Artie Phelan
A number of inappropriate photos and videos were posted to popular TikTok star El Galvancillo's Instagram stories, which has led to speculation that his account was hacked. While Galvancillo is super active on social media, netizens were shocked to see the adult pictures on his account.
El Galvancillo’s reaction to the allegedly hacked account was also recorded during a TikTok live session when a follower told him and his girlfriend about the pictures being posted through his account. The pair quickly hopped onto the phone to check what was wrong with the account.
After seeing the leaked content, Galvancillo was shocked and quickly turned off the live session.
Fans were quick to notice the leak, and the word spread on social media, where tons of users asked the Puerto Rican influencer to take down his stories. The influencer was successful in deleting all the inappropriate content from his stories.
El Galvancillo, a social media sensation known for his skills in lip-syncing, modeling, and music, has gained a massive following on TikTok and Instagram.
He comes from a mixed background of Puerto Rican and Mexican ancestry but was raised in the United States. With over 1.2 million Instagram followers and almost 770,000 TikTok followers, Galvancillo has become a rising star in the world of online influencers.
El Galvancillo addresses his account getting hacked
As the influencer’s account got hacked, Galvancillo quickly checked his account and was quick to delete the images and videos. However, by then, a lot of people had already viewed his stories.
Later, El Galvancillo also posted a story addressing the leak. He said:
“On the night of April 5, 2023, the account of Lorenzo Galvan Ochoa, known as "Galvancillo" was hacked. Various intimate, very personal things are circulating in the account with the intention of tarnishing their image and reputation. We are working to find the whereabouts of those responsible.”At the same time, the influencer also claimed that the deed had been done in “poor taste.” Furthermore, he also claimed that his team is trying to recover the “Galvancillo” account. He asked his fans for some privacy until the “dilemma is resolved.”
El Galvancillo was born in April 1999 and is currently 24 years old. Being a popular music artist, TikToker and YouTuber, he is known to share singing, dancing, and lip-syncing videos on the platform. Furthermore, his lifestyle channel on YouTube is also quite popular amongst social media users.
He is Mexican, but was born and raised in the USA. The popular social media influencer has two brothers and started off early on social media while he was in high school.
He often posts videos with his girlfriend, Gia, and the two are seen together hosting live sessions with their TikTok audience.
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