What Should I Major In? How to Pick Your College Major (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Whether you're not sure which major is right for you, or you're having trouble narrowing your options, there are a number of questions you can ask to get closer to an answer that feels right for you.

What Should I Major In? How to Pick Your College Major (1)

Declaring a college major is an exciting moment along your learning journey. Sometimes, however, the choice can feel overwhelming given the number of subjects available to study. While it might be tempting to take a quiz that promises an easy answer, this is a decision that requires more reflection.

In this article, we'll go over a framework for thinking about the best college major for you, ways to build on your major, and what to do if you still can't decide. But first, let's review your options when it comes to selecting a college major.

College majors

College majors range by area, such as the arts & humanities, and by career focus, such as computer science or marketing. We've compiled majors across fields and career paths. Take a moment to review the ones that sound most interesting to you.

  • Business majors

  • Science majors

  • Social science majors

  • Humanities majors

  • Liberal arts majors

  • Medical majors

  • Data science major

  • Computer science major

  • Marketing major

The most popular college majors continue to be business, health, and social sciences. Their popularity has much to do with the high median salary you may be able to earn after graduation as well as the number of openings available in each area. You may find that basing your decision on one of the more popular majors leads to more job openings and higher earnings.

Choosing a college major: 5 questions to ask

While it's becoming increasingly common to choose a major based on the career options you'll have after graduation, that's only one factor. Many students pursue their passion, develop their interests, or follow their values, knowing that they're developing useful skills to help them pursue a range of opportunities. Use the questions below to begin narrowing your options.

1. What have you enjoyed about your work experiences?

Your experiences—paid or otherwise—can reveal a good deal. Think about the past work you’ve completed: This could include internships, volunteering, and part-time or full-time roles. Which responsibilities felt energizing and which felt boring?

Understanding what you liked about certain kinds of work (and what you didn't) can guide you toward a major that builds on the experiences that give you energy.

2. What are your values?

What you care about—and why—can be a strong indicator when deciding upon a major. Perhaps you want to find a job that pays well after graduation. Perhaps you’re concerned about a pressing issue, like climate change, and want to contribute to addressing it in some way.

Think about your values and list them in order of priority. Doing so can help you spotlight potential college majors.For example, if you're interested in the issue of climate change, then perhaps you want to explore environmental majors like environmental science or environmental engineering.

3. What are your interests?

Make a list of any of the following: your favorite subjects, passions, hobbies, and activities. See if a general theme pops up. Identifying your passion doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll turn it into a career, but if you can dig deeper and figure out what you enjoy about it, you can begin honing in on majors that might allow you to develop those skills or characteristics.

For example, if you enjoy being artistic then you may want to pursue a major in studio art or graphic design. Or if you enjoy playing chess, then you may want to explore majors that emphasize logic, such as philosophy or computer science.

4. What’s your “big picture?”

Imagining your future can help you trace the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve that dream. Think about where you’d like to be working and, as much as possible, what you’d like to be doing. Do you want to earn a lot or is a meaningful career more important? Do you want to live in a big city among the large industries or find something off the beaten track?

Understanding what you want your life to look like—as tricky as that can be to imagine sometimes—can be a useful exercise. Fast forwarding five or ten years can reveal a lot.

5. What are your degree goals?

There are many reasons to pursue a bachelor’s degree. As we mentioned earlier, it doesn’t always come down to career. List your reasons for pursuing a college degree in the first place.

These can include career prospects and preparation, quality of education, and on-campus experience, but they can also be more personal, like self-exploration, or more social, like building a community or alumni connections.

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4 other factors to consider when choosing a college major

The questions above can help you better understand yourself and what majors might be the best fit for you. But there are other career- and education-related factors to take into account.

1. High-demand jobs

High-demand jobs translate to more opportunities. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, physical therapist jobs are expected to grow by 21 percent in the next ten years compared to 9 percent for political scientist jobs [1] [2].

That’s not to say you should choose a major solely on career outcome potentials, but it’s a good idea to get a clear picture of what you’d like your future to entail. Going back to political science as an example, if you choose that major, you’ll at least know there may be more competition for fewer jobs.

Learn more: 20 Highest-Paying Bachelor's Degree Jobs

2. Career longevity

Industries come and go, so choosing a major that will lead to work in a lasting field can be important, especially as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning continue to automate many jobs and displace workers.

Thinking about career longevity goes beyond thinking about specific industries. Studies have shown that the social skills—or interpersonal skills—students develop may be key to a long career. Unlike routine-heavy jobs that are becoming easier to automate, jobs that require social skills (or working with others) will likely have more longevity [3].

College majors that emphasize social skills:

3. High-paying majors

Knowing which majors pay the most for a bachelor’s degree can refine your options.According to Payscale’s College Salary Report, majors in accounting, engineering, and computer science tend to pay well [4].

But don’t discount a liberal arts education, which emphasizes transferable skills you can use to explore numerous career opportunities. While graduates tend to earn less for entry-level roles, they can make up for that differential over time if they move into higher-level roles [5].

4. Future education goals

If you know you’d like to pursue a graduate degree after earning your bachelor’s, it’s a good idea to choose a major that will help set you on the best path. Students interested in law school, for example, often major in English or communications to gain a solid foundation in reading and writing. Similarly, many students interested in medical school major in biology or another natural science subject.

Learn more: Is a Bachelor's Degree Worth It?

What if your interests don’t fit into one major?

There may be times when what you like and what you want to achieve out of your education won't fit neatly into one pre-designed major. In that case, you have some options.

Choose a complementary minor.

A college minor is an excellent way to supplement your major with a focused, but less intensive, secondary course of study. Minors do not have to be related to your major, but it can be helpful to choose a minor that complements your major and adds to your overall knowledge about a broader subject area.

For example, you can major in economics and minor in business administration, or you can major in environmental sciences and minor in plant biology.

Consider a double major.

If you’re truly torn between two majors and can’t decide which to choose, a double major may be a good choice, though you should speak with an academic advisor to understand the amount of time and work involved. Double majors typically have to complete more required coursework and may need to get departmental approval.

Look into flexible major options.

A small but growing number of universities have either done away with majors altogether or now offer programs that allow students to build their own major, creating niched courses of study.

Investigate whether the institution you’re considering offers an open curriculum or supplements traditional classroom learning with more experiential opportunities, like internships.

Still undecided on a college major?

In a bachelor's degree program, you often have two years to take a range of classes before declaring your major. That means you have two years to explore different topics and figure out where you'd like to focus the second half of your undergraduate education.

Take electives.

Your first two years of study will likely be dedicated to completing an array of required foundational courses before you begin taking classes dedicated to your major. Use that time to take an elective or two and explore your options.

Talk to a counselor.

College and universities provide counselors to make sure you're on track by taking required courses and working toward your major. They can also be excellent sounding boards if you're undecided and need additional guidance to find the best major for you.

Complete an internship.

Many students wait until their junior or senior year to begin an internship in their chosen field, but you can get started early. Find opportunities during the summer breaks to see if you enjoy the work and would like to further explore a related major.

Opt for a general studies major.

If you still aren’t sure where to focus your efforts, a general studies major can be a good option. You’ll benefit from a multidisciplinary curriculum that draws on the humanities, arts, and sciences, all of which provides you with a balanced education.

Next steps

Earn your bachelor's degree from a renowned university on Coursera. Many are designed with majors and specializations in in-demand areas, like computer science, marketing, or general business. You can learn at your own place without having to relocate.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The timeline differs by institution. Some universities require students to declare a major as soon as they begin attending, while others require it by the end of a student’s second year. Review your institution’s requirements to learn more.‎

Yes. In fact, roughly 33 percent of bachelor’s students end up changing their major at least once. While it’s a common practice, changing your major can add more time to finishing your degree. Make sure to speak with a college advisor. ‎

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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

What Should I Major In? How to Pick Your College Major (2024)


What Should I Major In? How to Pick Your College Major? ›

Research jobs that align with your passions and explore relevant courses. Consider your postgraduation aspirations and select a major that supports those goals. Seek guidance from advisors and connect with peers who have navigated the same decision. Your major serves as a roadmap, guiding you toward success.

How do I choose my major for college? ›

12 tips for selecting a college major
  1. Self-reflect. Start by getting to know yourself. ...
  2. Research majors. ...
  3. Set goals. ...
  4. Meet with professors. ...
  5. Look into job prospects. ...
  6. Talk with family and friends. ...
  7. Take career assessments. ...
  8. Review your major requirements.
Oct 29, 2023

How do I choose a major if I am undecided? ›

Undecided? Here are four steps to choosing a major
  1. Get to know yourself. To start, it is important to take some time to think about your strengths, interests, and values. ...
  2. Narrow down your options. ...
  3. Consider the different career opportunities. ...
  4. Try before you declare.
Mar 3, 2022

How to choose a college major when you're stuck? ›

Research jobs that align with your passions and explore relevant courses. Consider your postgraduation aspirations and select a major that supports those goals. Seek guidance from advisors and connect with peers who have navigated the same decision. Your major serves as a roadmap, guiding you toward success.

What is the best major to choose? ›

Best College Majors to Pursue in 2024
  1. Computer Science. Median salary: $136,620. ...
  2. Healthcare Administration. Median salary: $104,830. ...
  3. Business Administration. Median salary: $76,000. ...
  4. Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Median salary: $77,520. ...
  5. Economics. ...
  6. Management. ...
  7. Management Information Systems. ...
  8. Accounting.

How do I choose a major if I have no idea? ›

Choosing your major can be difficult, but it's not the end of the world if you don't know what you want to do after graduation. Take classes that sound interesting, find an internship or part-time job, and talk to professors to get a better idea of what you would like to do in the future and what you should major in.

What not to do when choosing a major? ›

Here are some common errors students make and tips for success.
  1. Picking a major too early. ...
  2. Picking a major before considering all the choices. ...
  3. Picking a major before taking at least two advanced courses in the field. ...
  4. Picking a major in something that is a struggle. ...
  5. Picking a major in something not liked.

How do I know my major isn't for me? ›

Learning and working in the actual work environment of your desired career path is the best way to know whether it truly is the career you want. If you try working in your field and can tell that you won't want to be doing it for the remainder of your working life, then it is definitely worth the change.

What should I major in if I don't know what to major in? ›

9 college majors for students unsure of their future career
  • Business Administration. Do you think you want to work in the field of business one day, but aren't sure about what you want to specialize in? ...
  • Information Technology. ...
  • Literature & Languages. ...
  • Sociology. ...
  • Communications. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • Economics. ...
  • Biology.
Sep 27, 2021

What's the easiest major to get into college? ›

Check out the easiest college majors below:
  • Anthropology.
  • Business Administration.
  • Communications.
  • Creative Writing.
  • Criminal Justice.
  • Education.
  • English.
  • Health Sciences.

What degree is most in demand? ›

Most In-Demand Degrees
  • Health Science. ...
  • Information Technology. ...
  • Engineering. ...
  • Business Administration. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • Human Resources. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Psychology. From therapy to counseling to working in schools and hospitals, those who get a degree in Psychology open the door to many possibilities.
Dec 14, 2023

What major is actually worth it? ›

A recent study published in the American Educational Research Journal found that engineering and computer science majors provide the highest returns in lifetime earnings, followed by business, health, and math and science majors.

What majors are most happy? ›

What is the happiest major? According to a 2022 ZipRecruiter survey, people were happiest with their college major if they had majored in computer and information sciences, criminology, engineering, nursing, health, business administration, finance, or psychology.

Do you choose your major when applying to college? ›

Depending on the school, some college applications will ask you to list a major. Not all schools require this; some will ask you to apply to a specific undergraduate college—such as the arts and humanities, sciences, engineering, or business—within the university instead.

What year of college do you choose your major? ›

When do I declare a major? Typically in your sophom*ore or junior year, but the answer varies across schools and programs. Some colleges ask you to list your expected major on your college application (although "undecided" is usually an option), but don't require you to declare definitively until later.

Do you choose your major after being accepted? ›

Absolutely, it's possible to switch majors after being admitted into a college. Most colleges have a process in place to make it easy for students to change their major, particularly in their freshman or sophom*ore year, as it's not uncommon for students to change their minds.

Does it matter what I major in college? ›

So if you're questioning whether or not your major will really matter in the long run, the answer is probably not as much as you think. What employers really care about is whether or not you have the skills and experience to do the job.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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