Best Coding Careers of 2023: The 22 Most In-Demand Programmer Jobs (2024)

The demand for coding jobs is growing and so is the need for tech companies to fill their ranks with skilled tech workers. In addition, many coding jobs became fully remote during the pandemic and stayed that way after. As a result, programming professionals now enjoy greater freedom to choose where to live and work, on top of salaries well above the national average, making this an even more desirable career choice.

If you are considering a career in coding, you may be wondering: What types of coding careers are there? Below is a guide to the best programming jobs and the best entry-level coding jobs. These coding careers can be pursued by anyone, even someone without a degree. We will also discuss coding bootcamps and how they can help you start your career in coding.

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By continuing you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and you consent to receive offers and opportunities from Career Karma by telephone, text message, and email.

Key Takeaways

  • Coding jobs are in high demand, offering lucrative opportunities for skilled tech workers.
  • Entry-level coding jobs, like junior web developer and junior data analyst, offer excellent starting points for beginners.
  • Soft skills and communication are valuable assets in any coding career.
  • Coding bootcamps can help land entry-level coding jobs and may come with job guarantees.
  • Coding careers in 2023 promise growth, competitive salaries, and remote work opportunities.

What Does a Coder Do?

A coder’s job is to use one or more programming languages to build the structure of an application, website, or software program. Coders often work with a variety of languages to create new programs. In addition, coding jobs may also require professionals to debug existing code or improve existing systems using updated coding methods.

17 High-Paying Coding Jobs for Programming Professionals

Job TitleAverage Salary*Programming Languages
Cloud Solutions Architect$131,640Java, Python, C#
Machine Learning Engineer$114,967Python, R, Java, C++
Product Manager$104,307Ruby, C#, Python, Java
Cyber Security Engineer$101,121C, C++, Python, PHP, SQL
Data Scientist$99,266Python, JavaScript, R, C++, SQL
Backend Developer$90,567Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, C#, Perl, C++
Game Developer$86,435C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python
Systems Engineer$86,209C, C++, Java
Full Stack Web Developer$82,965Python, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Front End Developer$81,885JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Mobile Applications Developer$81,115Python, C#, C++, PHP, JavaScript, Kotlin
Software Quality Assurance Engineer$78,756Python, C#, Java, C++
Database Administrator
PHP, SQL, C#, Python, R
UI/UX Designer$77,547Python, Ruby, JavaScript
Software Developer$76,963C++, Java, Python, Scala
Business Intelligence Analyst$72,948Python, R, SQL
Systems Analyst$69,648Python, Java, SQL

*salary information gathered from PayScale

For each coding career, you don’t have to learn every programming language listed, but being familiar with them can be very beneficial. Some positions, such as UI/UX designer and product manager, don’t require you to learn to code. However, if you want a high-paying tech job, you may want to learn to code, even if it is just the basics. This knowledge will open up many career paths. Below we have outlined different coding career salaries and their respective job descriptions.

Cloud Solutions Architect

  • Average salary: $131,640
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: Java, Python, C#

As the title of this coding career suggests, cloud solutions architects are tasked with creating and implementing cloud computing solutions. These professionals design a cloud computing strategy that will help a company reach its goals and protect its interests.

In order to do this job properly, you will need to get a strong grasp of several programming languages. In addition, the role of a cloud solutions architect is one that requires experience within the tech industry. As such, it is one of the highest-paying coding jobs available.

Machine Learning Engineer

  • Average salary: $114,967
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree preferred
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: Python, R, Java, C++

Machine learning engineers work on designing, coding, and improving artificial intelligence algorithms. This is one of the highest-paid programming jobs because it is a highly technical and specialized position. Machine learning engineers mostly work as part of a larger data science team.

Product Manager

  • Average Salary: $104,307
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or technology product management bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Product Manager: Ruby, C#, Python, Java

Product managers in the tech industry don’t need to learn to code. However, product managers with knowledge of common programming languages tend to be more successful. Learning some simple aspects of programming makes it easier to manage and oversee the development of tech-based products.

In addition, the need for these professionals to have some knowledge of programming is increasing as technology becomes a more prominent part of product development.

Cyber Security Engineer

  • Average salary: $101,121
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree
  • Programming Languages for Cyber Security Engineer: C, C++, Python, PHP, SQL

Cyber security engineers monitor systems and identify any vulnerabilities or threats that could lead to harm. Cyber security engineers not only need coding skills, but they do need a keen eye for detail and to stay up to date on the latest in security threats. As companies develop digital presences, the need for cyber security engineers increases, making it one of the most in-demand coding jobs today.

Data Scientist

  • Average salary: $99,266
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or data science bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Data Scientist: Python, JavaScript, R, C++, SQL

Data scientists are some of the most in-demand professionals when it comes to programming jobs. Many companies have to constantly analyze large amounts of data, and data scientists play a big role in that analysis through their programming skills, which is why this profession has become one of the highest-paying coding jobs.

Data scientists use a combination of programming knowledge, statistics, analytics, and math skills to help organizations solve important problems. It’s a programming career for people who love analyzing information and using it to come up with unique and effective solutions. You don’t need a degree to become a data scientist because there are some great data science bootcamps available.

Backend Developer

  • Average salary: $90,567
  • Common Education Requirements: Associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Backend Developer: Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, C#, Perl, C++

Backend web developers create and maintain software that runs on the server of a website. They make sure the application, database, and server are all in working order. Their job determines what happens when someone interacts with a web page.

Backend developers are responsible for how data is collected and stored when someone enters it on a web page. They also determine what happens when someone clicks or interacts with certain elements on the site. Professionals who work on backend development are not directly involved in creating visual elements on a web page.

Game Developer

  • Average salary: $86,435
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or game development bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Game Developer: C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python

The game development industry is growing at an incredible pace. Game developers work on games for the latest consoles and create interactive apps. This coding career encompasses multiple responsibilities and requires knowledge of many programming languages.

Their jobs are made easier by game engines like Unity, which provide assistance with programming efforts during the design of the game. Some game developers go on to work for large companies, while others use their programming knowledge to create their own dream games. Game programmers are paid handsomely for their efforts, and with an average salary of nearly $90,000 a year, this is one of the best-paid careers in coding.

Systems Engineer

  • Average salary: $86,209
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree
  • Programming Languages for Systems Engineer: C, C++, Java

Systems engineers are tech professionals who apply engineering and management principles to improve systems in a business. These professionals make sure that all aspects of the system work properly and find ways to improve productivity.

Similar to systems analysts, this position doesn’t inherently require knowledge of programming. However, it is important to have some computer programming knowledge, especially when it comes to the engineering aspects of the role.

Full Stack Web Developer

  • Average salary: $82,965
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or web development bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Full Stack Web Developer: Python, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Full stack development is a great career as a programmer because it builds well-rounded professionals. This position combines the responsibilities of both front end and backend web developers. Because the scope of this position is so wide, it isn’t uncommon for full stack developers to take on leadership or management roles and oversee large projects.

Full stack developers boast programming skills in front end and backend languages, and they generally command a higher salary. Today, many companies are seeking out these types of developers because of their skill sets. It isn’t uncommon for a full stack developer to work on front end tasks one day and backend tasks for a different project the next.

Front End Developer

  • Average salary: $81,885
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Front End Developer: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Front end web developers work on the interactive elements of a web page. From the visuals to the technology, front end developers oversee every front-facing aspect of a site. This job requires strong attention to detail to make sure that the website functions well on multiple platforms. These professionals also ensure that people can easily spot certain elements, interact with them, and get the results they want.

Mobile Applications Developer

  • Average salary: $81,115
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Mobile Applications Developer: Python, C#, C++, PHP, JavaScript, Kotlin

Mobile app developers use their knowledge of common programming languages to create apps for iOS or Android mobile devices. Mobile app development has grown significantly as an industry, and the need for app developers has continued to rise. It is not only one of the most in-demand programming jobs, but it’s also a great position for coding beginners.

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

  • Average salary: $78,756
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: Python, C#, Java, C++

A software quality assurance engineer oversees the entire software development process. In this coding career, professionals test and improve both the software itself and the process of development. Furthermore, software quality assurance engineers also make sure that the code is up to standard, that deadlines are met, and that the client’s needs are being met.

Database Administrator

  • Average salary: $77,835
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or data science bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: PHP, SQL, C#, Python, R

A database administrator’s main task is to manage databases. These professionals organize, maintain, optimize, and ensure the security of databases. They also need to create new database systems and archive sets of data.

Since this role often requires the creation of custom databases, it is a job that relies heavily on programming skills. A mastery of common database languages, such as SQL and Python, and strong organizational skills are important for success in this coding job.

User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) Designer

  • Average salary: $77,547
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or UX/UI design bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for UI/UX Designer: Python, Ruby, JavaScript

UI/UX designers make sure products are designed to maximize customer satisfaction. Their goal is to make the user experience as enjoyable as possible. These professionals are in charge of deciding the color, shape, size, and placement of the visual elements within an app or site.

In some instances, UI/UX designers may be required to know how to program. Knowing the common programming languages used in the field helps these professionals give valuable feedback and aid in product development.

Best Coding Careers of 2023: The 22 Most In-Demand Programmer Jobs (1)

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Software Developer

  • Average salary: $76,963
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Software Developer: C++, Java, Python, Scala

Software development is another popular choice among people seeking a career as a programmer. Software developers analyze what users need and create software based on their conclusions. Development is an extensive process that requires working with multiple teams. Software developers continue to tinker with a product after it has launched by providing upgrades, fixing bugs, and making improvements to the overall user experience.

Business Intelligence Analyst

  • Average salary: $72,948
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or data analytics bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: Python, R, SQL

A business intelligence analyst plays a key role in a business’s decision-making and overall success. These analysts gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses gain insights. Though programming skills are not a set requirement for many business intelligence analyst positions, it is beneficial to have some because they can help you when compiling and organizing data.

Systems Analyst

  • Average salary: $69,648
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or software development bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Systems Analyst: Python, Java, SQL

Systems analysts monitor computer systems to diagnose any problems. They solve the problems and advise on how to improve the system. Systems analysis doesn’t require knowledge of coding. However, being fluent in one or more programming languages does help and may even give you access to a mid- or high-level position.

The 5 Best Entry-Level Programming Jobs to Kickstart Your Career in Coding

Job TitleAverage Salary*Education Requirements
Computer Programmer$69,347Associate Degree in Computer Science, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, or coding bootcamp certificate
Junior Mobile Developer$68,784Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or coding bootcamp certificate
Junior Data Analyst$54,852Bachelor’s Degree in Data Analytics or Data Science or data analytics bootcamp certificate
Web Designer$54,220High school diploma and portfolio, Bachelor’s Degree in Web Design, or web design bootcamp certificate
Junior Web Developer$53,803High school diploma and experience, Bachelor’s Degree in Web Development, or web development bootcamp certificate

Computer Programmer

  • Average Salary: $69,347
  • Common Education Requirements: Associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Computer Programmer: Python, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, Ruby, C

Computer programmers code software for computer systems. They write, test, debug, and improve the code until the launch of the system or product. They work on teams of software engineers and software developers to code what the engineers and developers have designed into something a computer can understand and perform.

Computer programmers need to be fluent in multiple programming languages. However, to get computer programmer jobs at the entry level, starting off with a solid grasp of just one language, such as Python, can allow you to launch your coding career.

Junior Mobile Developer

  • Average Salary: $68,784
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or coding bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Junior Mobile Developer: Java, Kotlin, PHP, C#, Python

Junior mobile developers work under senior developers to code software and mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. In this entry-level programming job, you may focus on coding applications for either iOS or Android operating systems.Junior mobile developers are typically under the supervision of a senior colleague, making this a great coding job for beginners.

Junior Data Analyst

  • Average Salary: $54,852
  • Common Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or data analytics bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Junior Data Analyst: Python, R, SQL, Java

This is a great coding career for beginners. However, it is also a very technical position that involves using computer programming and math to protect and organize an organization’s data. Junior data analysts work with data scientists and senior analysts to organize data into information that stakeholders and upper management can use to make informed business decisions.

Web Designer

  • Average Salary: $54,220
  • Common Education Requirements: High school diploma with portfolio, bachelor’s degree, or web design bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Web Designer: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP

Web designers don’t necessarily need to know how to code, but it can be a very helpful skill for creating and designing websites and web pages. They have to create the visuals and layout of a website, as well as decide on aesthetic elements like color palette and typography.Web designers can accomplish stunning designs using only HTML and CSS, making this job a great career for coding beginners.

Junior Web Developer

  • Average Salary: $53,803
  • Common Education Requirements: High school diploma with experience, bachelor’s degree, or web development bootcamp certificate
  • Programming Languages for Junior Web Developer: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, React

Junior web developers work alongside senior developers and web designers to create the technical aspects of a web page or website. They might help build a new website or just maintain an existing site or page. As such, it is one of the best beginner coding jobs.

Junior web developers also test and update websites to ensure that there are no bugs preventing the site from loading all its elements. Even though this is an entry-level coding position, you still need strong skills in programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

How to Get a Coding Job

Best Coding Careers of 2023: The 22 Most In-Demand Programmer Jobs (2)

One of the biggest benefits of learning how to code is that many coding jobs don’t require a degree. Many of the positions listed in this article are accessible as long as you have the right technical and soft skills.

There are many ways to acquire that knowledge, such as enrolling in online coding classes and developing your own projects. One of the most popular ways to get a job in coding is through a top coding bootcamp. Learn more tips about how to get a coding job and how much you can earn below.

What Skills Do Coders Need?

Coding requires a wide variety of skills. Perhaps the most obvious skill that coders need is being able to code in at least one programming language. In addition, being detail-oriented and analytical are also essential skills needed for programming. Below, we go over these and other key skills for coding careers:

  • Programming languages proficiency: Strong command over programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript is essential in coding careers as it allows professionals to write, modify, and optimize code for various applications and software.
  • Problem-solving and logical thinking: Coding jobs demand adept problem-solving skills and logical thinking to analyze complex issues, devise efficient algorithms, and find creative solutions to challenges during software development.
  • Attention to detail: Precise attention to detail is crucial in coding careers as even a small error in code can lead to significant issues in the functionality of a program or website.
  • Continuous learning: Coding professionals must embrace continuous learning as technology evolves rapidly in the tech industry, requiring them to stay updated with the latest programming languages, frameworks, and industry trends.
  • Collaboration and communication: Effective collaboration and communication skills are vital in coding jobs, as programmers often work in teams and need to convey ideas, discuss solutions, and coordinate efforts to achieve project goals successfully.

What Are the Education Requirements?

Common education requirements for coding jobs include having either a degree, bootcamp certificate, or some form of certification. However, more often than not, you can present yourself as a strong candidate for a variety of coding careers as long as you demonstrate the necessary technical skills. With this, self-taught professionals can also land great coding jobs.

How Much Does Coding Pay?

The amount that coding pays greatly ranges from position to position. However, it is safe to say that since coding jobs are part of the tech industry, the majority of careers in coding are paid quite well. From the jobs mentioned in this article, the lowest salary is that of a junior web developer at nearly $54,000. Meanwhile, a professional working as a cloud solutions architect can earn over $130,000 per year on average.

Can a Coding Bootcamp Get Me an Entry-Level Coding Job?

Coding bootcamps can help you get an entry-level programming job. There are programs for all types of rewarding careers, such as coding bootcamps for web design, software engineering, user interface design, and cyber security engineering. These bootcamp programs give you training from the moment you start until you’re ready for a coding job in your chosen industry.

Bootcamps even help you with your job search. Most bootcamps provide a career coach to guide you through the program. These individuals help you write your resume, prepare for job interviews, and launch your career in coding. Further, some bootcamp programs also come with a job guarantee.

Is Coding a Good Career?

Coding is a good career for many reasons. In terms of job growth, the tech industry is one of the best and the need for coders is still on the rise. Plus, coding jobs offer a high average salary compared to other industries. Coding careers also often provide the freedom of working from home. Because coding only requires a computer and an Internet connection, there are many remote coding jobs out there.

Learning to code can be intimidating, but anyone can do it. Countless people have taught themselves to code and thousands more have succeeded as a result of a training program, such as a coding bootcamp. If you’re considering a career in coding, the first step is to give coding a try. There are many opportunities out there waiting for you.

Coding Jobs FAQ

What is a coding job?

A coding job refers to a profession where individuals use programming languages to build, maintain, and improve software applications, websites, and other digital systems. Coding jobs are an integral part of the tech industry, and professionals in this field play a crucial role in shaping the digital landscape. Coding careers encompass a wide range of roles, from software engineering and data science to web development and mobile app development.

How do I become a coder?

There are several different ways to become a coder. You can start a career in coding by obtaining a formal degree, graduating from a coding bootcamp, or teaching yourself technical skills using online resources that allow you to learn to code for free.

Does coding require math?

Coding does require some math, but not as much as many people think. You don’t need much math to work as a programmer. Unless you’re working in a position that requires analysis or statistics, you can keep the math to a minimum.

Are there careers in tech that don’t require coding?

Yes, there are many careers in tech that don’t require coding. Some of these non-coding careers include working as a product manager, business analyst, user experience designer, or technical writer. Though coding knowledge may still be useful for each of these positions, it is not compulsory for any of them.

Best Coding Careers of 2023: The 22 Most In-Demand Programmer Jobs (2024)


Are programmers still in demand in 2023? ›

In its list of the 100 best jobs in 2023, US News placed the role of software developer at the very top of its list. The list was compiled based on how rewarding a job is, the potential for growth, and salary expectations. It's clear that the coding job market remains healthy despite layoffs in the tech industry.

What is the most in demand programming language in 2023? ›

Additionally, DevJobsScanner, which analyzed over 12 million job requirements, identified that JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Java, C++, and Ruby are the most in demand.

What type of programmers are most in demand? ›

  • Cloud Architect.
  • Data Science Professional.
  • Enterprise Architect.
  • DevOps Engineer.
  • Full Stack Developer.
  • Database Developer.
  • Systems Administrator.
  • The takeaway.
Mar 29, 2024

Is coding still worth learning in 2023? ›

Absolutely! In 2023, learning coding remains incredibly valuable, and starting with Python is an excellent choice.

Will programmers be replaced by AI in 10 years? ›

Unlikely. Nowadays, AI acts as a support system for programmers, enhancing their capabilities and efficiency. This collaborative model suggests not a replacement but an evolution of their roles.

What type of coding jobs pay the most? ›

15 highest paying software jobs
  • Mobile developer. ...
  • Software engineer. ...
  • Software architect. ...
  • Software engineering manager. ...
  • Site reliability engineer. ...
  • Enterprise architect. ...
  • Data scientist. ...
  • Chief technology officer.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the most profitable type of coding? ›

What is the highest paying coding language? The highest paying coding language is Zig, with an average salary of $103,611 USD. This data is from the latest Stack Overflow Survey (2023).

Which coding language is most in demand? ›

JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high demand. Most startups use Python-based backend frameworks such as Django (Python), Flask (Python), and NodeJS (JavaScript). These languages are also considered to be the best programming languages to learn for beginners.

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Let's check the top highest paying jobs in technology for 2024.
  • Big Data Engineer. ...
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions Architect. ...
  • Data Scientist. ...
  • Cyber Security Engineer. ...
  • IT Systems Security Manager. ...
  • Applications Architect. ...
  • Data Architect. ...
  • Site Reliability Engineer.
Jun 20, 2024

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Which Programming Languages Offer the Best Career Opportunities in India?
Programming LanguageAverage Annual Salary in India
1 more row
Oct 12, 2023

Is it pointless to learn coding in 2024? ›

Yes. It is indeed possible for someone to learn coding and become a software engineer in 2024. The real question is whether or not it's possible for you, or another specific person, to learn coding and become a software engineer.

Is programming oversaturated in 2023? ›

Despite reports claiming there's a severe tech shortage, the truth is there's also an oversaturated market for tech workers, especially for lower-skilled positions roles such as web development and entry-level. Reddit users have already been saying that certain areas of software development are overcrowded.

Is programming still in demand in 2024? ›

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The demand for innovative software solutions will only continue to grow. While low-level developer tasks will be increasingly automated, there will still be a demand for developers who understand coding to guide the AI systems and ensuring that they do what we want them to do.

Will AI replace programmers 2023? ›

AI can help us do things better, faster, and more efficiently, but it cannot replace human creativity, intuition, and problem-solving skills. To maximize the benefits of AI, we need to work together with AI, not against it. We need to use AI to augment our skills and abilities, not to replace them.

Is it hard to find a job as a software engineer in 2023? ›

Overall, there is a significant difference between 2022 and 2023 once we get to the offer stage. It is 10x harder to get an offer comparing 2022 to 2023. Also, there is only a 21% chance to get an offer in 2023 after making it through an onsite interview compared to 100% in 2022.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.