter 3.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


5.2.4 Conclusions

As we have seen in Chapter 3 and Section 4.2, our approach for building LKBs fromstructured lexical resources is mainly descriptive (the main source of knowledge is MRDs), buta minimal prescribed structure is provided (the LKB Type System). This approach differsfrom previous ones because of the mixed methodology applied (e.g., the complete descriptiveapproach of [Bruce et al. 92]). This mixed approach was also followed by [Castellón 93], butrather than selecting the main top beginners for a given semantic category manually, we havepresented a complete fully automatic methodology for selecting them. The methodology wepropose combines lexical knowledge acquired with minimal supervision1 from structuredlexical knowledge resources, and proceeds roughly as follows:

We labelled automatically the whole noun dictionary twice. The first time computing theconceptual distance between headword and genus of the noun definitions. Assigning WordNetsynsets to Spanish headwords, the program classified 31% of the DGILE definitions into 24different semantic classes (corresponding to the 24 lexicographer’s files) with 64% accuracy.The second time, following the method proposed by [Yarowsky 92], we used this preliminaryclassification to partition DGILE into 24 subcorpora. We used this classification to acquire thesalient words for each semantic class the subcorpus was representing. Using these salientwords we labelled DGILE again, classifying 93% of all noun definitions with an overallaccuracy of 80%. Finally, for each semantic category, after a filtering process we gathered allits representative genus terms. All the genus terms gathered for a semantic category are themain top beginners for the semantic primitive we were looking for.

To bridge the language gap between WordNet and DGILE we used the EsencialSpanish/English bilingual dictionary. Better results could be expected performing the wholeprocess using an English dictionary such as LDOCE.

5.3. Semantic knowledge acquisition from the genus terms inDGILE

This section focuses on the approaches we have considered for the (semi)automatic andautomatic construction of taxonomies from DGILE.

In this section we will first present an environment for the (semi)automatic construction oftaxonomies. This interactive system allows the user to select the correct hypernym(dictionary sense of the genus) manually (when no automatic one is provided). Thisenvironment was used by [Castellón 93] and [Taulé 95] and is described in detail in [Ageno etal. 91b] and [Verdejo et al. 91].

5.3.1 (Semi)automatic construction of taxonomies

The (semi)automatic use of TaxBuild uses a top-down fashion approach for constructingtaxonomies. Once the user has selected a top dictionary sense as a root for the semantichierarchy (rather than by instrospection, the selection of these top dictionary senses can bedone using the methodology detailed in Section 4.2), all the dictionary senses containing thetop word are retrieved using the LDB indexes on the dictionary definition field. Some of thesehave the top word as a genus term of the dictionary senses (this means that are candidatehyponyms) while others have the top word in the differentiae. In order to select the correctsemantic head or genus term for noun and verb definitions and discard those which the topword is not the genus term, we used the specialized grammar designed for this porpuse (seeSection Now, the user has to perform the Genus Sense Disambiguation task. That is,

1We have to decide which WordNet synsets (as semantic classes) represent the LKB types(concept classes). In the example we have presented the synsets selected were those withinthe semantic file 13 (FOOD).

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


the user must decide if the candidate hyponym belongs to the taxonomy being constructed. Ifthe user decides that the candidate hyponym does not belong to the taxonomy, the samecandidate hyponym is tested. If it belongs a new cicle is started with this candidate hyponymas a top dictionary sense.

The TaxBuild user interface aids the user in all these tasks. However, due to the manualsense disambiguation task of these approach only a few taxonomic fragments has beenderived from DGILE. For nouns, we derived lexicons for substancia (substance, including food),persona (person), lugar (place) and instrumento (instrument). Using TaxBuild we constructed(semi)automatically (that is, in a supervised mode, see [Castellón 93]) the completedisambiguated noun taxonomies, taking these words as a starting point containing 3,210dictionary senses (382 belonging to the FOOD domain).

5.3.2 Automatic construction of taxonomies

This section presents a method of combining a set of unsupervised algorithms in a way theycan accurately disambiguate the genus terms of a conventional dictionary without any specialencoding. Although most of the techniques for word sense resolution have been presented asstand-alone, it is our belief that full-fledged lexical ambiguity resolution should combineseveral information sources and techniques. Thus, we present a set of techniques (than we callheuristics) which have been applied in a combined way to disambiguate the genus terms ofDGILE, enabling us to construct complete taxonomies for Spanish. Tested accuracy is around80% overall and 95% for two-way ambiguous genus terms, showing that taxonomy building isnot limited to structured dictionaries such as LDOCE.

This work tries to proof that using an appropriate method to combine several heuristics(each one using different information sources in different ways) we can disambiguate the genusterms, and thus construct complete taxonomies from any conventional dictionary in anylanguage with reasonable precision. Test Sampling

In order to test the performance of each heuristic and their combination, we selected a testset at random with 391 noun senses. From this sample, we consider only those with a correctlyselected genus (more than 97%). This test set was disambiguated by hand allowing for eachgenus multiple correct senses (1.37 correct hypernym senses on average, ranging from 1 to 8).Table 5.12 shows the data for the test set:

DGILETest Sampling 391Correct Genus Selected 382 (98%)Monosemous 61 (16%)Senses per genus 5.75idem (polysemous only) 6.65Correct senses per genus 1.38idem (polysemous only) 1.51

Table 5.12. Test set. Measures for testing

As not all the heuristics can always be applied, in order to evaluate the performance ofthe whole process we provide the following figures: coverage (that is, the percentage ofanswers), precision (that is, the percentage of actual answers that where correct) and recall(that is, the percentage of possible answers that where correct). That is, precision iscalculated from coverage and recall from all test.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

100 Derived lexical resources used by the heuristics

Some of the heuristics use elaborated lexical knowledge derived from the dictionary itselfor by combining lexical knowledge derived from several structured lexical knowledge sources.This is the case of heuristics from 5 to 8. Heuristic 5 (simple concordance, see Section 6 (coocurrence vectors section use coocurrence data gathered from the wholedictionary definitions. Heuristic 7 uses salient word vectors obtained by the process describedin section 5.2.2. Heuristic 8 uses both the HBil dictionary and WordNet (see Section 3.2.1). Cooccurrence data

Following [Wilks et al. 93] two words cooccur if they appear in the same definition (wordorder in definitions are not taken into account). For instance, for DGILE, a lexicon of 300,062cooccurrence pairs among 40,193 word forms was derived (stop words were not taken intoaccount). Table 5.13 shows the first eleven words out of the 360 which cooccur with vino(wine) ordered by Association Ratio. Association Ratio between two words (see formula 5.5)can be defined as the product of the Mutual Information [Church & Hanks 90] and theprobability of occurring both words in the same definition:

(5.5) AR(w1,w2 ) = Pr(w1,w2 )MI(w1,w2 ) = Pr(w1,w2 ) log2

Pr(w1,w2 )Pr(w1)Pr(w2 )

In table 5.13, from left to right, Association Ratio and number of occurrences.The lexicon (or machine-tractable dictionary, MTD) thus produced from the dictionary is

used by heuristics 5 and 6 (see bellow).

11.1655 15 tinto (red)10.0162 23 beber (to drink)9.6627 14 mosto (must)8.6633 9 jerez (sherry)8.1051 9 cubas (cask, barrel)8.0551 16 licor (liquor)7.2127 17 bebida (drink)6.9338 12 uva (grape)6.8436 9 trago (drink, swig)6.6221 12 sabor (taste)6.4506 15 pan (bread)

Table 5.13. Example of coocurrences for vino (wine). Multilingual data

Heuristics 7 need external knowledge, not present in the dictionaries themselves. Thisknowledge is composed of semantic field tags and hierarchical structures, and both wereextracted from WordNet (see 5.2.2). Attaching WordNet synsets to DGILE words we are alsoattaching to the Spanish dictionary senses its semantic files. Using this semantic files we canclassify 29,205 DGILE noun definitions in 24 partitions (each one corresponding to a semanticcategory). Using a Mutual information-like formula, we can collect the Spanish salient wordsfor each category. Intuitively, a salient word apperars more often in the context of a semanticcategory than at at other points in the dictionary. Thus, we derived a lexicon of 23,418 salientword forms. Table 5.14 shows thew first ten Spanish salient words (ordered by salience) forFOOD category. From Left to right, association ratio, salient word, number of occurrences inFOOD context and finally, number of ocurrences in the whole dictionary.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


AR Word # in FOOD # in DGILE7.5984 bebida (drink) 40 586.6362 carne (meat) 44 1046.5707 dulce (sweet) 29 506.3316 azúcar (sugar) 29 566.2459 comida (food) 32 706.0055 harina (flour) 21 355.9917 fruto (fruit) 49 1635.8268 leche (milk) 23 465.5468 salsa (souce) 13 165.1547 zumo (juice) 12 17

Table 5.14, ten salient words for FOOD.

As one word can be a salient word for many semantic categories, for each word we obtain a24 dimensional weighted vector. Thus, table 5.15 shows the salient categories for iglesia(church) and iglesias (churches). AR is obtained from formula 5.3.

Semantic File ARiglesia (church) 04 act 0.7371

11 event 0.422914 group 2.577218 person 0.392321 possession 0.344528 time 2.8352

iglesias (churches) 06 artifact 0.845518 person 0.738728 time 1.3365

Table 5.15, semantic categories for salient words iglesia and iglesias.

Heuristic 8 also needs external knowledge. In this case, this knowledge is provided bymeans of the bilingual dictionary. Firstly, each Spanish word has looked up in the bilingualdictionary, and its English translation are found. For each translation WordNet yielded itssenses, in the form of WordNet concepts (synsets). The pair made of the original word andeach of the concepts linked to it, was included in a file, thus producing a MTD with linksbetween Spanish words and WordNet concepts. Obviously some of this links are not correct, asthe translation in the bilingual dictionary would not mean all of the senses in WordNet.

For instance when accesing the semantic fields for vino we get a unique translation, wine,which has two senses in WordNet <wine,vino> as a beverage, and <wine, wine-coloured> asa kind of colour. In this example two links would be produced (vin, <wine,vino> and (vin,<wine, wine-coloured>). This link allow as to get two possible semantic fields for vino(, file 13 and noun.attribute, file 7) and the structure of the hierarchy in WordNetfor each of the concepts (see the figures of this mapping in table 6.3). Heuristics for Genus Sense Disambiguation

As the methods described in this work have been developed for being applied in acombined way, each one must be seen as a container of some part of the knowledge (orheuristic) needed to disambiguate the correct hypernym sense. Not all the heuristics aresuitable to be applied to all the definitions. Each heuristic assigns each candidate hypernymsense a weight, i.e. a real number value ranging from 0 to 1 (after a scaling process, wheremaximum score is scaled to 1). The heuristics applied range from the simplest (e.g. heuristic 1,2, 3 and 4) to the more informed ones (e.g. heuristics 5, 6, 7 and 8), and use information presentin the entries under study (e.g. heuristics 1, 2, 3 and 4) or extracted from the whole dictionary

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


as a unique lexical knowledge resource (e.g. heuristics 5 and 6) or combining lexical knowledgefrom several heterogeneous lexical resources (e.g. heuristic 7 and 8). Heuristic 1: Monosemous genus term

This heuristic is applied when the genus term is monosemous. As there is only onehypernym sense candidate, the hyponym sense is attached to it. Only 12% of noun dictionarysenses have monosemous genus terms in DGILE. Heuristic 2: Entry Sense ordering

This heuristic assumes that senses are ordered in an entry by frequency of usage. That is, themost used and important senses are placed in the entry before less frequent or less importantones. This heuristic provides the maximum score to the first sense of the hypernym candidatesand decreasing scores to the other. Heuristic 3: Explicit Semantic domain

This heuristic assigns the maximum score to the hypernym sense which has the samesemantic domain tag as the hyponym. This heuristic is of limited application: Less than 10%of the definitions are marked in DGILE with one of the 96 different semantic domain tags ( for medicine or der. for law). Heuristic 4: Word Matching

Following [Lesk 86], this heuristic trusts that related concepts will be expressed using thesame content words. Given two definitions, an hyponym and one candidate hypernym, thisheuristic computes the total amount of content words shared (including headwords). Becauseof the morphological productivity of Spanish, we have considered different variants of thisheuristic. Finally, this heuristic yields better results when matching the first four charactersof words. Heuristic 5: Simple Concordance

This heuristic uses cooccurrence data collected from the whole dictionary (see section5. Thus, given a hyponym definition (O) and a set of candidate hypernym definitions,this method selects the candidate hypernym (E) which returns the maximum score given byformula (5.6):

(5.6) SC(O,E) = cw(i ∈O∧ j ∈E

∑ wi ,w j )

The cooccurrence weight (cw) between two words can be given by Cooccurrence Frequency,Mutual Information [Church & Hanks 90] or Association Ratio [Resnik 92]. We tested themusing different context window sizes. Best results were obtained using the Association Ratioand a window size of 7 words. Heuristic 6: Cooccurrence Vectors

This heuristic is based on the method presented in [Wilks et al. 93] which also usescooccurrence data collected from the whole dictionary (c.f. section 4.1). Given a hyponymdefinition (O) and a set of candidate hypernym definitions, this method selects thecandidate hypernym (E) which returns the maximum score following formula (5.7)

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


(5.7) CV(O,E) = sym(vO ,vE )

The similarity (sym) between two definitions can be measured by the dot product, the cosinefunction or the Euclidean distance between two vectors (vo and ve) which represent thecontexts of the words presented in the respective definitions following formula (5.8).

(5.8) VDef = ci(wi )wi ∈Def∑

The vector for a definition (VDef) is computed adding the cooccurrence information vectorsof the words in the definition (ci(wi)). The cooccurrence information vector for a word iscollected from the whole dictionary using Cooccurrence Frequency, Mutual Information orAssociation Ratio. The best combination was the dot product, Association Ratio, and windowsize 7. Heuristic 7: Semantic Vectors

Because DGILE is poorly semantically coded we decided to enrich the dictionary assigningautomatically a semantic tag to each dictionary sense (see Section 5.2 for more details).Instead of assigning only one tag we can attach to each dictionary sense a vector with weightsfor each of the 24 possible semantic tags we considered (which correspond to the 24lexicographers or semantic files of WordNet [Miller 90]). In this case, given an hyponym (O)and a set of possible hypernyms we select the candidate hypernym (E) which yieldsmaximum similarity among semantic vectors:

(5.9) S V O E sym v vO E( , ) ( , )=

where sym can be the dot product, cosine or Euclidean Distance, as above. Each dictionarysense has been semantically tagged with a vector of semantic weights following formula(5.10).

(5.10) VDef = sw(wi )wi ∈Def∑

The salient word vector (sw) for a word contains a saliency weight [Yarowsky 92] for eachof the 25 semantic tags. Again, the best method was the dot product, Association Ratio, andwindow size 7. Heuristic 8: Conceptual Distance

Conceptual distance provides a basis for determining closeness in meaning among words,taking as reference a structured hierarchical net. Conceptual distance between two concepts isessentially the length of the shortest path that connects the concepts in a hierarchicalsemantic net. In order to apply conceptual distance, WordNet was chosen as the hierarchicalknowledge base, and bilingual dictionaries were used to link Spanish and French words to theEnglish concepts.

Given a hyponym definition (O) and a set of candidate hypernym definitions, thisheuristic chooses the hypernym definition (E) which is closest according to formula 5.11 (seealso Section

(5.11) CD O E dist headword genusO E( , ) ( , )=

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


That is, Conceptual Distance is measured between the headword of the hyponymdefinition and the genus of the candidate hypernym definitions using formula (5.12), c.f.[Agirre et al. 94]. To compute the distance between two words (w1, w2), all the correspondingconcepts in WordNet (c1, c2) are searched via a bilingual dictionary, and the minimum of thesummatory for each concept in the path between each possible combination of c1 and c2 isreturned, as shown below:

(5.12) dist(w1,w2 ) = minc1i



1depth(ck )ck ∈path(c1i


Formulas (5.11) and (5.12) proved the most suitable of several other possibilities for thistask, including those which included full definitions in (5.11) or those using other ConceptualDistance formulas [Agirre & Rigau 96]. Combining Results

The way we have chosen to combine all the heuristics in one simple decision is simple. Theweigths each heuristic assigns to the rivaling senses of one genus are normalized to theinterval between 1 (best weight) and 0. Formula 5.13 shows the normalized value a givenheuristic will give to sense E of the genus, according to the weight assigned to the heuristic tosense E and the maximum weight of all the senses of the genus Ei.

(5.13) vote(O, E) = weight(O, E)maxEi

(weight(O, Ei ))

The values thus collected from each heuristic, are added up for each competing sense. Theorder in which the heuristics are applied has no relevance.

Table 5.14 summarizes the results for polysemous senses and gives also the overall results(which include monosemous genus). In general, the results obtained for each heuristic seem tobe poor, but always over the random choice baseline (also shown in table 5.14). The bestheuristic is the sense ordering heuristic (2). But, scaling each heuristic and adding theresulting weights (Sum) we obtained an improvement over sense ordering (heuristic 2) of 9%(from 70% to 79%) maintaining a coverage of 100%. Overall (c.f. table 5.16), the sum is able tocorrectly disambiguate 83% of the genus (8% improvement over sense ordering). Note that weare adding the results of eight different heuristics with eight different performances,improving the individual performance of each one (recall increase 8%).

Polysemous random (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Sum

recall 30% - 70% 1% 44% 57% 60% 57% 47% 79%precision 30% - 70% 100% 72% 57% 60% 58% 49% 79%

coverage 100% - 100% 1% 61% 100% 100% 99% 95% 100%


recall 41% 16% 75% 2% 41% 59% 63% 59% 48% 83%precision 41% 100% 75% 100% 79% 65% 66% 63% 57% 83%

coverage 100% 16% 100% 2% 56% 95% 97% 94% 89% 100%

Table 5.16. Overall results.

In order to test the contribution of each heuristic to the total knowledge, we tested the sumof all the heuristics, eliminating one of them each time. The results are provided in table5.17.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Sum -(1) -(2) -(3) -(4) -(5) -(6) -(7) -(8)

recall 83% 79% 72% 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% 77%precision 83% 79% 72% 82% 81% 81% 81% 81% 77%coverage 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Table 5.17. Knowledge provided by each heuristic.

[Gale et al. 93] estimate that any sense-identification system that does not give the correctsense of polysemous words more than 75% of the time would not be worth seriousconsideration. While heuristic 8 has the worst performance (see table 5.16, precision 57%), ithas the second larger contribution (see table 5.17, precision decreases from 83% to 77%). Thatis, even those heuristics with poor performance can contribute with knowledge that otherheuristics do not provide.

The results show that the combination of heuristics is useful, even if the performance ofsome of the heuristics is low. The combination performs better than isolated heuristics, andallows to disambiguate all the genus of the test set with a success rate of 83%.

Selecting the correct sense for LDOCE genus terms, (Bruce et al. 92) report a success rate of80% (90% after hand coding of ten genus). This impressive rate is achieved using the intrinsiccharacteristics of LDOCE. Furthermore, using only the implicit information contained intothe dictionary definitions of LDOCE [Cowie et al. 92] report a success rate of 47% at a senselevel. [Wilks et al. 93] reports a success rate of 45% disambiguating the word bank (thirteensenses LDOCE) using a similar technique than to heuristic 6. In our case, combining informedheuristics and without explicit semantic tags, the success rates are 83% overall, and 95% fortwo-way ambiguous genus. Furthermore, 93% of times the real solution is between the firstand second proposed solution.

The results show that the construction of taxonomies using lexical resources is not limitedto highly-structured dictionaries as LDOCE, but can be applied to two very differentdictionaries. In fact, this method has been also tested with a complete different dictionary:the French dictionary Le Plus Petit Larousse (LPPL), with similar results (see [Rigau et al.97]). Nevertheless, quality and size of the lexical knowledge resources are important. As theresults for LPPL show, small dictionaries with short definitions can not profit take from rawcorpus techniques (heuristics 5, 6), and consequently the overall precision is lower.

We have also shown that summing is a useful way to combine knowledge from severalunsupervised WSD methods, allowing to raise the performance of each one in isolation(coverage and/or precision). While it may appear that more intelligent ways to ensambledifferent heuristics should do better, the experience in the forecasting literature has beenthat simple, unweighted voting is very robust [Dietterich 97]. Furthermore, even thoseheuristics with apparently poor results (e.g. see DGILE heuristic 8 in table 5.17) providesknowledge to the final result not provided by the rest of heuristics. Thus, adding newheuristics with different methodologies and different knowledge (e.g. from corpora) betterresults can be expected. Although we used these techniques for GSD problem we expect similarresults (or even better taken the “one sense per discourse” property [Gale et al. 92] and lexicalknowledge acquired from Corpora) for the WSD problem. Building automatically large scale taxonomies from DGILE

Our proposal for building taxonomies from MRDs follows the next procedure. Once themain top beginners (relevant genus terms) of a semantic category are selected (see Section 5.2)and every dictionary definition has been disambiguated (this section), we collect all thosepairs labelled with the semantic category (using LABEL2) we are working on having one ofthe genus terms selected (and disambiguated). Using these pairs we finally build up thecomplete taxonomy for a given semantic category. That is, in order to build the completetaxonomy for a semantic primitive we fit the lower senses using the second labelled lexiconand the genus sense selected using the technique described in this section.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Table 5.18 summarizes the sizes of the FOOD taxonomies acquired from DGILE withrespect to filtering criteria and the results manually obtained by [Castellón 93]1.

FOOD [Castellón 93] LABEL2+F2+F3>9 LABEL2+F2+F3>4Genus terms 2 33 68Dictionary senses 392 952 1,242Levels 6 5 6Senses in level 1 2 18 48Senses in level 2 67 490 604Senses in level 3 88 379 452Senses in level 4 67 44 65Senses in level 5 87 21 60Senses in level 6 6 0 13

Table 5.18, comparison of FOOD taxonomies.

Using the first set of criteria (LABEL2+F2+F3>9), we acquire a FOOD taxonomy with 952senses (more than two times larger than if it is done manually). Using the second one(LABEL2+F2+F3>4), we obtain another taxonomy with 1,242 (more than three times larger).While using the first set of criteria, the 33 genus terms selected produce a taxonomic structurewith only 18 top beginners, the second set, with 68 possible genus terms, produces anothertaxonomy with 48 top beginners. However, both final taxonomic structures produce more flattaxonomies than if the task is done manually. This is because we are restricting the innertaxonomic genus terms to those selected by the criteria (33 and 68 respectively). Consider thefollowing taxonomic chain, obtained using SEISD in a semiautomatic way by [Castellón 93]:

bebida_1_3 <- líquido_1_6 <- zumo_1_1 <- vino_1_1 <- rueda_1_1

As líquido (liquid) was not selected as a possible genus (by the criteria described above),the taxonomic chain for that sense is:

zumo_1_1 <- vino_1_1 <- rueda_1_1

Thus, a few arrangements (18 or 48 depending on the criteria selected) must be done at thetop level of the automatic taxonomies. Studying the main top beginners we can easily discoveran internal structure between them. For instance, placing all zumo (juice) senses as hyponym ofbebida (drink) (see the complete taxonomy for wines in the appendix).

As these taxonomies can be constructed using a filtering process on the genus terms, differentsizes of taxonomies can be produced depending on the degree of accuracy we apply. Forinstance, with accuracy near 100% (with filter LABEL2+F2+F3>9) on genus terms selected weproduce a noun taxonomy of 35,099 definitions. If we reduce the level of accuracy to 96% (withfilter LABEL2+F2+F3>4), we obtain a taxonomy structure of 40,754 senses.

The results show that the construction of taxonomies using lexical resources is not limitedto highly structured dictionaries. Applying appropriate techniques, monolingual dictionariessuch as DGILE could be useful resources for automatically building accurate substantial piecesof an LKB.

1We used the results reported by [Castellón 93] as a baseline during the acquisition processbecause her work was done using the earlier (semi)automatic version of SEISD and the sameSpanish dictionary.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


5.4. Semantic knowledge acquisition from the differentiae inDGILE

5.4.1 Analysing Definitions.

SegWord [Sanfilippo 90] and FPar [Carroll 90b] were improved and tailored to analyzeSpanish definitions (see Section Neither of them is a complete analyser for Spanish.SegWord covers nouns, adjectives, adverbs, closed class words and some forms of verbs andFPar grammars have been designed to cover subsets of definitions semantically related.Obviously, using a wide range parsing tool for Spanish, rather than a partial one, betterresults can be obtained.

Currently, we are using a broad range morphological analyser of Spanish [Acebo et al. 94](which also provides the possible Spanish lemmas for a given word form) and a tagger ofSpanish [Padró 98] and a shallow DCG grammar1 [Pereira & Warren 80] for parsingcompletely all dictionary definitions. Perhaps an in-depth grammar/parser of Spanish couldlead to better results, but building such a tool is beyond the scope of this research, and giventhe kind of material to be parsed (because of the sublanguage used in dictionaries) and theacquisition goals, partial coverage does not seem to be a serious limitation. Thus, rather thananalyse small parts of the dictionary definitions (i.e., [Alshawi 89], [Artola 93], [Castellón93]) we propose (when no full parse can be performed with high accuracy) complete analysisof the dictionary definition using a shallow parser which provides a fully analysed set ofchunks for an input definition.

A typical chunk consists of a single content word (or head) surrounded by a constellation offunction words. A simple context-free grammar is quite adequate to describe the structure ofthe chunks. The idea is to factor the parse into pieces of structure that can be reliablyrecovered with a small amount of syntactic information, as opposed to those pieces of structurethat require much larger quantities of information. By reducing the definition to chunks, thereare fewer units whose associations must be considered. Resolving attachments generallyrequires information about lexical association between heads, hence it is postponed. Butrather than select the smaller chunks from multiple options, the longest match must beselected.

Consider the example of a drink dictionary sense:

acapulco_1_1 ISA cóctel hecho con tequila, ron y zumo de piña. (acapulco, co*cktail madewith tequila, rum and pineapple juice).

After the tagging process we obtain for acapulco_1_1:

acapulco_1_1 ISA cóctel cóctel Nhecho hacer U0Vcon R0Ptequila tequila N, Z0Cron ron Ny C0Czumo zumo Nde R0Dpiña piña N. Z0P

1Implemented in Prolog with 134 grammar rules.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


where N stands for noun, U0V for verb, R0P and R0D for prepositions and Z0C and Z0P forsemicolon and dot respectively.

Thus, we are able to analyse the main sintagms of the definition:

acapulco_1_1 ISA sn:[n:cóctel]sv:[u0v:hacer]sp:[r0p:con,sn:[n:tequila,n:ron,n:zumo,sp:[r0d:de,sn:[n:piña]]]]sw:[z0p: .]

where SN stands for nominal syntagm, SV for verbal and SP for prepositional. All wordsno grouped in syntagms are left and labeled as alone: SW. In that sense, this parser is able toanalyse completely all dictionary definitions.

Furthermore, selecting those relevant patterns restricted by the corpus which correspondto a semantic category (from LABEL2 lexicon, see section 5.2) we can perform an in depthsemantic analysis of the definitions. For instance, the next pattern

hecho con SN made with SN

in FOOD domain usually is a cue for detecting constituents of the headword defined.

acapulco_1_1 ISA sn:[n:cóctel]made_with():[n:tequila,n:ron,n:zumo,sp:[r0d:de,sn:[n:piña]]]sw:[z0p: .]

In order to compare the performance of the current shallow parsing process, Table 5.19summarizes the total number of semantic relations detected1.

FOOD [Castellón 93] LABEL2+F2+F3>9 LABEL2+F2+F3>4definitions 392 952 1,242properties 137 717 825pp-mod 197 1,118 1,310goal 15 17 19composed-by 44 82 96simil 2 19 23purpose 5 18 25color 2 10 12temp 5 14 14origin 0 18 20total 407 2,013 2,344total syntagms2 883 2,760 3,270

Table 5.19, comparison of total number of semantic relations detected.

That is, while for some patterns the performance does not seem to improve (e.g., goal), onaverage we are doubling the total number of patterns acquired.

5.4.2 Placing definitions into the LKB.

Once we have analysed each definition, using the CRS (the Convertion Ruleset System,see [Ageno et al. 92c]) this knowledge can be placed within the LKB. That is, each definitionis converted to a lexical entry that can be loaded into the LKB. We implemented this systemusing PRE language to provide flexibility and declarativity to the process. Thus, the system

1Patterns containing more than one word are counted once.2Syntagms with a unique word were not counted.

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


allows the user to perform the mapping process (or convertion) in a (semi)automatic (the usercan check or change data during the process) or fully automatic way. Screen 5.1 shows a(semi)automatic session when converting the lexical entry for fécula startch.

Screen 5.1, a CRS session.

Consider again the analysed definition considered previously. As the only semantic tagshared (using the non-disambiguated mapping between WordNet and the bilingual or thosetaxonomies derived from DGILE) by the three constituents tequila, ron, and zumo is FOOD, wecan automatically derive that an acapulco is a co*cktail made with the followingINGREDIENTS: tequila, rum and pineapple juice.

acapulco_1_1 ISA sn:[n:cóctel]made_with(FOOD):[n:tequila,n:ron,n:zumo,sp:[r0d:de,sn:[n:piña]]]sw:[z0p: .]

Furthermore, computing the conceptual distance among the translations of these four words(no traslation of acapulco is provided in the bilingual dictionary) a fully complete lexicaldisambiguation could be performed. In that way, we are planning to use the Top Ontologyderived from EuroWordNet project that connects those Base Concepts (about 700 nominalsynsets of WordNet1.5, see [Rodríguez et al. in Press] for further details) in order to perform anew mapping process between the analysed definitions and the types of the LKB. That is,gathering those concept patterns that coocurs in dictionary definitions in order to fulfil theLKB.

To date, when applying the CRS (that is, the mapping process from the analyseddefinitions to the LKB) only one type of the LKB was under consideration. It is our believethat larger and more accurate knowledge could be acquired if more types (or concept patterns)were considered. That is, instead of considering only a unique type (that can be seen as a starthat connects concepts) we are planning to consider the complete constelation (that is, thecomplete LKB).

Chapter 5. Monolingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


5.5. Conclusions

This chapter has been devoted to the feasibility of the automatic and productiveacquisition of lexical knowledge from monolingual MRDs in order to construct a highlystructured LKB.

Instead of following a purely descriptive approach we have adopted a minimal prescribedset of semantic categories (types in the LKB). Section 5.2 and 5.3 focused on the acquisition oflexical knowledge from the genus terms of the dictionary. Section 5.2 presented a novelmethodology to classify by a double labelling process all the dictionary definitions with oneof the semantic categories provided. Section 5.3 presented a robust lexical knowledgetechnique for disambiguating all noun genus terms (coverage 100%) with an overall precisionof 83%. Then, after a filtering process, we gathered those relevant genus terms for a givensemantic category which enables us to built up its taxonomies. Thus, we have presented acomplete fully automatic methodology for acquiring large-scale taxonomies from non-semantically coded MRDs.

Section 5.4 was centered on lexical knowledge acquisition from the differentia. Wepresented a novel methodology which uses a wide-range morphological tagger with acombination of domain-oriented shallow parser to acquire larger and more accurateknowledge from dictionary definitions. Using the semantic knowledge previously acquired,these analysis can be processed in order to build a large and richly structured LKB.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Chapter 6

Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

6.1 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to present the work carried out for the (semi)automatic andautomatic construction of the multilingual facet of the LKB (see Section 4.5). In this Chapter,we present several methodologies for extracting lexical translation equivalencies fromconventional monolingual and bilingual MRDs. We also describe a series of experiments on theconstruction of a MLKB for English and Spanish and present TGE, the software module systemwe developed within SEISD to perform this task (see Section 3.6.3).

While Section 2 presents the complete framework and resources used by TGE for linkinglexical entries across languages, Section 3, 4 and 5 show the main experiments we carried outand the results obtained linking Spanish lexical units to English ones. Section 3 reports themain techniques and results doing such process using TGE in a (semi)automatic approachattaching Spanish sense taxonomies (derived from DGILE) to English ones (derived fromLDOCE). Using the same framework, that is TGE, Section 4 presents a fully automaticapproach (by means of the Conceptual Distance formula) to link Spanish sense taxonomies(derived from DGILE) to WordNet. Finally, Section 5, presents another novel approach tobuild automatically from bilingual dictionaries a MLKB for Spanish using the predefinedstructure of WordNet.

6.2 Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition

6.2.1 Introduction

This Section presents the complete framework and resources for linking lexical entriesderived from MRDs across languages. Of course, these links can be established manually(assuming a severe time-consuming drawback), but the multiplicity of cases occurring, theexistence of several heterogeneous knowledge sources (such as bilingual dictionaries,monolingual LDBs, monolingual taxonomies and multilingual LKBs) motivates themechanization of the whole process. In order to perform this task, we designed and built aSEISD module, the Tlink Generation Environment (TGE ) [Ageno et al. 94]. As thisenvironment does not impose a single methodological strategy, we have been able toimplement different approaches. While the first, described in Section 3, performs thebilingual connexion using a (semi)automatic approach, the second, described in Section 4,builds the MLKB using a fully automatic approach. Both methods take profit from thetaxonomy structure of both languages involved, which have been derived previously frommonolingual MRDs. Although it seems to be generally agreed that bilingual MRDs alone areinsufficient for constructing MLKBs, in Section 5 we presents the main experiments we haveperformed attaching directly Spanish words derived from a bilingual dictionary to apredefined LKB (in this case, WordNet). In that way, we are able to build a paralel instructure MLKB without using knowledge derived from monolingual MRDs.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


While in the approaches presented in Section 6.3 and 6.4, the basic units for defininglexical translation equivalence are the lexical entries in the monolingual LKBs, whichshould, in general, correspond to word senses in the dictionary, in Section 6.5 the source basicunits are words and the target ones, senses (in this case, synsets of WordNet).

6.2.2 Translation Tlinks

Although in the simplest cases we can consider the lexical entries represented in the LKBthemselves as translation equivalent, in general, more complex cases occur corresponding tolexical gaps, differences in morphologic or lexical features, specificity, etc. These complexrelations can be expressed by means of the tlink (for translation link) mechanism of the LKB[Copestake 92b] (see also Section 3.6.3). We represent the relationships between words sensesin terms of tlinks. The tlink mechanism is general enough to allow the monolingualinformation to be augmented with translation specific information, in a variety of ways.

LKB formalism uses a typed feature structure (FS) system for representing lexicalknowledge. We can, so, define tlinks in terms of relations between FSs. Lexical (or phrasal)transformations in both source and target languages are a desirable capability so that we canstate that a tlink is essentially a relationship between two rules (of the sort already definedin the LKB) where the rule inputs have been instantiated by the representations of the wordsenses to be linked.

As any other LKB object, a tlink can be represented as a feature structure. The type systemmechanism, in LKB, allows further refinement and differentiation of tlink classes in severalways as is shown in figure 6.2.

A simple-tlink is applicable whenever two lexical entries which denote single placepredicates (nouns, etc.) are straightforwardly translation equivalent, without any previoustransformation. The example presented in figure 6.1 belongs to this class. As shown in Fig.6.1, furniture can be encoded as translation equivalent to the plural muebles by specifyingthat the named rule plural has to be applied to the base sense in Spanish.

A partial tlink is applicable when we want to transfer the qualia structure from one senseto another. An example of this class is the Spanish entry rioja . There is no directcorrespondence between this word and any English one because of the absence of such entry inthe bilingual dictionary. We can however link the genus term, vino, to the correspondingEnglish term wine, transferring to the later all the qualia structure from the former (andspecially the origin_area = Rioja). In this way rioja can be roughly translated to English as awine with origin_area = Rioja.

<fs0:1> <fs0:0> <fs1:0> <fs1:1>

furniture furniture muebles mueble

identity pluraltlink

Figure 6.1. A tlink between “furniture” and “muebles”.

tlink (top) < fs0 > = rule < fs1 > = rule < fs0 : 0 : sem : id > = < fs1 : 0 : sem : id>.

simple-tlink (tlink) < fs0 : 0 > = < fs0 : 1 > < fs1 : 0 > = < fs1 : 1 >.

partial-tlink (simple-tlink) < fs1 : 0 : rqs > = < fs0 : 0 : rqs >.

phrasal-tlink (tlink) < fs1 > = grammar-rule.



. . .

. . .

<0> = sign <1> = sign.

Figure 6.2, partial view of tlink type hierarchy.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Finally, the phrasal tlink is necessary when we need to describe a single translationequivalence with a phrase. Ahumado, for instance, must be linked to smoked food.

6.2.3 Multilingual Lexical Resources

Several MTDs have also been obtained from the two sides of the bilingual dictionary usedin this thesis. The lispified version of both directions were loaded into the LDB [Hastings etal. 94]. Briefly, the Spanish/English dictionary EEI contains 16,463 entries and 28,002translation fields, while the English/Spanish EIE contains 15,352 entries with 27,033translation fields. Obviously, as this bilingual dictionary is smaller than the monolingualone no complete connections could be produced. See table 6.3 to complete this fugures.

6.2.4 Linking lexical entries across Languages

As we said before, TGE is a tool designed for supporting a tlink extraction methodology.The core of the methodology is the use of a bilingual dictionary as a main knowledge source.Depending on the characteristics of the dictionary entry (or on its absence) different kinds oftlinks with different degree of fitness can be produced. An important consideration is that inspite of using a bilingual dictionary as knowledge source what we are linking are not wordsbut lexical entries placed in the LKB (that is, all the information we gathered from adictionary definition) and owning not only orthographic information but also lexicalinformation, basically the qualia structure, both local and inherited (because lexical entriesare structured in taxonomic structures).

The way of organising the extraction process is by means of the performance of a set ofextraction modules, each one corresponding to a different kind of tlink, implemented asrulesets in a Production Rules Environment (PRE, see [Ageno et al. 94]).

The TGE mapping program creates tlinks accessing three knowledge sources, namely, thebilingual dictionary, the source LKB lexicon (including its taxonomic relations) and the targetLKB lexicon.

Whatever the approach used several decisions must be taken: The kind of control we need,the rulesets to be designed, the rules belonging to each ruleset, the relative priority assignedto each rule, and so on.

In the experiments reported in this Chapter, the mapping process repeats the applicationof TGE rulesets for each entry in the list of lexical entries the user wants to translate. Theprocess performed over each entry consists in applying specialised modules in strict order.Depending on the execution mode selected by the user, the resulting tlinks can correspondeither to the first successful module or to a selection of results from all of them.

An initial set of modules has been designed according to the typology of tlinks presented insection 6.2.2. It included four classes of tlinks that showed distinct conceptual correspondencesbetween both languages. A more in-depth study of English-Spanish mismatches (see [Soler-93]) could lead to an enrichment of the typology, and consequently, to a need for extending theextant modules.

Up to now, six modules has been developed each of them implemented as a ruleset. Each ofthem generates one of the four kinds of tlinks. Each module follows a different strategy toguess a possible tlink, looking at the three accessible knowledge sources. The modules built upto now in TGE are described below:

• Simple Tlink Module

This is the case when there is a direct translation of the source entry in the bilingualdictionary.

Algorithm: The source orthography is looked up in the bilingual. If any translationcorresponds to lexical entries in the target lexicon, a SIMPLE-TLINK is generated.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition



absenta -----> absinth bilingual dictionary absinth -----> ABSINTH_L_0_1 LKB entry ===> ABSENTA_X_I_1 / ABSINTH_L_0_1 : SIMPLE-TLINK.

"absenta" is translated in the bilingual by "absinth", ABSINTH_L_0_1 is a valid lexicalentry of the target lexicon, and therefore a SIMPLE-TLINK connecting both entries is created.

• Compound Tlink Module

This is the case when the corresponding entry in the target lexicon is a composed one, beingthe target lexical entry made up of the concatenation of the two English words that appear inthe bilingual entry.

Algorithm: the source orthography is looked up in the bilingual dictionary. Weconcatenate with an underline those translations composed by two words and then we test ifan existing lexical entry in the target lexicon exist. Then a SIMPLE-TLINK connecting thesource entry and the target entry (the composed one) is produced.


pelel -----> pale ale Bilingual pale_ale -----> PALE_ALE_L_0_0 LKB entry ===> PELEL_X_I_1 / PALE_ALE_L_0_0 : SIMPLE-TLINK.

"pelel" is translated by "pale ale", these two words don't exist in the english lexicon buttheir concatenation does. The corresponding SIMPLE-TLINK is produced.

• Phrasal VerbTlink Module

This is the case of source words translated by the bilingual by means of phrasal wordsreduced to a head form with literal modifiers (particles, prepositions, ..). The tlink producedmust connect the source entry and the target phrasal word. We have included some of thesemodifier signs like psorts in a special lexicon.

Algorithm: if the translation includes any English phrase composed with a verbal signand a following particle, existing the first in the target verbal lexicon, and the second in theparticle lexicon, then a PHRASAL-VERB-TLINK is produced.


aupar -----> lift up Bilingual dictionary lift -----> LIFT_L_1_1 (verbal_sign) LKB entry up -----> UP_1 (particle) LKB entry ===> AUPAR_X_I_1 / LIFT_L_1_1+UP_1 : PHRASAL-VERB-TLINK.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


"aupar" appears in the bilingual as "lift up". The first word is a verbal sign that appearsin the verbal lexicon as LIFT_L_1_1. The second word has a corresponding entry in theparticles lexicon: UP_1. A PHRASAL-VERB-TLINK is finally proposed.

• General Phrasal Tlink Module

This is the case when the translation appearing in the bilingual is composed of more thanone word. Normally these explanations are made up as definitions, being composed of a genusand some modifiers. A tlink connecting the source entry and the genus appearing in thedefinition must be created.

Algorithm: if the translation definition includes any word that exists in the target lexiconby its own, it is considered the genus and consequently a PHRASAL-TLINK is proposed.


amontillado -----> pale dry sherry Bilingual dictionary pale -----> nil dry -----> nil sherry -----> SHERRY_L_0_0 LKB entry ===> AMONTILLADO_X_I_1 / SHERRY_L_0_0 : PHRASAL-TLINK.

The translation of "amontillado" is "pale dry sherry", "pale" and "dry" aren’t members ofthe target lexicon, but "sherry" is. Therefore, a PHRASAL-TLINK between both singleentries is produced.

• Parent Tlink Module

This is the case of very specific terms in the source lexicon, they are not treated in thebilingual dictionary, but their hypernyms in the taxonomy have a clear translation that cangenerate a partial tlink.

Algorithm: if the source entry has an ancestor in the loaded lexicons, it is looked up in thebilingual in order to get its translations. If it exists in the target lexicon, a PARTIAL-TLINKis produced, connecting the original source entry and the parent translation.


agasajo -----> refresco Taxonomic Parent refresco -----> drink Bilingual dictionary drink -----> DRINK_L_2_1 LKB entry ===> AGASAJO_X_I_3 / DRINK_L_2_1 : PARTIAL-TLINK.

"agasajo" has “refresco” as its hypernym. "refresco", is looked up in the bilingual,resulting the translation "drink", which exists in the target lexicon. Therefore, a PARTIAL-TLINK connecting the source entry and the parent translation entry is produced.

• Grandparent Tlink Module

This is a very similar case to the previous one. In this case, the source word’s grandparentis used to produce the partial tlink.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Algorithm: This module does the same than the previous one but with another layer inthe taxonomy. That is to say, the grandparent is looked up in the bilingual and thecorresponding target word is searched in the target lexicon. If the search succeeds a PARTIAL-TLINK between the source entry and the grandparent's translation is produced.


caridad -----> agasajo taxonomic parent agasajo -----> refresco taxonomic parent refresco -----> drink Bilingual dictionary drink -----> DRINK_L_2_1 LKB entry absinth -----> ABSINTH_L_0_1 LKB entry ===> CARIDAD_X_I_4 / DRINK_L_2_1: PARTIAL-TLINK.

6.3 Linking DGILE to LDOCE

Several experiments, corresponding to rather “closed” and narrow semantic domains, havebeen performed using TGE in the (semi)automatic approach. We discuss in this Section thoseexperiments corresponding to “drinks” [Ageno et al. 94]. We will illustrate the tlinkgeneration process with an example of an entry for which a number of different tlinks havebeen generated, namely batido_X_I_5. In the figure 3 where batido_X_I_5 appears with thetlink options, we had selected the option all, and subsequently, all the possible tlinks havebeen suggested by the system. TGE allows, however, other selection criteria. As we can see inScreen 6.1, five tlinks are proposed by the system for this particular example:

Screen 6.1, a typical TGE session.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


1) The first option is not a correct one. Among the various translations given for the sourceLKB entry batido_X_I_5 the adjective shot appears; another syntactic realisation of shot isthat of a noun denoting a drinkable thing as such it is included in the target subset.

2) The second is a simple-tlink type linking batido_X_I_5 with the target LKB entrymilk_shake_L_0_0 . In this case, we have an example of the application of the compound-tlink-ruleset.

3) The third is a phrasal-tlink type, linking batido_X_I_5 with the target LKB entriesmilk_L_1_1 and shake_L_2_3 composed by the + sign. This is an example of the applicationof the phrasal-noun-tlink-ruleset.

4) Both the fourth and fifth, are partial-tlink-types, linking batido_X_I_5 with thetarget LKB entries shake_L_2_3 and milk_L_1_1 respectively. This is an example of theapplication of the general-tlink-ruleset.

The Spanish taxonomy of drink-nouns, extracted from VOX dictionary, consists of 235 nounsenses, and has 5 levels. The English taxonomy of drink-nouns, extracted from LDOCE, consistsof 192 noun senses.. Some of the obtained results are the following:

• Going from Spanish to English, 223 out of 235 drink-nouns have been linked by means ofdifferent, often more than one, tlinks (95 %). However, only 52 English nouns have been linkedwith Spanish nouns (27%). Out of these 223 drink-nouns mentioned above, 210 have beenlinked by using (mainly) the bilingual dictionary as a translation resource while the rest,that is, 13, have been linked by means of the orthographic-tlink ruleset, and, consequently,the gap of the bilingual dictionary has been bridged in the end, because in both languages thesame word with exactly the same spelling is used. For example, chartreuse_X_I_1 andchartreuse_L_I_0, sherry_X_I_1 and sherry_L_0_0, etc.

• 74 out of 235 source LKB entries for drink-nouns are also bilingual entries (31,5%).Consequently, 161 source LKB entries have no corresponding bilingual entries (68,5%). This biggap in the bilingual dictionary is because the one used VOX/Harrap´s, is an essential one, andas such, it only contains 32,463 senses. By contrast, the VOX monolingual Spanish dictionarycovers 143,700 senses.

• 30 out of the translations of the 74 source LKB entries that were found in the bilingualdictionary are also target LKB entries. Consequently, the translations of 44 bilingual entrieshave no corresponding target LKB entries.

• 13 out of 161 source LKB entries are also target LKB entries (8 %).

• For most entries, more than one tlink type has been extracted. The total number of tlinksthat have been generated and selected for the taxonomy of bebida _X_I_3 (drink) with theexplained software is 372 tlinks. We show next the different tlinks generated by each rulesetand the amount of lexical entries of each language involved.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Tlinks Spanish entries English entries

simple-tlinks (14,5%) 55by simple-tlink-ruleset 41 26 31by compound-tlink-ruleset 1 1 1by orthographic-tlink-ruleset 13 13 13

phrasal-tlinks (0.5 %) 2by phrasal-noun-tlink-ruleset 2 1 3

partial-tlinks (85 %) 320by parent-tlink-ruleset 268 149 15by grandparent-tlink-ruleset 44 30 10by general-tlink-ruleset 8 7 6

Table 6.1, figures for the (semi)automatic use of TGE on drink domain.

All the tlink-rulesets have worked satisfactorily, therefore resulting in a considerablepart of the subsets linked (95% of the source lexicon). However, these PRE tlink-rulesets haveonly been tested over limited subsets of specific semantic fields. Its real potential will betested on a later stage, once its application to larger and less restricted sets of word senses(including categories different from nouns) takes place.

6.3.3 Linking DGILE to WordNet

The main drawbacks of the previously described methodology, as discussed in [Ageno etal. 94] are: 1) the poor coverage of English entries (only 27%) partially explained by thelimited coverage of the bilingual dictionary used; and 2) the need of huge specialised humanintervention for selecting the appropriate tlinks from those proposed by the system. Thissecond point will be addressed in the following section.

What is presented now is a heuristic method based on conceptual distance that usesinformation from an external wide-coverage semantic taxonomy (WordNet). The main goal isto overcome the problem in an automatic way or to provide the user with complementaryinformation in order to make the choice easier. The proposal is based on the use of aConceptual Distance between the alternatives. The base for computing this distance is the useof WordNet.

In our previous approach all the tlinks extracted by means of the corresponding kowledgesources (basically the bilingual dictionary and the LKB) were offered to the user in order toallow the selection of the appropriate ones. This process was relatively high time consumingand needed knowledge of both source and target Languages by the user. Our proposal is tomeasure the conceptual distance between the lexical entry corresponding to the sourcelanguage and the different lexical entries corresponding to the target language. Three modesof performance are then allowed to the user: 1) select automatically the most feasible, 2)select automatically all the tlinks over a determined threshold and 3) rank the tlinks andallow the user to make the selection manually.

The TGE environment using Conceptual Distance performs the creation of tlinks amonglexical entries placed into the LKB and synsets in WordNet in a top-down fashion. Startingfrom the top lexical entry of the Spanish taxonomy the user selects the most feasible synsetsof WordNet from those proposed by the rulesets using the bilingual dictionaries. Once theuser has selected the equivalent synsets of the Spanish lexical entry in WordNet no furtherselection is required. Then the program applies recursively the TGE rulesets to all thehyponym lexical entries of the Spanish taxonomy. The Conceptual Distance among theequivalence translations proposed by the TGE environment and those selected previously(normally hypernym synsets) is computed, selecting those closest (a Conceptual Distancethreshold can be used for selecting a set of feasible synsets), and so on. Applying theConceptual Distance measure the tlinks proposed by one ruleset can also be rejected. In this

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


situation the TGE control mechanism decides what other ruleset must be launched. Theautomatic tlinks generation process is illustrated with the following example:





<beverage, drink, potable>

<liquor, sprint, booze, ...>

<alcohol, booze>


<drink, drinking, boozing, ...>

<alcohol, beverage, drink, ...>

<beverage, drink, potable>

<milkshake, milk shake, shake>

<shingle, shake>

<milkshake, milk shake, shake>

<trill,shake><hadshake, shake, ...>

<tremble, shiver, shake>

<wag, waggle, shake>






Figure 6.3, translation equivalence selection.

Once the translation links for bebida_1_1 have been selected, all the possibletranslations of batido are looked up from the bilingual dictionary (if no translations arefound in the bilingual dictionary, other rulesets are launched in order to overcome thislexical gap, such as parent-tlink-ruleset, etc.). Applying the disambiguation module usingthe Conceptual Distance among those synsets proposed for batido_1_5 and those previouslyattached for bebida_1_1, the closest ones are selected (in bold squares). These selectedsynsets act as constraints for further disambiguation processes with the hyponyms of batido .

Several experiments have been undertaken on the same domains of precedent ones. In thefood domain from 140 source lexical entries, up to 54 lexical entries (only 39%) has direct (bymeans of bilingual dictionaries) and correct (a correct sense for the translation is placed inWordNet) equivalent synsets in WordNet. This result is good taken into account the differentsources of error: 1) no existence of translation in the bilingual dictionary (50 cases), 2) there isa translation but not the correct one (30 cases), 3) there is no correct sense into WordNet (6cases), 4) the translation does not appears in WordNet (no errors detected in this taxonomy).

Although the lexical gap among the three lexical knowledge sources used in hisexperiment, all the lexical entries that belongs to the taxonomy of comida have been linkedto WordNet synsets using the rulesets presented in [Ageno et al. 94] in a fully automatic way.The results have been the following:

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


simple-tlinks 57

simple-tlink-ruleset 52compound-tlink-ruleset 2orthographic-tlink-ruleset 3

phrasal-tlinks 1

phrasal-noun-tlink-ruleset 1

partial-tlinks 84

parent-tlink-ruleset 78grandparent-tlink-ruleset 6

Table 6.2, figures for the automatic use of TGE on FOOD domain.

6.5 Linking Bilingual Dictionaries to WordNet

Our third experiment can be considered as an initial attempt to build WordNets frombilingual dictionaries. It’s commondly agreed that WordNet has become a de-facto standardwide-coverage ontology for a wide range NL tasks.

WordNet success has encouraged several projects in order to build WordNets (WNs) forother languages or to develop multilingual WNs. The most ambitious of such efforts isEuroWordNet (EWN)1, a project aiming to build a multilingual WordNet for severalEuropean languages2. The work we present here is included within EWN and presents ourapproach for (semi)automatically building a Spanish WN (see [Atserias et al. 97], [Benítezet al. 98] and [Farreres et al. 98]). The main strategy within our aproach is to map WN1.5 thuscreating for Spanish a parallel-in-structure network. Therefore, our main goal is to attachSpanish word meanings to the existing WN1.5 concepts. This paper describes automatictechniques that have been developed in order to achieve this goal for nouns.

This section explores the automatic construction of a multilingual Lexical Knowledge Basedirectly from a pre-existing lexical structure. First, a set of automatic and complementarytechniques for linking Spanish words collected from monolingual and bilingual MRDs toEnglish WordNet synsets are described. Second, we show how resulting data provided byeach method is then combined to produce a preliminary version of a Spanish WordNet withan accuracy over 85%. Both coarse-grained (class level) and fine-grained (synset assignmentlevel) confidence ratios are used and evaluated. Finally, the results for the whole process arepresented.

Our approach for building the Spanish WN (SpWN) is based on the followingconsiderations:

• The close conceptual similarity of English and Spanish allows for the preservation ofthe structure of WN1.5 in order to build the SpWN. Moreover, when necessary, lexicalizationmismatches are solved using multi-word translations (collocations) supplied by bilingualdictionaries.

• An extensive use of pre-existing structured lexical sources is performed in order to achievea massive automatic acquisition process.

• The accuracy of cross-language mappings is validated by hand on a sample. Eachattachment to WN bears a confidence score (CS).

• Only attachments over a threshold are considered. Moreover, a manual inspection ofattachments in a given range will be carried out.

1 EuroWordNet: Project LE- 4003 of the EU.2 Initially three languages, apart from English, were involved: Dutch, Italian and Spanish.The project has been recently extended for covering French and German.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


Undoubtfully, following this approach most of the criticisms placed to WN1.5 also applyto SpWN: too much sense fine-grainedness, lack of cross-POS relationships, simplicity of therelational information, not purely lexical but lexical-conceptual database, etc. Despite ofthese drawbacks, WN1.5 is widely used and tested and supports few but the most basicsemantic relations. Our approach ensures that most of the huge networking effort, which isnecessary to build a WN from scratch, is already done.

The different sources involved in the process show a different accuracy. High CSs can beassigned to original sources, as MRDs, but derived sources, which result from the performanceof automatic procedures, come to bear substantially lower CSs. Our major claim is thatmultiple source/procedures leading to the same result will increase the particular CS, whilewhen leading to different results the overall CS will decrease.

Several lexical sources have been applied in order to assign Spanish WMs to WN1.5synsets:

1) Small Spanish/English and English/Spanish bilinguals2) A large Spanish monolingual dictionary DGILE3) English WordNet (WN1.5).

By merging both directions of the bilingual dictionaries what we call hom*ogeneousbilingual (HBil) has been obtained. The maximum synset coverage we can expect to reach byusing HBil due to its small size is 32%. In the table 6.3, the summarised amount of data isshown.



synsets Connections5

WordNet1.5 87,642 - 60,557 107,424Spanish/English 11,467 12,370 - 19,443

English/Spanish 10,739 10,549 - 16,324

H B i l 15,848 14,880 - 28,131

Maximum Reachable Coverage - of WordNet - of bilingual





Table 6.3, some figures of the bilingual mapping onto WordNet.

6.5.1 Methods

Bilingual entries must be disambiguated against WN. The different procedures developedfor linking Spanish lexical entries to WN synsets can be classified in two main groupsaccording to the kind of knowledge sources involved in the process1:

• Class methods: use as knowledge sources individual entries coming from bilinguals andWN synsets.• Conceptual Distance methods: makes use of knowledge relative to meaning closenessbetween lexical concepts.

All the methods have been manually inspected in order to measure its CS. Such tests havebeen performed on a random sample of 10% using the Validation Interface (VI), anenvironment designed to allow hand validation of Spanish word forms to WN synsets

5 Connections can be word/word or word/synset. When there are synsets involved theconnections are Spanish-word/synset,(except for WordNet itself), otherwise Spanish-word/English-word.1We can consider also other types of methods, as the structural methods, presented in[Atserias et al. 97].

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


assignment. It allows to consult and to navigate through the monolingual and bilinguallexical databases and WN. The following diagnostics can result from the performance of thisvalidation:

ok: correct links.ko: fully incorrect links.hypo: links to a hyponym of the correct synset.hyper: links to a hyperonym of the correct synset.near: links to near synonyms that could be considered ok. Class Methods

Following the properties described in [Rigau & Agirre 95] Hbil has been processed and 2groups of 4 different cases have been collected depending on whether the English words areeither monosemous or polysemous relative to WN 1.5. Afterwards two hybrid criteria areconsidered as well.

a) Monosemic Criteria

These criteria apply only to monosemous EW with respect to WN1.5. As a result, thisunique synset is linked to the corresponding Spanish words.

• Monosemic-1 criterion (1: 1):


A Spanish Word (SW) has only one English translation (EW); symmetrically, EW has SWas its unique translation.

• Monosemic-2 criterion (1:N with n>1)



A SW has more than one translation; each EW has SW as its unique translation.

• Monosemic-3 criterion (M:1 with m>1):




Several SWs have the same translation; EW has several translations to Spanish.

• Monosemic-4 criterion (M:N with m>1 & n>1)


SWm...... .....


Several SWs have different translations; EWs also have several translations.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


b) Polysemic Criteria

Applying the corresponding cases for those English polysemic nouns in WN1.5, criteriapolysemic 1 to 4 have been obtained.

Although more complex strategies can be considered in order to decide which of themultiple synsets related to the English words must be linked to their Spanish translations, onthe four polysemic criteria all synsets have been selected, assuming some of them areincorrect.

c) Hybrid Criteria

• Variant criterion

For a WN1.5 synset which contains a set of variants EWs1, if it is the case that two ormore of the variants EWi have only one translation to the same Spanish word SW, a link isproduced for SW into the WN1.5 synset.

• Field criterion

This procedure makes use of the existence of a field identifier in some entries (over 4,000)of the English/Spanish bilingual. For each English entry bearing a field identifier (EW), if itis the case that both occur in the same synset, for each EW translation to Spanish a link isproduced. Results of the manual verification for each criterion are shown in the table 6.4.

Criterion #links #synsets #words %ok %ko %hypo %hyper %nearmono1 3697 3583 3697 92 2 2 0 2mono2 935 929 661 89 1 5 0 3mono3 1863 1158 1863 89 5 0 2 1mono4 2688 1328 2063 85 3 6 2 4poly1 5121 4887 1992 80 12 0 0 6poly2 1450 1426 449 75 16 2 0 5poly3 11687 6611 3165 58 35 0 1 5poly4 40298 9400 3754 61 23 5 1 9Variant 3164 2195 2261 85 4 4 1 6Field 510 379 421 78 9 2 2 9

Table 6.4, resulting figures of the class methods. Conceptual Distance Methods

As in other parts of the work presented in this thesis, the Conceptual Distance formulaused in this work is shown in formula 6.1 (see Section 4.3.4 for details).

(6.1) CD(w1, w2 ) = minw1∈ciw2 ∈c j


depth(ck )k ∈shortestpath(c i , c j )∑

where wi are words and ci are synsets representing those words. Conceptual Distancebetween two words depends on the length of the shortest path that connects the concepts andthe specificity of the concepts in the path. Then, providing two words, the application of theConceptual Distance formula selects those closer concepts that represent them. Following thisapproach, three different sources has been used.

1A variant is a word of a synset.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


a) Using Co-occurrence words collected from DGILE (CD1)

Following [Wilks et al. 93] two words are coocurrent in a dictionary if they appear in thesame definition. For DGILE, a lexicon of 300,062 coocurrence pairs among 40,193 Spanish wordforms was derived and the affinity between these pairs was measured by means of theAssociation Ratio (AR), which can be used as a fine grained CS.

Then, the Conceptual Distance formula for all those pairs has been computed using HBiland the nominal part of WN. Consider for instance the following coocurrence word pair, theassociation ratio and their possible translations, synsets and semantic files:

AR Sw1 Ew2 synset SF Sw2 Ew2 synset SF

1.8524 bebida beverage 05074818 13 chocolate chocolate 03472382 07bozze 02004443 06 04861776 13

05089006 13 05106900 13drink 00418859 04 dope 02672720 06

05074818 13 04338801 1005076795 13 06061223 1805077192 13 hash 02673273 06

05064828 13

The method computes the Conceptual Distance for all possible synset combinations andselects the one that return the minimal score. In this case, synset 05074818 for bebida and05106900 for chocolate (the second is direct hyponym of the first).

05106900 <cocoa, chocolate, hot chocolate> -- (made from baking chocolate ...)=> 05074818 <beverage, drink, potable> -- (any liquid suitable for drinking)

=> <food, nutrient> -- (any substance that can be metabolized by an organism...)=> <liquid> -- (a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure)

b) Using Headword and genus of DGILE (CD2)

Computing the Conceptual Distance formula on the headword and the genus term of 92,741nominal definitions of DGILE dictionary (only 32,208 with translation to English). Thisproccess has been described in Sections and

c) Using Spanish entries with multiple translations in the bilingual dictionary (CD3)

In this case, we have derived a small but closely related lexicon of 3,117 translationequivalents with multiple translations from the Spanish/English direction of the bilingualdictionary (only 2,542 with connection to WordNet1.5). Consider the next bilingual entry:

chocolate m chocolate. 2 arg (hachís) dope, hash. • fam fig las cosas claras y el ~ espeso,let´s get things clear •• ~a la taza, drinking chocolate; ~con leche, milk chocolate; tableta de~, bar of chocolate.

In this case, we can perform the disambiguation process considering sense 2, that is,between dope and hash, selecting in this case synset 02672720 for dope and synset 02673273 forhash (the second is direct hyponym of the first).

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


02673273 <hashish, hash> -- (purified resinous ...; used as a hallucinogen) => 02672720 <cannabis, marijuana, ganja, pot, grass, marihuana, dope...>-- (...) => <soft drug> -- (a narcotic that is considered relatively mild)

Table 6.5 summarises the performance of the three Conceptual Distance methods describedabove.

Criter. #links #synsets #words %ok %ko %hypo %hyper %nearCD - 1 23,828 11,269 7,283 56 38 3 2 2CD - 2 24,739 12,709 10,300 61 35 0 0 3CD - 3 4,567 3,089 2,313 75 12 0 2 8

Table 6.5, resulting figures for Conceptual distance methods.

6.5.2 Combining Methods

Collecting those synsets produced by the methods described above with an accuracygreater than 85% (mono1, mono2, mono3, mono4, variants, field), we obtain a preliminaryversion of the Spanish WordNet containing 10,982 connections (2,830 polysemous) between10,786 synsets and 9,986 Spanish nouns with an overall CS of 87,4%. However, combining thediscarded methods we can take profit of portions of them precise enough to be acceptable.

All files resulting from discarded methods were crossed and their intersections werecalculated. Using VI, a tool designed to perform this task, a manual inspection of samplesfrom each intersection was carried out. Results are shown in the table 6.6.

method2method1 cd2 cd3 p1 p2 p3 p4cd1 size 15736 1849 2076 556 3146 15105

%ok 79 85 86 86 72 64cd2 size 0 2401 2536 592 3777 13246

%ok 0 86 88 86 75 67cd3 size 0 0 205 180 215 3114

%ok 0 0 95 95 100 77p1 size 0 0 0 0 77 178

%ok 0 0 0 0 100 88

p2 size 0 0 0 0 28 78

%ok 0 0 0 0 77 96

Table 6.6, performance of the intersection.

In bold appear intersections with a CS greater than 85%. Up to 7,244 connections (5,877polysemous) can be selected with 85.63% CS, 4,780 of which are new with an overall CS of84% resulting in a 30% increase. It must be pointed out that most of these connectionscorrespond to highly polysemous words (4,553 new connections). Then a second version of theSpanish WordNet has been obtained containing 15,535 connections (7,383 polysemous) among10,786 synsets and 9,986 Spanish nouns with a final accuracy of 86,4%. Table 6.7 shows theoverall figures of the resulting SpWNs.

Criterion #links #synsets #word #CS #poly linksSpWN v0.0 10,982 7,131 8,396 87.4 1,777Combination 7,244 5,852 3,939 85.6 2,075SpWN v0.1 15,535 10,786 9,986 86.4 3,373

Table 6.7, overall figures of SpWNs.

Chapter 6: Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Acquisition


The application of these combinations results on an increment of the extracted connectionsof a 30% without losing accuracy.

The approach seems to be extremely promising, attaching up to 75% of reachable Spanishnouns and 55% of reachable WN1.5 synsets. Currently we are performing complementaryexperiments for extending the approach for covering other lexical sources, especially wider-coverage bilinguals.

Other lines of research we are following by now include: 1) dealing with mismatches, i.e.,when coming from different method/source an Spanish word is assigned to different synsets. Ifin the former case the overall CS increases, in the last one it should decrease. 2) A finegrained cross-comparison of methods and sources (intersections of more than two classes,decomposition of classes into finer ones, etc.) will be performed to obtain a more preciseclassification and CS assignment. 3) We are trying to obtain an empirical method for CScalculation of intersections. Methods based on bayesian inference networks orquasiprobabilistic approaches have been tested giving promising results.

6.6 Conclusions

In this Chapter we have presented TGE, an environment designed and built in order to aidin the recovery of cross-linguistic relations. We have reported and described results of anexperiment for (semi)automatically and automatically extracting equivalence relations forSpanish and English drink-nouns by using the TGE software.

The first experiment has been carried out on the “drink” domain in a (semi)automatic way,as the tlink generation is performed automatically, whilst the selection of the desired tlinksis done manually.

Moreover, a fully automatic method selecting the most likely tlink among a set ofcandidates has been also presented. The proposal tries to overcome the main problem found on(semi)automatically extracting translation links between multilingual lexical entries usingas main knowledge sources bilingual dictionaries. The system mechanism is based oncalculating the conceptual distance between the competing lexical entries in the targetlanguage. Then, we select the higher ranked concept from those previously linked thatappears higher in the taxonomy.

Finally, an approach for building multilingual Wordnets combining a variety of lexicalsources as well as a variety of methods has been proposed which tries to take profit of theexisting WordNet structure for attaching words from other languages in a way guided mainlyby the content of bilingual lexical sources. A central issue of our approach is the combinationof methods and sources in a way that the accuracy of the data obtained from the combinedsources overcomes the accuracy obtained from the individual sources. Several families ofmethods have been tested, each of them bearing its own confidence score. Only those methodsoffering a result over a threshold (85%) have been considered. In a second phase of ourexperiments, intersections between the results provided by the different individual methodshave been performed. However, it is clear that valuable set of entries, owning an insufficient,in some cases rather bad, individual CS can be extracted if they occur as a combination ofseveral methods. In this way, using the same threshold, the amount of synsets attached toSpanish entries has increased. It must be pointed out that all these new connections correspondto highly polysemous words.

Currently, using the approaches and techniques provided in this Chapter, we are workingon the construction of the first versions of the Spanish and Catalan WordNets (see [Benítez etal. 98] for further details). Furthermore, we are planning to use during the mapping processthe taxonomies derived from the monolingual dictionary (first attempts in this direction hasbeen also performed [Farreres et al. 98]).

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


Chapter 7

Conclusions and Further Work

7.1 Introduction

This thesis focuses on the massive acquisition of lexical knowledge from monolingual andbilingual conventional dictionaries (on-line dictionaries or Machine-Readable Dictionaries,MRDs). A complete productive methodology for acquiring useful lexical knowledge fromMRDs has been designed. SEISD, a powerful, complete and flexible software system allowingus to acquire massive lexical knowledge from on-line monolingual and bilingual dictionariesand to represent and validate the lexical knowledge acquired in a Multilingual LexicalKnowledge Base, has been designed and implemented to perform the methodology. Theproposed methodology has been applied to the extraction of lexical information from DGILE:a huge, loosely structured Spanish monolingual dictionary. Both issues 1) the methodologyand 2) the application to DGILE constituted the main objectives of the thesis and its maincontributions. Finally, we have proposed, implemented and experimentally tested varioustechniques in different methodological steps, obtaining improvements for several of them.

The lexicon, which represent lexical information reliably and precisely enough forautomated use, is recognised as one of the major problems in NLP applications both because ofthe need for substantial vocabulary in habitable NLP systems and because of the increasingcomplexity. The "lexical bottleneck" [Briscoe 91] is even worse for languages other thanEnglish. The work presented here tries to lay down solutions to overcome or alleviate thisproblem. In comparison with other methodologies for acquiring massive lexical knowledge(from introspection or corpora) we think that the main advantages of the approach takenhere lie in: economy (little human-labour is involved), productivity (richness and variety ofthe resulting data, even applying little effort) and modularity (the current results can beimproved using different techniques in a stepwise refinement).

This chapter summarises the contributions described in the thesis, presents generalconclusions, comments on the results of the experiments reported, and suggests directions forfurther work. Thus, in Section 2 the main goals achieved during this work are shown. Section3 lists the main lexical resources acquired from the MRDs during the work presented here.Section 4 describes the further work we are planning to do, and at the end, Section 5 presents afinal summary.

7.2 Main contributions

In this thesis we set out to achieve the massive automatic acquisition of lexical knowledgefrom conventional dictionaries allowing the easy construction (or derivation) of a large set ofrich lexicons (from MTDs to multilingual LKBs) suitable for use in a wide range of NLPsystems (morphological analysers, Information Retrieval systems, Machine Translationapplications, etc.). While for English a huge set of rich lexical resources are available(highly coded MRDs such as LDOCE, Lexical Data Bases such as Comlex, Lexical KnowledgeBases such as WordNet, etc.) this is not the case for the majority of languages. However, a

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


great deal of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries is available for many languages. Thepossibility of obtaining large computational lexicons for NLP tasks from them using automatictechniques (even for less coded and structured dictionaries than LDOCE) has been explored inthis thesis.

MRDs are not, of course, the only lexical knowledge resource suitable to be exploited toobtain lexical knowledge. Although some researchers have pointed out that dictionaries areinadequate as a source of some kinds of lexical knowledge for sophisticated Natural LanguageProcessing 1 it is our belief that (as has been demonstrated in the Acquilex I, Acquilex II andEuroWordNet projects) dictionaries are the main lexical knowledge resource available forbuilding large, useful lexicons for NLP quickly.

In particular, we have designed a complete methodology to build and validate amultilingual LKB from a set of monolingual MRDs using bilingual MRDs to aid the linkingprocess between languages. We have applied this methodology to a concrete set ofmonolingual and bilingual MRDs (with their own particular characteristics: size, encoding,information content, etc.) without loosing generality. However, our methodology can beapplied to any monolingual descriptive dictionary2 in any language3. The main issues fordelineating the base methodology have been the characteristics of the lexical resources used,the information to be extracted from them, how to carry out the process and how to representand exploit the information extracted.

As the majority of MRDs are not built for computational purposes (e.g., they containscircularity, errors and inconsistencies, etc.) we designed a mixed methodology. We described aset of semantic primitives using the LKB (prescriptive approach) and we placed this in anatural classification of the concepts represented implicitly in the MRD definitions(descriptive approach). Thus, first, we developed several techniques for detecting (and/orselecting) the main semantic subsets underlying MRD definitions. Second, we justified that asmall set of dictionary senses are not enough to lead to full coverage of a semantic subset, andthirdly, we studied a novel and productive method for discovering the main top dictionarysenses representative of a given semantic subset.

We covered the whole methodology implementing a complete modular computer systemcalled SEISD (Sistema d’Extracció d’Informació Semàntica de Diccionaris) which provides auser-friendly interface with five subsystems and also a way of integrating these subsystemswith the management of the multiple sources of heterogeneous data used by the system.SEISD was designed as a medium for the extraction methodology and is fully integrated withAcquilex representational formalisms and their supporting software tools. SEISD covers themain functions of the proposed methodology, that is, the extraction of semantic informationimplicitly located in DGILE (performed by TaxBuild and SemBuild), the mapping process ofthe information extracted to the LKB (covered by the CRS), the multilingual acquisitionprocess (performed by the TGE) and the validation and exploitation of the lexical knowledgeacquired (carried out by the LDB/LKB System).

A central guideline was to build the whole system so as to perform each process(semi)automatically. Once SEISD was finished, each module was tested in order to analyseits performance (the test on the (semi)automatic use of SEISD was reported in [Castellón 93]and [Taulé 95]). Then, some improvements in both methodology and techniques applied wereintroduced in some modules for efficacy (to obtain more information) and efficiency (to obtainthis information more easily). A second test was performed to compare the results with theprevious ones, improvements being obtained in both aspects (efficacy and efficiency).

Now, for each of the subsystems we will summarise the main contributions reported in thisthesis.

1Obviously, knowledge like “You have to be awake to eat” (from [Lenat 95]) are unlikely to bepublished in textbooks, dictionaries, magazines, or encyclopaedias, even those designed forchildren.2Other dictionaries (e.g., synonym dictionaries, acronym dictionaries, etc.) could also beuseful lexical resources for acquiring lexical knowledge automatically.3In fact, this methodology is also being applied to French, Euskera and Catalan dictionaries.

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


• On semantic knowledge acquisition from genus terms (TaxBuild)

The semantic knowledge acquisition function of SEISD on genus terms is performed byTaxonomy Builder (TaxBuild) [Ageno et al. 91b], [Ageno et al. 92b], one of the most importantmechanisms of SEISD. This module produces complete disambiguated and partially analysed(using SegWord morphological analyser and FPar syntactic-semantic analyser) dictionarysense taxonomies from DGILE.

A central issue in the thesis is the genus disambiguation task allowing the automaticconstruction of taxonomies from traditional monolingual dictionaries without any specialencoding. We reported a very successful result with a set of different informed heuristics,combining their results (see [Rigau et al. 97]). We improved the results of two previous large-scale disambiguation heuristics based on those described in [Yarowsky 92] and [Wilks et al.93]. We developed a successful new heuristic based on that reported in [Rigau 94], which isthe combination of wide-range large-scale lexical resources (WordNet and bilingualdictionaries) and the notion of conceptual distance to enrich monolingual dictionary senseswith WordNet semantic tags. We created and tested various conceptual distance formulae forthis purpose (see [Agirre & Rigau 95], [Agirre & Rigau 96a]). We applied the heuristicstogether, obtaining better results combining them rather than applying each one separately.

We carried out a new approach (see Section 5.2 and 5.3) for selecting those main genusterms for a given semantic primitive, and after a filtering process, we applied another noveltechnique for deriving fully automatic and accurate taxonomies from any conventionaldictionary (these results are also published in [Rigau et al. 97] and [Rigau et al. 98]).

• On semantic knowledge acquisition from the differentia (SemBuild)

We proposed and implemented a methodology for performing a deeper analysis of theimplicit information located in each dictionary sense belonging to a semantic subset once theconstruction of all its taxonomies has finished. Because of the lack of complete grammars androbust analysers for Spanish, we proposed a cycling methodology for enriching partialgrammars systematically. That is, given all dictionary senses belonging to a prescribedsemantic subset (e.g., FOOD) and its former representation in the LKB, we studied highlyfrequent syntactic patterns, which denote conceptual relations between concepts. Furthermore,using lexical knowledge acquired previously (i.e., taxonomies) some partial syntacticanalysis can now be semantically interpreted. Thus, following (semi)automatic techniques weacquired in-depth formal semantic representations of dictionary senses.

We are currently using a broad range morphological analyser of Spanish [Acebo et al. 94]and a tagger of Spanish [Padró 98] and a shallow DCG grammar to parse all dictionarydefinitions completely. Perhaps an in-depth grammar/parser of Spanish could lead to betterresults, but building such a tool is beyond the scope of this research and given the kind ofmaterial to be parsed (because of the sublanguage used in dictionaries) and the goals of theacquisition, partial coverage does not seem to be a serious limitation. Thus, rather thananalyse small parts of the dictionary definitions (i.e., [Alshawi 89], [Artola 93], [Castellón93]) we propose (when no full parse can be performed with high accuracy) the completeanalysis of the dictionary definition using a shallow parser which provides a fully analysedset of longest chunks for an input definition (see Section 5.3).

• On the mapping process from the analysed taxonomies to the LKB (CRS)

The main aim of the Conversion Rules System (CRS) [Ageno et al. 92c], [Ageno et al. 92d] inthe SEISD environment is to perform the conversion of the semantic information extractedfrom the partially analysed dictionary senses to lexical entries constrained by the TypeSystem of the LKB. That is, taking the analysed taxonomy generated by the TaxBuild andSemBuild systems, the CRS was designed in order to perform the translation from onestructure to the other in the most declarative way. Thus, we implemented the CRS using thePRE, a rule-oriented general purpose interpreter deeply adapted to natural language

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


applications and capable of managing several complex and heterogeneous lexical knowledgeresources (taxonomies, Type System, bilingual dictionaries, etc.).

• On the multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition (TGE)

Translation Links between lexicons can, of course, be established manually, but themultiplicity of cases occurring and the existence of several heterogeneous knowledge sources,such as bilingual dictionaries, monolingual LDBs and multilingual LKBs, motivates theautomation of the process. To help perform this task we developed the Tlinks GenerationEnvironment (TGE) [Ageno et al. 94].

Like the CRS, the TGE was implemented using the PRE and may be considered a toolboxand, thus, it does not impose a single methodological strategy. We designed an initial set ofmodules according to the typology of Translation Links. It included several sorts ofTranslation Links that showed different conceptual correspondences between the twolanguages.

We tested the module by applying two different methodologies on several massive lexicalresources, the first one semi-automatically between DGILE and LDOCE taxonomies [Ageno etal. 94] and the second one between DGILE and WordNet in a fully automatic way using thenotion of conceptual distance developed for sense identification purposes [Rigau et al. 95]. Inboth cases we used bilingual dictionaries as a large-scale lexical resource to aid the linkingprocess.

Besides using the TGE for bilingual sense linking between lexicons derived frommonolingual MRDs we performed several experiments for mapping directly bilingualdictionaries to a Lexical Knowledge Base. That is, we attached Catalan and Spanish wordsto WordNet synsets using, as in the previous case, bilingual dictionaries producing nounpreliminary versions of Catalan and Spanish WordNets [Atserias et al. 97], [Benítez et al. 98]and [Farreres et al. 98].

• On the validation and exploitation of lexical knowledge acquired (LDB/LKBintegration)

We developed the LDB/LKB merging system [Rigau et al. 94] to allow the evaluation andvalidation of the lexical knowledge acquired and placed in the LKB.

Once the information contained in the dictionary definitions has been represented as alexicon in the LKB, some testing processes should be performed on the lexicon acquired in orderto improve the information extracted (e.g., detect possible errors or inconsistencies, extractmore information, etc.) to determine which changes to make in the next acquisition loop. TheLKB guarantees the appropriateness of the lexicon against the Type System and providessome generative inference mechanisms (e.g., the inherence mechanism distributes theinformation from the top level lexical units to the most specific ones, lexical rules produce newlexical entries from the pre-existing ones, etc.) but no facilities are provided for performingcomplex queries on the content of the lexical entries represented in the lexicon.

For the purposes of both the validation and the exploitation of the information acquired,the LDB/LKB merging system has the function of both systems: LDB-like access to an LKBlexicon.

• On lexical knowledge acquired

For testing purposes we applied the whole methodology to restricted subsets, obtaininglarge and rich Spanish lexicons placed in the MLKB. Although the only resulting data weexpected after applying the whole methodology were these lexicons, throughout process alarge number of extensive Spanish MTDs (ready-usable Spanish lexicons) were derived fromthe dictionaries themselves to aid with some methodological steps (e.g., lexicons for themorphological analysis, cooccurrence vectors as source data for a particular heuristic,harmonised bilingual dictionaries, etc.), among others, word frequency lists, bigrams,trigrams, cooccurrence lexicons, part-of-speech lexicons, word taxonomies, Spanish salient

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


word lists for every WordNet semantic file, word-sense disambiguated taxonomies,semantically tagged dictionary sense lexicon, bilingual lexicons, etc.

7.3 Main results

This section describes the main quantitative results achieved in the thesis. That is, wewill summarise the results following the main experiments carried out.

• On semantic knowledge acquisition from genus terms (TaxBuild)

Selecting the correct genus term. We developed two different specialised grammars fordetecting the genus term for noun and verb definitions. The noun grammar was applied to all93,394 noun definitions of DGILE, the obtaining the genus terms for 92,693 (99%) of them (97%accuracy). We also obtained the genus terms for the 26,465 verb definitions.

Selecting the main top beginners for a selected semantic primitive. We proposed a novelmethodology which combines several structured lexical knowledge resources for acquiring themost important genus for a given semantic primitive.

We labelled automatically the noun dictionary twice, the first time, computing theconceptual distance between headword and genus of the noun definitions. Assigning WordNetsynsets to Spanish headwords, the program classified 29,205 of the noun DGILE definitions(31% of the whole nominal part) into 24 different semantic classes (corresponding to the 24WordNet lexicographer’s files) with 64% accuracy. Following the method proposed by[Yarowsky 92], we used this preliminary classification to partition DGILE into 24 subcorpora.We used this classification to acquire the salient words for each semantic class the subcorpuswas representing. Using these salient words we labelled DGILE again, classifying the 86,759noun definitions (93% of the nominal part of DGILE) with an overall accuracy of 80%.Finally, for each semantic category, after a filtering process we collected all itsrepresentative genus terms. All the genus terms gathered for a semantic category are the maintop beginners for the semantic primitive we were looking for.

To bridge the language gap between WordNet and DGILE we used a Spanish/Englishbilingual dictionary.

(Semi)automatic genus sense identification. In the (semi)automatic approach, ourattention was focused on different semantic subsets of nouns and verbs. For nouns, we derivedlexicons for substancia (substance , including food), persona (person), lugar (place) andinstrumento (instrument). Using TaxBuild we constructed (semi)automatically (that is, in asupervised mode, see [Castellón 93]) the complete disambiguated noun taxonomies, takingthese words as a starting point containing 3,210 dictionary senses (382 belonging to the FOODdomain).

Automatic genus sense identification. We performed several experiments on theperformance of the eight different heuristics applied for genus sense identification. Theautomatic construction of taxonomies from conventional dictionaries without either specialencoding or a supervised technique accounted for much of the effort put into this thesis. Byapplying several robust and informed heuristics, we achieved very successful results (83%correct hypernym sense identification). In this way, we derived a completely disambiguatedtaxonomy of Spanish. This taxonomy contains 111,624 dictionary senses and has only 832dictionary senses which are tops of the taxonomy (these top dictionary senses have nohypernyms), and 89,458 leaves (which have no hyponyms). That is, 21,334 definitions areplaced between the top nodes and the leaves.

Furthermore, using the most relevant genus terms for a particular semantic taxonomygathered previously and applying a filtering process, we are able to construct fully automatictaxonomies from any conventional dictionary. We applied the methodology to the FOODsemantic primitive. Thus, using the first set of criteria (LABEL2+F2+F3>9, 100% accuracy) we

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


acquire a FOOD taxonomy with 952 senses (more than twice the size than if the operation isdone manually). Using the second one (LABEL2+F2+F3>4, 96% accuracy), we obtain anothertaxonomy with 1,242 (more than three times larger). Using the first set of criteria, the 33genus terms selected produces a taxonomic structure with only 18 top beginners, while thesecond set, with 68 possible genus terms, produces another taxonomy with 48 top beginners.

The results show that the construction of taxonomies using lexical resources is not limitedto highly structured dictionaries. Applying appropriate techniques, monolingual dictionariessuch as DGILE could be useful resources for building substantial pieces of an LKBautomatically.

• On the analysis of the differentiae (SemBuild)

In order to compare the performance of the current shallow parsing process we analysedthe FOOD taxonomies. While [Castellón 93] captures 883 chunks of information we collected2,760 chunks for taxonomies derived from LABEL2+F2+F3>9 filtering criteria, and fortaxonomy derived from LABEL2+F2+F3>4 filtering criteria, a total amount of 3,270 chunks.That is, on average we are doubling the total amount of pieces of information acquired.

• On the mapping process from the analysed taxonomies to the LKB (CRS)

The system was tested by [Castellón 93] and [Taule 95] and no further methodologicalimprovements have been performed. A technical improvement has been performed derivedfrom the use of PRE rather than an ad-hoc mapping engine. We are currently evaluating theresults produced by the CRS using the information acquired in the taxonomy acquisitionprocess.

• On the multilingual lexical knowledge acquisition (TGE)

We tested the TGE by applying two different methodologies to several lexical resources,the first one semi-automatically between DGILE and LDOCE DRINK taxonomies [Ageno etal. 94]. The second one between DGILE FOOD taxonomies and WordNet in a fully automaticway using the notion of conceptual distance developed for sense identification purposes [Rigauet al. 95]. In both cases, we used bilingual dictionaries as a large-scale lexical resource to helpthe linking process. During the first experiment, using seven informed modules we were able toproduce 372 completely disambiguated translations links (of three types) between theSpanish taxonomy of drinks with 235 dictionary senses and the English one with 192 senses. Inthe second experiment, using the same seven modules as in the previous experiment and theconceptual distance formula, we selected automatically, from a set of possible candidates, theclosest dictionary senses to that being linked (following the taxonomic structure). That is, weobtained a single Translation Link from each of the 140 senses of the DGILE FOOD taxonomy.

We also performed several experiments for mapping bilingual dictionaries directly to aLexical Knowledge Base. That is, we attached Spanish words to WordNet synsets using, as inthe previous case, bilingual dictionaries. Combining 17 different methods, we produced apreliminary version of a Spanish WordNet [Atserias et al. 97]. Collecting those synsets withaccuracy greater than 85% we obtained a preliminary version of the Spanish WordNetcontaining 10,982 connections between 7,131 synsets and 8,396 Spanish nouns. However,combining the discarded methods and adding the resulting data to the preliminary version ofthe Spanish WordNet, we obtained a final Spanish WordNet with 15,535 connections (a 41%increase) between 10,786 synsets and 9,986 Spanish nouns.

• On the validation and exploitation of lexical knowledge acquired (LDB/LKB system)

The prototype was tested with a sample Type System and lexicon providing the functionwe designed (see [Rigau et al. 94] for further details).

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


• On lexical knowledge acquired

From frequency word list to multilingual lexical knowledge lexicons, a large variety oflexicons (in terms of the knowledge and size they contain) have been derived in the thesis.Most of them have been developed as an intermediate result to be applied as a lexicalknowledge resource to facilitate one or other methodological steps (part-of-speech lexiconsfor the morphological analysis, bigrams or trigrams for detecting conceptual patterns,cooccurrence vector for computing similarity of definitions, etc). These lexicons form a set oflarge complete Spanish MTDs (ready-usable Spanish lexicons) that have been derived fromthe dictionaries themselves. A large list of intermediate monolingual and bilingual lexiconsare provided as an appendix in the final thesis.

7.3 Further work

From the beginning, our methodology has been regarded as being evolutionary and oursystem as modular, allowing further technical and methodological improvements elsewherein the acquisition process. This means that the theoretical limit of our work is the acquisitionof all lexical knowledge contained in the MRD.

We used a new technique for the genus sense identification task [Rigau et al. 97] based on,among others, the notion of conceptual distance in a hierarchical net of concepts. This measureappears as one of the most important tools for facilitating the construction process of large-scale lexicons from MRDs. Although we used this approach successfully to enrich dictionarydefinitions [Rigau 94], link taxonomies from different languages [Rigau et al. 95], attachbilingual MRDs to preexisting semantic nets [Atserias et al. 97] and attach monolingual sensesto preexisting semantic nets [Rigau et al. 98], we think that more in-depth analysis could beperformed to obtain better results (for instance, exploring other lexical knowledge measuressuch as conceptual density [Agirre & Rigau 95], [Agirre & Rigau 96a]).

Another natural extension of the work reported in this thesis involves the issue ofcombining heuristics for the genus sense identification task. We reported a very successfulperformance selecting the correct genus sense automatically without having any explicitsemantic codes on DGILE definitions (see [Rigau et al. 97]). We achieved this result bycombining a set of different informed heuristics and adding the result of one heuristic to theother. We think that better combinations could be adopted to improve the current results.

It is clear that by improving the parsing process on definitions, more in-depth lexicalknowledge could be extracted. A wide-range parsing grammar for Spanish is currently underdevelopment (e.g., [Climent 97] and [Climent & Moré 97]). We are planning to apply thisgrammar with a robust chart parsing analyser to all DGILE definitions [Ageno & Rodríguez96] to obtain a complete syntactic analysis rather than partial ones. Meanwhile, we areimproving the consistency and efficiency of the parsing process of dictionary definitions usingthe SinPar rather than the FPar analyser.

Obviously, the complete taxonomy structure of DGILE could aid the semantic analysis ofthe definitions and the conversion process from analysed taxonomies to the LKB because ofthe more in-depth conceptual knowledge acquired. That is, more general inferencemechanisms could be made using semantic classes rather than only the words contained in theanalysed dictionary definitions. Thus, it is preferable first to obtain the whole set oftaxonomies from a dictionary and then to use these taxonomies to extract more in-depthimplicit knowledge from dictionary definitions. Currently, we are working in this direction.

Although we have not made any comparison of the performance of the lexical knowledgeextracted from MRDs versus other lexicons constructed manually, we have used severallexicons extracted automatically from the MRDs themselves to obtain intermediate results inseveral steps of our methodology with a very good performance.

The most immediate extension to our work concern the massive acquisition of lexicalknowledge from our monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in order to obtain more in-depthsemantic knowledge about the Spanish lexicon. Although we have built substantial lexicons

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work


from the monolingual and bilingual MRDs, we are planning to merge all data in theframework of the EuroWordNet project1. First, covering WordNet 1.5 with Spanish wordsusing the bilingual dictionaries, and second, completing the sparser parts by attachingSpanish taxonomies extracted from the monolingual dictionary (see [Farreres et al. 98] forfurther details). This process will provide the lexicographers with a great amount ofaccurate lexical knowledge extracted automatically from the MRDs.

Although we have focused our attention throughout the thesis on noun lexical knowledge,MRDs also contain lexical knowledge on other part-of-speech categories. A natural extensionof the work presented here could be centring the automatic acquisition process on verbs,adjectives and adverbs, and functional words (no-content words). Obviously, each category isdescribed using different schemes and different knowledge can be extracted from them. Inconventional dictionaries, verbs are described similarly to nouns, allowing the automaticconstruction of verb taxonomies, parsing verb definitions and placing the acquired knowledgeon the MLKB. An in-depth study on acquisition of verb lexical knowledge from MRDs can befound in [Taulé 95]. Adjective and adverb definitions have no taxonomic structure but the sameapproach could be taken to analyse them. Other lexical knowledge in the MRD such asidioms, compounds and other lexical items have neither been exploited nor analysed.

A final extension on our work would be to extend the lexical knowledge acquisition processto languages other than Spanish, especially to Catalan, using monolingual and bilingualMRDs such as the Diccionari Contemporani de la Llengua Catalana. The first steps in thisdirection have already been taken (see [Benítez et al. 98]).

1 The main aim of EuroWordNet project, LE Reference 4003, is to develop a genericmultilingual database with WordNets for several European languages (English, Dutch,Italian and Spanish). The European WordNets will as far as possible be built from availableexisting resources and Lexical Data Bases with semantic information developed in variousprojects.




CDEL Collins Dictionary of the English Language.CIDE Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambridge University Press,

Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1995.DGILE Diccionario General Ilustrado de la Lengua Española VOX. Alvar M. (ed.).

Biblograf S.A. Barcelona, Spain, 1987.DILEC Diccionario Ideológico de la Lengua Española J. CasaresDILEV Diccionario Ideológico de la Lengua Española VOX. Biblograf S.A. Barcelona,

Spain, 1995.EEI Diccionario VOX/Harrap's Esencial Español/Inglés. Biblograf S.A. Barcelona,

Spain, 1992.EIE Diccionario VOX/Harrap's Esencial Inglés/Español. Biblograf S.A. Barcelona,

Spain, 1992.LDOCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Procter P. et al. (eds). Longman,

Harlow and London. 1987.LLOCE Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English. MacArthur T. (ed). Longman, Group

(Far East) Ltd. Hong Kong, 1992.NCT New Collins Thesaurus, Collins, London and Glasgow, 1984,NDIG Il Nuovo Dizionario Italiano Garzanti, Garzanti. Milano, 1984.OALD Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Hornby (ed.), 1980.RT Roget’s International Thesaurus (Fourth Edition), Chapman R. , Harper and Row,

New York, 1977.RTII Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Houghton Mifflin, Borston, 1980.VLI Vocabulario della Lingua Italiana, Zanichelli. Bologna.W7 Webster's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary.W7N Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary.NMW New Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary. Pocket Books.






[Abney 91] Abney S., Parsing by Chunks, In Bernick R., Abney S. and Tenny C. (eds.), Principle-Based Parsing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.

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Summary of Lexical Resources derived

A set of large complete Spanish MTDs (ready-usable Spanish lexicons) have been derivedautomatically from the own dictionaries to help some methodological steps (morphologicalLexicons, coocurrence vectors, etc.). Most of them have been derived using simple UNIX shellprogramming utilities (grep, awk, Perl, etc.).

Coocurrence Lexicons

• Word frequency list containing 96,375 different words. First number of occurrences perword in the whole dictionary are shown in next table.

# Word # Word # Word

86,667 de 21,066 y 10,982 a32,568 que 13,788 e l 9,886 las

23,634 l a 12,555 se 9,599 un 23,330 en 12,376 los 9,101 una 21,320 o 12,045 del 8,845 para

• Bigram frequency list containing 10,291 different word pairs (number of occurrences biggerthan 10). First bigrams of the list are shown in next table.

# Bigram # Bigram # Bigram

9,483 de la 4,168 Acción de 1,997 Relativo a8,799 que se 3,916 en la 1,885 en que5,213 de un 3,903 de las 1,855 a los5,065 de los 3,827 en el 1,623 Persona que5,017 de una 3,810 una cosa 1,574 a una4,686 a la 3,133 Efecto de 1,555 Que tiene

• Trigram frequency lexicon containing 4,021 different word triples (number of occurrencesbigger than 10). First trigrams of the lexicon are shown in next table.

# Trigram # Trigram # Trigram

1,237 Relativo a la 527 tiene por oficio 392 una persona o 941 en que se 480 que se hace 366 formación de palabras 845 de una cosa 478 que sirve para 360 Persona que tiene 807 con que se 428 la formación de 358 por medio de 578 que tiene por 421 a una persona 346 persona o cosa 550 en forma de 407 en la formación 335 de una persona



• A lexicon of 300,062 weighted coocurrences among 40,193 word form pairs derived fromthe whole dictionary. Two words are coocurrent if they appear in the same definition (wordorder in definitions are not taken into account). From left to right, association ratio, pair ofwords and number of times that they appear together in the whole dictionary.

AR Coocurrence Words # AR Coocurrence Words #

24.6658 entra formación 1,041 23.8042 elemento significado 77724.3899 prefijal significado 652 23.6770 formación prefijal 71324.1675 entra significado 810 23.6357 palabras significado 82124.0024 elemento prefijal 718 23.4981 entra palabras 93523.9983 entra prefijal 714 23.4491 elemento entra 85923.8511 formación significado 810 23.3636 palabras prefijal 713

• A lexicon of 192,858 weighted coocurrences among 30,765 word form pairs derived fromnoun definitions. Two words are coocurrent if they appear in the same definition (word orderin definitions are not taken into account). From left to right, association ratio, pair of wordsand number of times that they appear together in the whole dictionary.

AR Coocurrence Words # AR Coocurrence Words #

20.4493 pez teleósteo 226 19.3889 marino pez 22220.3232 marino teleósteo 179 19.2538 dialecto hablado 6620.2021 atómico químico 107 19.2043 perciforme teleósteo 9620.1176 atómico símbolo 106 19.1756 atómico elemento 10819.7993 químico símbolo 119 19.1748 dado golpe 22119.4051 flores hojas 542 18.8308 hablada lengua 154

Part of Speech Lexicons

• Part of speech lexicon with 103,541 words derived from the monolingual dictionary. First10 words of the lexicon are shown in next table.

Word POS Word POS

a prep. ababa f .aaronita adj.-com. ababillarse prnl.aaronita adj.-s. ababo m.aarónico adj. ababuy m.aba m. ababábite m.

• Part of speech lexicon with 18,947 words derived from Spanish/English bilingualdictionary. First 10 words of the lexicon are shown in next table.

Word POS Word POS

abacería f abajo interjabad m abalanzarse pabadesa f abalorio mabadía f abandonado adjabajo adv abandonar p



Translation Lexicons

• Harmonized bilingual dictionaries. For instance, 28,129 correct connections among 15,848English nouns and 14, 879 Spanish nouns merging both sides of the bilingual dictionary. First15 noun pair translations are shown in next table.

English Spanish English Spanish

abacus ábaco abbess abadesaabandonment reducción abbey abadíaabatement reducción abbot abadabattoir matadero abbreviation abreviaciónabbacy abadía abbreviation abreviatura

• A version of the Spanish WordNet (disambiguated at a synset level) containing 15,535connections (7,383 polysemous) among 10,786 synsets and 9,986 Spanish nouns with a finalaccuracy of 86,4%. Next table shows 20 SEA-FOOD Spanish synsets. From left to right, synsetEnglish words ans Spanish words.

04995433 bream sea_bream besugo04996322 grouper mero04996879 carp carpa04997880 tuna tuna_fish tunny atún bonito04998328 mackerel caballa04998878 octopus pulpo04998930 escargot snail caracol05000192 mussel mejillón05000578 eel anguila05000943 herring arenque05001396 kipper kippered_herring arenque_ahumado05003833 crawdad crawfish crayfish ecrevisse langosta05003969 cod codfish bacalao05004387 haddock eglefino05005170 flounder plaice turbot platija rodaballo solla05005730 hake merluza05007529 pilchard sardine sardina05007622 prawn shrimp gamba langostino05007938 trout trucha05008724 salmon salmón



Semantic Lexicons

• Synonymy lexicon. 16,333 synonym sets of nouns. For instance, 6 slang ways to say dinero(money) in Spanish, guita, parné, pasta, pela, peseta, tela.

• Word taxonomies. That is, not disambiguated word tangled hierarchies. 104,900connections among 59,755 nouns.

Headword Relation Genus Headword Relation Genus

ábaco IS-A cuadro ábaco IS-A artesaábaco IS-A tabla ábaco IS-A tableroábaco IS-A instrumento ábrego IS-A vientoábaco IS-A nomograma ábrigo IS-A ábregoábaco IS-A superior ábsida IS-A ábside

• Salient word form lists for every WordNet lexicographer (semantic) file. 23,418connections among 13,347 word forms and 25 coarce grained semantic tags. From left to right,word, lexicographic file (or semantic file, SF) and association ratio.

Word SF AR Word SF AR Word SF AR

ábaco artifact 3.0479 áfrica animal 0.4964 álcali artifact 0.4069ácido substance 3.7318 águila animal 2.9449 álcali substance 2.5761ácidos substance 2.1465 águila possesion 2.4035 álgebra cognition 1.3678ácrata person 1.7196 álamo plant 1.4148 ámbar substance 2.4899áfrica animal 4.9555 álamos artifact 0.9810 ámbito attribute 2.0921

For instance, selecting those salient words of file 12 (feeling) a list of 263 Spanish words(ordered by association ratio) can be obtained. First 15 of the words are shown in next table.

Word AR Word AR Word AR

deseo 6.8361 aversión 5.5894 propensión 4.6007disgusto 6.3325 enojo 5.2438 temor 4.5347desazón 6.2215 vehemente 4.9974 alegría 4.5347repugnancia 5.7918 apetito 4.9071 odio 4.4182asco 5.7522 nostalgia 4.7575 espanto 4.4182

• Lexicons of semantically tagged dictionary senses. For instance, following the Yarowskyapproach, 86,759 DGILE noun senses (93% of total nouns in DGILE) semantically tagged withone of 25 noun semantic files of WordNet were generated. First 10 senses of file 13 (FOOD)ordered by sum association ratio of word definitions are shown in next table.

AR Sense AR Sense AR Sense

21.6136 galleta_1_2 19.4969 pasta_1_5 18.8116 dulce_1_520.8583 chocolate_1_2 19.3087 rollo_1_5 18.6844 buñuelo_1_120.5877 jarabe_1_1 19.1253 sangría_1_9 18.6737 limonada_1_119.7152 churro_1_2 18.9603 pastel_1_1 18.5768 pasta_1_319.5872 bizcocho_1_2 18.9446 galacina_1_1 18.4373 hipocrás_1_1



• Complete Word-sense disambiguated taxonomy. Following a pure descriptivemethodology, we derived (see Section 5.2.1) a noun taxonomy that contains 111,624 dictionarysenses and has only 832 dictionary senses which are tops of the taxonomy (these topdictionary senses have no hypernyms), and 89,458 leaves (which have no hyponyms). That is,21,334 definitions are placed between the top nodes and the leaves. The average number ofdirect hyponyms per node is 5.01. Next table shows the ten noun genus senses wih moredescendants in DGILE.

# Sense # Sense

14,042 ejecución_1_1 6,891 calidad_1_113,648 entidad_1_1 4,294 animal_1_210,500 resultado_1_1 2,366 línea_1_510,148 persona_1_1 2,349 preciso_1_16,909 efecto_1_2 2,012 efecto_1_1

• Partial word-sense disambigauted taxonomies. Following a mixed methodology,different sizes of taxonomies can be produced depending on the degree of accuracy and filterswe apply. For instance, with accuracy near 100% (with filter LABEL2+F2+F3>9) on genusterms selected we produce a noun taxonomy of 35,099 definitions. If we reduce the level ofaccuracy to 96% (with filter LABEL2+F2+F3>4), we obtain a taxonomy structure of 40,754senses. For instance, selecting filter LABEL2+F2+F3>9 next table shows the ten noun genussenses wih more descendants in FOOD DGILE classification.

# Sense # Sense

80 zumo_1_1 30 leche_1_378 manjar_1_1 26 grano_1_176 bebida_1_4 26 carne_1_435 plato_1_2 23 comida_1_231 pan_1_1 22 pasta_1_2

For instance, the taxonomy for wines in FOOD DGILE classification:

zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 ablución_1_5zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 aguapié_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 ahumado_1_4zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 albariño_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 alicante_1_3zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 aloque_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 alpiste_1_3zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 amontillado_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 amoroso_1_5zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 dolaje_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 falerno_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 fino_1_9zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 fondillón_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 garnacha_2_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 jerez_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 jerte_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 jumilla_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 lágrima_1_8zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 malvasía_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 mollate_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 montilla_1_1



zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 morapio_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 moriles_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 mostagán_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 mosto_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 málaga_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 navalcarnero_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 navarra_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 oloroso_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 oporto_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 pajarete_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 pajarilla_1_3zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 peleón_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 penedés_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 perojiménez_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 peñafiel_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 priorato_2_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 purrela_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 quianti_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 raya_1_8zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 requena_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 reserva_1_12zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 ribeiro_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 rioja_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 roete_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 rosado_1_3zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 rueda_2_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 sherry_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 tarragona_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 tintilla_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 tintorro_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 toro_3_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 tostadillo_1_2zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 transfer_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 trinque_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 turco_1_5zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 utiel_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 valdepeñas_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 verdea_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 vinaza_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 vinazo_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 vinillo_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 yecla_1_1zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 zumaque_1_4zumo_1_1 vino_1_1 zupia_1_2



• A lexicon containing 29,205 DGILE noun senses (31% of total nouns in DGILE) semanticallytagged with one of 25 noun semantic files of WordNet obtained from appliying our method toenrich monolingual dictionary definitions using bilingual dictionaries, a lexical knowledgebase (as WordNet) and the notion of Conceptual Distance. First 5 DGILE senses of tag 12(FEELING) are shown in next table. From left to right, WordNet1.5 synset number, tag file,dgile sense identifier and genus term.

Sense Genus Term WN1.5 Synset Conceptual Distance

malicia_1_1 maldad 04827166 0.0417ojeriza_1_1 odio 04827166 0.0417rencor_1_1 resentimiento 04825953 0.0417angustia_1_2 temor 04812397 0.0500apego_1_2 cariño 04823348 0.0500

Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge from MRDs - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the acquisition of lexical knowledge? ›

Acquisition of lexical knowledge is a crucial component of building natural language process-ing applications. The requirements for lexical knowledge differ across different applications. Some of them require only a small amount of information.

What is the meaning of lexical knowledge? ›

As the name suggests, lexical knowledge is comprised of knowledge about words and vocabularies of a given language. It is one of the things measured when verbal intelligence is assessed.

What are the four types of lexical meaning? ›

In this chapter, we discuss four main models of lexical meaning: relational, symbolic, conceptual and distributional.

What is the main idea of the lexical approach? ›

The basic principle of the lexical approach, then, is: "Language is grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar" (Lewis 1993). In other words, lexis is central in creating meaning, grammar plays a subservient managerial role.

What are lexical examples? ›

In lexicography, a lexical item is a single word, a part of a word, or a chain of words (catena) that forms the basic elements of a language's lexicon (≈ vocabulary). Examples are cat, traffic light, take care of, by the way, and it's raining cats and dogs.

What is an example of a lexical skill? ›

One example of lexical learning is a child learning the word "dog." The child may first be introduced to the word by their parents, who use the word repeatedly in conversation. The child may also see a picture of a dog, which helps them to associate the word with the object.

What is the difference between a word and lexical? ›

According to the free dictionary, lexical is “the meaning of a word in relation to the physical world or to abstract concepts, without reference to any sentence in which the word may occur”. It means that the lexical meaning of a word is a referring expression (that which refers to some object, concept, or idea).

What is the lexical approach to language acquisition? ›

The lexical approach is a way of analysing and teaching language based on the idea that it is made up of lexical units rather than grammatical structures. The units are words, chunks formed by collocations, and fixed phrases.

What is lexical development in language acquisition? ›

Language Acquisition

Lexical development can be divided into three periods. The first period covers the acquisition of the initial 50 words or so, during which children are learning what words do. At this stage, some words appear to be tied to particular contexts and serve primarily social or pragmatic purposes.

What is the acquisition of vocabulary knowledge? ›

Vocabulary acquisition refers to the process of learning and acquiring unfamiliar words and their meanings, either through direct instruction or through exposure to language in different contexts.

How do you acquire language knowledge? ›

Language acquisition is an intuitive and subconscious process, similar to that of children when they develop their mother tongue. Acquiring a language happens naturally, it does not require conscious effort or formal instruction; it is something incidental and often unconscious.


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